• SR how long is too long?

    I recently ended an almost 5 week run without ejaculating. The initial urge eventually subsided and I was carried the rest of the way by some wonderfully high level constant arousal. During that time I passed another milestone, quite unintentionally I achieved a Super O…

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  • A smooth operator.

    In a recent post I asked about people’s favourite model and which one they simply couldn’t part with. I mentioned that there were a couple that I hadn’t particularly hit it off with. One of these is, or as I should say now, was my…

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  • Taken by surprise!

    Guy’s, just had to write about what happened minutes ago, still going on actually as I write this. I had planned a session for this evening but as the night wore on I felt a bit tired and disinterested so decided to give it a…

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  • The Progasm Ice

    What follows is a summary of the session that followed the one in my previous blog, they could not have been more different. Apologies if it comes across as being too descriptive, I was just trying to capture the vigorous and sensuous experience. I actually…

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  • Its not called Eupho for nothing

    I haven’t had much time to update my blog recently. But I have still been quite active and have a bit of a backlog of events I would like to share with you all. At first I wrote one big bumper edition but decided it…

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  • Am I two timing my Aneros devices?

    Well I couldn’t resist another “flirtation” as per my previous blog. Almost identical results, although not quite as much fluid produced. What I began to think about and what prompted this follow up is that an Aneros session for me tends to follow the same…

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  • A flirtation

    So, in my previous blog I reported that I was beginning to feel a few stirrings and some arousal. Last evening as I was preparing to shower I found myself become suddenly very turned on and in need of some stimulation. I did consider a…

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  • A bit of a slow recovery

    It’s been around five days since I ended my last run of SR. It seems to have taken rather longer than usual for me to recover, I tried a session a couple of nights ago with nothing to show for it. I have also experienced…

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  • When you just can’t stop.

    Still in SR I decided to have a short gentle session with my Eupho. I felt I needed something just to relax with and ease the constant arousal. Well as often happens with any Aneros session you never know what is going to happen. The…

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  • Time to move on

    No joy so far in my quest for a HFWO. I reckon I will have to be patient and move on, when the time is right I’m sure it will happen. Almost every session now though has me feeling at some point that an ejaculation…

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