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User Theorems - The Tao of Aneros

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Guys, Theorem : An idea accepted or proposed as a demonstrable truth often as a part of a general theory.
I'm thinking we can come up with some theorems for Aneros use. So put on your philosophers cloak and add to those presented here. I've taken the liberty of simplifying/condensing/emending some proposed User Theorems from a previous thread, I wasn't as clear as I should have been in explaining this. Hopefully, we can establish some basic theorems to guide new users into their Super-O Nirvana. These theorems need to be simple statements of basic, generally accepted truths to be of universal applicability. If you look at the Aneros WIKI Milestones you will notice all the listed events probably occurred as a result of accepting one or more these practice theorems.

The Tao of Aneros - User Theorems

  • Orgasmic success is inversely proportional to one's level of expectation.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to one's level of arousal.
  • Orgasmic success can not be forced or coerced to occur.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to the level of mind/body relaxation.
  • Orgasmic success can begin anywhere along the erotic spectrum.
  • Orgasmic success is the gift of awakened body/mind energies.
  • Orgasmic success can be triggered or amplified by multiple stimuli.
  • Orgasmic success is dependent on trust in body and mind.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to internal body language receptiveness.
  • Orgasmic success is affected by all life choice practices.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to one's level of patience.
  • Orgasmic success is achieved following your own unique path.

If you can morph your expectations into intentions,
if you can morph your anxiety into patience,
if you can morph your demands into desires,
if you can morph your mind noise into a mind mantra,
then you're ready for a Super-O to morph into you.

Good Vibes to You !

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*BUMP* This may seem like some foreign language to some men but in reality it's so true. I don't know how something like this could ever go unnoticed or not even replied to.

The Tao of Aneros - User Theorems

  • Orgasmic success can not be forced or coerced to occur.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to the level of mind/body relaxation.
  • Orgasmic success is the gift of awakened body/mind energies.
  • Orgasmic success is dependent on trust in body and mind.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to internal body language receptiveness.
  • Orgasmic success is affected by all life choice practices.
  • Orgasmic success is proportional to one's level of patience.
  • Orgasmic success is achieved following your own unique path.

Throughout the next few weeks we are going to be bringing forth these statements and doing our best to emphasize the focus of the mind. We have come to realize that this information is a little lacking and there is no clear or set path partly because the mind is very complex. However, there are some tips that can be given to help those that really do struggle with this.

Notice something unique about all of these statements? Each one is controlled in and by the mind. It's that last statement we're going to bring to light more into just how in the heck you get on this path by trying to come up with some helpful suggestions.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Aneros Team

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I think what's great about The Tao of Aneros is that many of these statements can easily, easily be put into practice in almost every aspect of life. In this journey of orgasmic expansion and success, this is is a personal journey of self-fulfillment and improvement. What's more satisfying than knowing that a goal has been reached? Not only that, but this goal is one that directly impacts and improves our very own quality of life! How empowering this is to be directly capable of improving ourselves! Forget self help. This is self discovery. This is removing barriers of the mind and releasing limitations. This is finding happiness and joy. This is being free.

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I am usually not to keen on posting my views on forums, but I think this is important. Understanding more about all this "re-wiring" which helps us to re-connect with ourselves and others (as exemplified by ric's post here - ) and this Tao you proposed here, many threads are interconnecting and I would like to share this with you guys, since you seem to be exceptionally open.

I think the practice of using this helps many people to believe again (and thus experience) the power of our subconscious, or rather the power of us as (fractals of an absolute) consciousness. The consciousness researcher Tom Campbell puts forth a (scientific) theory that consciousness creates matter, not vice versa - meaning he proposes we are all creators equipped with free will (to the extent that we choose to excercise it!) rather than biological machines determined by our environment (see . ). An experiment I encourage everybody to conduct is the rice hado experiment by Masaru Emoto which shows that the mind is more powerful than we think ( - many people on youtube got the same result). I think one of the next steps is to actually train in creating worlds of our own, and I find the work of this guy and the concept of "mind dolls" very interesting ( ).

I am not looking for anybody to agree with this, but I encourage you to check it out. I think all these findings and techniques point towards the same direction - re-connecting with one-another, the end of fear and a life of amazing experiences, learning, joy and happiness. The practice of achieving mastery over our eroticism is part of a much bigger picture! 🙂

This post was modified 3 years ago by Aneros Team

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I commented on the "Tao" on a separate thread about the connection between aneros use and yoga, set up by BigGlansDC, where Rumel commented on aneros use being like "erotic meditation", which I am beginning to agree with.There, I also wondered whether an understanding of these principles made for better lovers, whether it be through aneros use, or just that it was known innately beforehand? Those who innately understand these principles, may then have had an advantage when it came to success with the aneros?

Now Rikaaim has expanded this out to the whole of life (I like his ability to see broad connections). Openguy then reinforced this. Whether you believe in "fractals of an absolute consciousness" or not, doesn't seem to particularly matter, since we don't necessarily need to understand the science behind this (yet), whilst philosophizing about the nature of these connections.

I do however agree that this is about knowledge (of one's self, or one's partners, and possibly of one's fellow human beings), and it does seem to be about connecting at all these different levels.

Could it be possible that aneros use, whilst apparently being so self serving, also provides a gateway to greater contentment for all in life? Isn't this this why many great Asian philosophies utilize mediation? Have we just re-stumbled on meditation via another route? Comments please.

This post was modified 3 years ago by Aneros Team

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Hi @Linum,

I titled my thread on the interconnection of Anersosing and Yoga, Would you consider your Aneros sessions a type of Yoga? I have noticed a few guys in previous discussions on this subject who use the Aneros when doing Yoga. Personally I do not practice Yoga, much less Yoga asanas, when I have my Aneros sessions. I focus on my Anerosing. This focus I have noticed in recent months tends to be intensely meditative and certainly pleasurable.

Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning 'union' or 'connection.' I possible English cognate would be 'yoke' or even the Latin 'conjunctio.' Good sex whether it be masturbation by and for yourself or sexual intercourse between partners is certainly physical but also a bonding experience. The Aneros has gotten me in touch with my body physically at a much deeper level than most of my experiences with masturbation throughout my long life. I cannot tell you how much I have fallen in love with the larger Aneros models, such as the Maximus and the three Progasm models I have in my collection. They are certainly my best buddies!!! They have taught me so much! 😀 😀 🙂

Otherwise what you have written above rings so true. I certainly like @Rumel's phrase "erotic meditation." 🙂


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BigGlansDC - I would agree that my aneros use has helped me discover things I had no inkling of just 2 years ago, and has reinforced the ideas that I was developing about sex and masturbation before that. I am delighted too, that the sensations I experience with the aneros, are now at least partially present in sex as well. The more I go on, the more depth and intimacy I seem to be having with other people too (non sexual friends and acquaintances) - it is like the aneros (or possibly the meditation that goes with it) has freed me from my previous inhibitions. Bizarre but true.

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On a lighter note, the Tau of Aneros: "It's all Greek to me". 😀

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or is it a Chinese puzzle? 😀 Thanks for that twlltin

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