Hi guys, Church activities yesterday Sunday combined with a fresh blast of Arctic cold mid afternoon exhausted me last night. I slept very well last night in my sweats along an Underarmour Cold gear long-sleeve shirt underneath. I woke up in the 5 o'clock hour and listened to the news on my walkman radio all the while enjoying Aless. Interacting with Aless in bed is really sweet because I can rev it up to something major, like a Super-O or even MMO's...

(The title refers to the absence of erotic hypnosis and tools "dominating" my last experiences.) Hello guys, here is my exquisite Saturday morning report. A book tip taken from @GGringo, to whom I am deeply thankful for this big gift, kept me awake deep into the last night. Dozing lazily in my bed at daybreak the book’s content was as present as my morning wood. Ignoring the clock after my short visit to the bathroom I went straight back to bed. Instead...

Hi Folks, I'm still flabbergasted by my last night experience. Writing some comment about reaching a Super-O in the forum and almost meditating about this, hard trying to feel deeply inside me just to be able to tell about the feelings leading me there I was concentrating on these feelings about perhaps 15 minutes. Then sitting there on my chair in jeans and shirt typing my comment a sudden super-o came over me out of nearly nothing, without any foreplay...

Hi folks! Sorry, but once I had recovered from the flu and were back in my daily working routine, there was nearly no more time for other activities like training my prostate, even less for working on my blog. So, let's jump back to the present and to this wonderful saturday morning I had today. Despite the awful misty autumn weather outside with fog, darkness and continuous rain, I wouldn't swap this morning for anything. It was already nine o'clock...

Last night I had the biggest Orgasm I have ever had. It left me stunned and very, very satisfied. My journey to prostate pleasure began about three months ago, and I remained sceptical for a short period after it began. In fact I remained skeptical until I could sense that something was happening and that I was progressing. First was the involuntary contractions, they were 'interesting', then came the mild pleasure moments, then the mini-O's. I always wanted the Big One...

Hi guys, @goldenboy has inspired me to work actively with my Aless this evening. I had a great session this morning with Maximus and Progasm which gave me incredible Aless throughout today. @goldenboy speaks much about nipple stimulation in his Aneros blog entries. It is a practice that a you can adopt easily when you begin working Aneros. The Aneros is a potent key which opens erotic pleasures throughout your body through prostate stimulation by an Aneros device. Nipple stimulation actually enhances...

Just over a week ago, I decided to change to the Vice that I purchased about month ago. At first, I didn't like the Vice much, the vibrations were a distraction, but because I enjoy sitting at my computer with an Aneros inserted, the Vice (without the vibrator inserted) is the perfect partner As it doesn't have those stick-up bits that can hurt. So I inserted it whilst doing my Tax on the computer, and WoW, I started having...

Last night I went to bed with my Progasm inserted (as usual), I did my exercises and pulled the device into me and relaxed. I had some wonderful mini O's and I rolled over to my left side and lightly dosed off. I woke up with the Progasm tightening inside me and an aren't penis. This has happened before so I was not surprised, but then this wave, bigger than ever before came up from my feet, moving rapidly up...

According to the Glossary on the Wiki site, ALESS means Aneros Less. or without an Aneros. Last night I went to bed and I didn't insert my favourite Progasm toy. For those who are following my progress, I have been sleeping with my Progasm inserted and last week I awoke in the middle of the night and had my first MMO experience. Well, last night I awoke at about 4am and felt the warm P waves building, I lay there enjoying the...

It's been a while since I posted my updates, Since buying my Progasm a month ago, I have hardly put the thing down. It feels amazing and my progress towards Super O were well on their way. About every week I was reaching a new Milestone - involuntary contractions, pushing the Aneros into my prostate, Involuntary movements of the Aneros the next week, deep pleasure the next week, and so on. Although last week something changed, I was using my Progasm on...

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