Face Rewired to Ass
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Face Rewired to Ass

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The most bewilderingly amazing result of my rewiring is the extent to which the muscles and nerves of my ass are now connected to my face.

Every twinge of muscle pleasure in my ass and muscles surrounding are now accompanied by a simultaneous muscle twitch of pleasure in my face. Might be the muscles in my gums I didn't know existed. Might be in my eyeball sockets. Might be my lips twitching in sync with my anal sphincter. God, I'd love to have a closeup split screen video of that.

Thing is, I've never read of this phenomena in descriptions of rewiring.


- I've missed it.

- Nobody has written about this aspect of their experience.

- I've been given an exceptional gift.

Which is it?



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Hi WillyBanger, you are not alone. I do experience the same thing. I remember reading in Mantak Chia that all our sphincters are interconnected. It is my case. I find a lot of pleasure in « massaging » my face, forehead, eyes during aless sessions. One day my sinuses were sore and clogged from a cold. I began an aless session trying to find the spot around my prostate that mapped my sinus area and found it. I could kind of massage my sinuses and somewhat get some relief. I hope to get better at that with time. Meanwhile I could not be happier with what I have learned here. By the way, I may have started using Aneros a good 7 or 8 years ago and it is only a year ago that things unblocked. 

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