• 07/09/2016

    I have been having sessions lately that are so different from the rest, different as in… i feel so much more, in fact lots more. As soon as i insert a device it seems to quickly, within seconds, put into an orgasmic state. i find…

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  • Session 18/08/16

    Did this on a whim really, was taking pics of my penis and got really turned on, had a headache to so thought it wouldnt go anywhere. Watching some aneros porn i found myself again having a really strong series of prostate orgasms and a…

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  • Session 17/08/16

    I had one session on 15/08 and then another 16/08. The first session resulted in very little feeling, however it acted in such a way to get my prostate ‘warmed up’ and was arousal building as was the slighty more successful session on 16/08. Decided…

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  • Session 04/05/16

    I have been an aneros user for many years but only had recent success. I had big issues regarding getting beyond a certain point, it seemed after a few mins things would die down, no matter what i did. Today i discovered that the issue…

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