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3 years and hit the wall. Adivse needed.

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Hey guys. I need your advice. It seems like I got stuck and can't make any progress.

I have been practicing Aneros with Mindgasm for over 3 years now. I have cool sessions with very interesting sensations but can't progress any further. A couple of years ago, I experienced my first and last P-wave, which led to a panic attack (caused by trauma). I sorted out my anxiety with a therapist, but since then I haven't been able to experience sensations outside of my pelvic area.

Sessions are great but nothing like this P-wave. Can you give me advise on how to overcome this wall?

During my sessions I always use pornographic materials. Session can last from an hour to two hours. I can get involuntary contractions but no sensations comes with them. I'm thinking of trying session with low dose of THC (legal in my place)

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You can try using a sedative in capsules. But the main thing that you should feel is the feeling that arises when you use it. To generate it later without drugs.

Also, sometimes I would practice sessions without arenas and drugs. This will teach you to capture the slightest sensations and direct your attention to different organs. Porn is good, but before the session itself, in no case during the session.

I had a super O one time, and I achieved it completely by accident, at first thinking that it was an anal orgasm, but according to the description, they suggested that it was a super O. I had it already in the morning after a night session without aneros. And yes, I didn't ejaculate specifically for a week, but there were sessions. You need to get a new experience for the body. If you want to advance, no ejaculations this time.

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If you experienced panic attacks / mental health challenges, then I would not recommend using THC as this could trigger more of the same.  It's been over 4 years since my very first experience with THC and I more-or-less managed to get my mind to how it was before, but you might not have months or years to get yourself sorted out if things turn weird... Of course that first experience was followed by many (too many) more, but it's quite a deep rabbit hole you could be getting into.

My last "tests" with super-low doses were more manageable but I will still burn out over time even using 50-80mg dry flower with a 25% THC concentration. It just happens over a longer period of time, and it's quicker to recover from that than with higher doses but in the end I would not say it's worth it if you have some hints that you might have an addictive personality. 

Do you have any experience with THC ? 

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I'll say what I've always said about THC (even while using it); suppose THC is the secret to unlocking your orgasms, would you ever have a reason to stop using it? What started as an experiment for me, turned into several years of use. Yes, it worked amazingly well for my orgasms, but it sucked the rest of the time. I'm probably one of the last people on earth who should be smoking weed, by every other measure, but I couldn't quit the sexual gratification, and when I did, it sucked balls and I ended up in a worse place in my journey than where I started. I'm not smoking weed anymore, but I'm now cursed with the knowledge of how easy it could be again. So be careful what you wish for.

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@zentai Sorry you went through this expireine, derealization on weed is no joke.I defenetly seek instant gratification more often then delayed one. Having PTSD I myself fight with dissosiation very often and know it can be challanging. Glad you overcome this issue.

> Of course that first experience was followed by many (too many) more, but it's quite a deep rabbit hole you could be getting into.

Did you have lots of bodily sensations after you expirience with aneros and weed?

> Do you have any experience with THC ?

I used to smoke a lot when I was in my teens but I quit daily smoking then and only smoked occasionally in past 10 years.




> I'll say what I've always said about THC (even while using it); suppose THC is the secret to unlocking your orgasms, would you ever have a reason to stop using it?

I think so, I see it as a tool to access new feelings or help rewire the brain. I'm not in a place where I can somke a lot

> Yes, it worked amazingly well for my orgasms, but it sucked the rest of the time.

Sorry to hear that. Combinging drugs with sexual gratifications can cause very strong addiction

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You don't have to feel sorry for me, after all no one was forcing me to do it. I already felt like it would turn into an issue after the first few weeks of THC exploration, and it was clear that it *was* an issue at the 3 months mark. But I kept going for 3 years with that "oh, just one more and I'll take a break", or "after that container is empty, I'm not buying more" or even "once I recover from that burnout cycle, I won't touch it again". Then more time was spent taking longer breaks between 30 days "cycles" and stopping and starting again. 

I agree with @clenchy that once you stop, in many ways it will be worse than before you started. And that's if it does not trigger anything wacky in you. Some people should just stay away from the stuff for their own good. It's harder to twist your mind into a pretzel shape to get the right mindset for Super-Os when your are sober, but it's way safer and in the end, more gratifying. 

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Posted by: @astronaut
Can you give me advise on how to overcome this wall?

I think there are many different walls, and it's hard to know what you're hitting, even when it's right in front of you. For me, a wall only becomes visible after I've passed through it, because I noticed something is different. But they can be so abstract and unexpected. Like something I wouldn't have guessed at in a million years.

One wall I hit was like being stuck in a waiting room, where I maintained some kind of holding pattern, waiting for some big push to send me over the edge. I believed I wouldn't climax unless forced to, by some unknown reflex outside of my control. That push would never come, so I just waited and waited. I was waiting for it, and it was waiting for me. So we sat in a stalemate until I ran out of energy. What passing that wall looked like, was realizing my orgasmic energy was already at a high enough level to become a release, and that I didn't need the permission I was waiting for. At this point it was necessary to remember what the transition to release actually feels like, and bring that to mind and become it. What it transitioned to was a release of all tension, an all-encompassing sense of satisfaction, and feeling pure relief flowing out of my limbs like water. It feels really strange to enter that relief phase of orgasm voluntarily. Walking to it, rather than being shot out of a cannon into it, like we're used to with traditional masturbation. I wasn't aware that I even could do that, let alone being supposed to. It wasn't that hard either, once I recalled enough of the feelings and hit a mental switch like "this is what I'm feeling right now, and it's allowed", the rest of it kicked in.

Now is that a weird wall or what?


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Posted by: @clenchy

Now is that a weird wall or what?

That's a part of what I mean when I talk about "twisting your mind into a pretzel". Who could guess something like that ? And then, even if someone reading this now "knows" one the many tricks, will they be able to recognize this in their own session and act on it ? Or will it feel different to them ? And what if they take a completely different path, and since they don't encounter this, or skip it, it never makes sense to them ?

Like you say, it feels quite natural and obvious when it does come together, but often just a moment before it's like alchemy and rocket science mixed together. 

-- Disclaimer : I'm neither an alchemist nor a rocket scientist. --


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Posted by: @zentai
That's a part of what I mean when I talk about "twisting your mind into a pretzel". Who could guess something like that ?

Well not me for the first 15 years of aneros use. 😂
(This was a sober experience btw, as space-pretzelly as it might have sounded)

Posted by: @zentai
And then, even if someone reading this now "knows" one the many tricks, will they be able to recognize this in their own session and act on it ?

Yeah there is that personal interpretation gap on top of everything else. Applied once on the way out, and again on the way in... I've wondered before if it's even possible to help each other with this in any real way. Anyway, I wasn't trying to drop a trick exactly, I had intended to list a few different "walls" as examples of how random some of this stuff can be, but I got too engrossed and side-tracked in writing about the first one. I think the extractable and relatable part of what I wrote could be to ask the question "Am I waiting to be pushed?", which I think has some overlap with the local aphorism "there is no edge".


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Posted by: @clenchy

(This was a sober experience btw, as space-pretzelly as it might have sounded)

All of this can be conceptualized / discovered fully sober. But for high session I don't care if I'm right or wrong and don't find much need to interpret anything. The real good insight is from sober experiences.

Posted by: @clenchy

Yeah there is that personal interpretation gap on top of everything else. Applied once on the way out, and again on the way in... I've wondered before if it's even possible to help each other with this in any real way.

It comes with teaching the pretzelling and that's when it becomes arcane and difficult to communicate. I've tough a lot about how the feelings lead to interpretation, then trying to put it into words, and then the same things happening on the receivers side, so by the time we're done a lot of the info gets lost in translation. Now imagine me having to translate from French to English and back. We don't even have separate words for "sexual arousal" and "normal excitement", like for things such as going on a vacation. So culturally, the way to the Super-Os will not even sound the same inside our heads...  Making this universal is not an easy task at all. 

Maybe "trick" was not the right choice of word, but surely it's a technique/ mindset that works when you are riding a plateau and can maintain it long enough to focus on what to do with it. 

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Posted by: @zentai

But for high session I don't care if I'm right or wrong and don't find much need to interpret anything.

Paradoxical isn't it? When I'm too blazed to even rub two brain-cells together, everything goes swimmingly. Of course the dopamine-dump of THC is a complicating factor. When stoned I can eat a slice of plain bread and it tastes like the most delicious meal I've ever eaten... what do you even do with that?

Posted by: @zentai

Making this universal is not an easy task at all. 

Yeah, I stopped posting here for a long time because it just seemed pointless. Even more so after I quit weed and everything I thought I'd learned evaporated into a big pile of nothing. Knowledge alone isn't enough. Experience, physical health, mental health, sexual hang-ups, hormones, improper expectations, dopamine, wiring, it's impossibly multifaceted, and we haven't a hope in hell of sorting it out. Still, I think there is some ineffable value to providing food-for-thought, and sharing experiences. Maybe something strikes a chord with someone at some time. I sometimes read internet posts from 10 or 15 years ago, and I realize that some day these posts will be read by some future person, maybe after we're all dead and gone. Maybe it'll be nothing but a flicker in the training data of some AI, which can connect the dots in a way that we can't. If providing these dots is all this ever amounts to, then it's still better than nothing, and has some meaning, or might at some point.

Posted by: @zentai

Maybe "trick" was not the right choice of word, but surely it's a technique/ mindset that works when you are riding a plateau and can maintain it long enough to focus on what to do with it. 

Yeah, it's highly situational, and depends on someone having that kind of road-block. I think I just wanted to get specific about it, because I sometimes get frustrated with how vague and extrapolated things can get when we're talking about this stuff. I wanted to walk through it and give it a more concrete form. Maybe by going into more detail, the reader can extract something that makes sense to them, rather than trying to condense it on my side, and losing even more in translation. ¯\(ツ)/¯ 


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Posted by: @astronaut

I can get involuntary contractions but no sensations comes with them.

This resonates with me. I theorize that there are two kinds of involuntary contraction... real and fake. Real involuntaries come with pleasure, fake ones don't. I believe fake involuntaries are an anxiety-driven attempt to exert control over proceedings and mimic the real contractions in form, but not function. Fake involutaries are safe and allowable, real involuntaries are unpredictable and represent something frightening and out of control. As an anxious person myself, I believe this is what I've been unconsciously doing for years, except in rare circumstances where I was particularly at ease. The task I would set here is to ignore these pleasureless contractions, and stop feeding them. Realize this isn't a purely mechanical problem, so mimicking the movements isn't enough. The real contractions originate from a different, more pleasurable place, and what it might take is trust or bravery to allow them in spite of yourself. If you stop focusing on whether contractions are happening or not, and just allow them to happen or not, this might be the way forward.

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Posted by: @clenchy

Of course the dopamine-dump of THC is a complicating factor. When stoned I can eat a slice of plain bread and it tastes like the most delicious meal I've ever eaten... what do you even do with that?

I think this connects to the Focus part in the Arousal-Relaxation-Focus triangle or being in the moment. Bread is delicious but I don't generally notice that unless it's a special bread, like right out of the oven, that has something to make it "extra" compared to normal bread and worthy of extra focus. I guess this comes from hyper-stimulation in general, plus if we were sitting in wonderment all day long, nothing would ever get done.  I don't think we have enough dopamine to be amazed at everything all the time. This would be exhausting. A lot of people are not amazed at anything anymore... 



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I say this on this forum a lot, but porn use during prostate sessions can totally kill the session. I used porn for every session for 10 years and never got anywhere, some autocontractions but never a definitive O of any noticeable "I'm having an O" feeling. As soon as I quit porn during sessions I got more into myself, could feel the sensations, pay attention to what was going on, and the "do nothing" approach worked like a charm and I had orgasms for sure and never stopped having them, its been 10 years straight now and its O city every session. I also used weed for almost every session, because I used it for anything involving masturbation or the like. Sex with my wife, getting high was normal. It took a little time, but shortly after quitting weed during sessions they actually were better than ever. Now my sessions are unreal, best of my life. 

I'd try to not watch porn and just do your normal session and see if there are any differences. If porn helps your cock cum, it is associated with your cock cumming, not your prostate or anus. You need to change it up and see if that helps!! 

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Thanks guys for your valuable input. I think porn might be an issue

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Posted by: @astronaut

Thanks guys for your valuable input. I think porn might be an issue

Its good you can consider it that way. I'll be the first to say that porn is a libido and boner killer, I know it is I've suffered my share of it personally. It might still be seen or used in okay ways for general masturbation. But I'm pretty sure it stifles and prevents really good sessions for prostate/anal stimulation and orgasms. Prostate orgasms are so different from penile-derived orgasms. If we "rewire" through prostate stimulation and orgasms, a lot of that rewiring comes from the prostate-penis separation. If porn makes my cock cum, could it make my prostate cum? That's what I asked myself when I learned how to have sessions without porn. I looked at what I was doing objectively and came to the realization of what was different, and what else might work. 


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Posted by: @astronaut

> Of course that first experience was followed by many (too many) more, but it's quite a deep rabbit hole you could be getting into.

Did you have lots of bodily sensations after you expirience with aneros and weed?

Sorry, I skipped over that for some reason. I'm not sure I understand the question correctly, do you mean sensation when I used THC or between sessions ? 

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> you mean sensation when I used THC or between sessions ?

I meant in between sessions.

I think my problem is my trauma, which doesn't allow me to surrender and let go and I use porn during the sessions to hide from those feelings and chasing constant stimulation.

I've developed panic attacks after my first P-wave, but I wasn't diagnosed at that time. Apparently, I had flashbacks. The strong pleasure that came with the P-wave allowed me to feel repressed stuff. I'm diagnosed with CPTSD now. I feel like a pioneer in some sense, because prostate orgasms and journey to it have been transformative for me.

Before all of this, I was looking at the yogis like they were weirdos talking about energies, blockes and things. Now, after experiencing some of it, I fully believe in this stuff. Maybe they didn't have sience and reasoning to explain all of this and they used religion but it is pretty accurate.

What buffeled me recently is when I discovered that in sitting pose in some practices you need to press on your perineum with your heel. Which stimulates the "energy" that you can pull up to your spine, combining with meidation I think it can produce full body orgasms and you can achive super-Os which they might refer as Samadhi.

For some reason I think these states that we call prostate orgasms are not simple sexual pleasure but there is something more to it.

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Sorry to hear about the CPTSD, I hope things will get better for you. 


Posted by: @astronaut

I feel like a pioneer in some sense, because prostate orgasms and journey to it have been transformative for me.

Before all of this, I was looking at the yogis like they were weirdos talking about energies, blockes and things. Now, after experiencing some of it, I fully believe in this stuff. Maybe they didn't have sience and reasoning to explain all of this and they used religion but it is pretty accurate.

What buffeled me recently is when I discovered that in sitting pose in some practices you need to press on your perineum with your heel. Which stimulates the "energy" that you can pull up to your spine, combining with meidation I think it can produce full body orgasms and you can achive super-Os which they might refer as Samadhi.

For some reason I think these states that we call prostate orgasms are not simple sexual pleasure but there is something more to it.

This matches my own observations. I've had strong emotional releases during sessions, both laughing and crying ones, and if you read some neo-Tantra books focused on sex, you'll see mention of digital prostate massage potentially doing this. There's certainly something to it. But these did not feel sexual in nature, they were more about raw emotions without any filter...

I think you're spot on about some ancient practices, they knew how to achieve altered states, but they did not have scientific explanations for them. To be fair, I don't feel science made that much progress today. We know about hormones and the nervous system, and brain waves, but a lot of explanations are not much better than what those ancient practitioners had. 

Up to a certain point, prostate orgasms are just orgasms and they're good, clean fun. It's just a fantastic hobby/activity. But there's certainly a point where they become something else and can have more profound effects. 


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