To nipple play or n...
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To nipple play or not to nipple play? (Opinion)

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Please let me start by answering the question in the title. In my own opinion: No. Not until you are reasonably rewired.

Like I said, it's only my opinion and you might fully disagree (which is fine), but this is my reasoning behind it:

1. Because of the nature of the penile way of masturbating, we are so used to make conscious efforts to reach an orgasm. We have to stroke a body part (in this case the penis) to work ourselves towards an orgasm. On the other hand there are Super-Os induced by the Aneros: We have to give up all control and relax into feelings and just have to let it happen - whatever happens (even if nothing happens). Conscious efforts will be counterproductive and stroking the nipples to try to work towards a Super-O is such an effort and quite reminiscend to the way we try to reach a penile orgasm. Remember: While you can work yourself up to a penile orgasm, a prostate orgasm has to find its way to you. No efforts, just relaxation!

2. It's distracting. Even more so then porn. While I think that light porn (softporn as in masturbating women, lesbians, strip and massage videos) can be a good way to induce pleasure while staying completely relaxed and still focused to internal sensations, nipple play causes oneself to tense up a little and moving ones focus away from the prostate and towards the nipples.

3. It can mask orgasmic fire starters of your prostate, if you are only partly rewired. This is a little hard to explain. Super-Os will often begin with very subtle sensations that are growing until you reach the orgasm (hence the name "fire starters" for these faint sensations of pleasure). Now it can happen, that someone isn't fully rewired yet (as in: you can already create pleasureable sensations in your prostate but you didn't reach the stage yet, to be able to have a Super-O) but already managed to rewire and link the nipples to ones prostate. In this case stroking ones nipples will send intense jolts to the prostate but the prostate isn't able to grow them into an orgasm. After only a few minutes your prostate and nipples will desensitize and your aneros session is basically over because you aren't able to feel the (often) ultra faint fire starters anymore.

Don't get me wrong: Nipple play is a wonderful tool to induce pleasure and even Super-Os in fully rewired individuals, but It also can be quite hindering for folks, who still have to rewire. Please take this with a huge grain of salt though since this opinion is only based on personal observations. Everyone is different. But I know, that nipple play was the most hindering aspect in my rewiring journey.

I would love to hear your opinions on this matter.

Kind regards.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by DarkOrb

Bill Bately, HB, rampup and 18 people reacted
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I think you may be on to something. Nipple play can be distracting if one is trying to tune into the really subtle signals from the prostate. 

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Posted by: @darkorb

Don't get me wrong: Nipple play is a wonderful tool to induce pleasure and even Super-Os in fully rewired individuals, but It also can be quite hindering for folks, who still have to rewire.

Something to think about for sure; nipple stimulation is at the very base of all my Aneros and Aless sessions.  Just merely touching my nipples sends me to the moon and I can remain in a state of bliss for hours on end but no Super-O after 6 1/2 years  into this game. 


Thanks for your post.

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Posted by: @darkorb

nipple play causes oneself to tense up a little and moving ones focus away from the prostate and towards the nipples

I find the exact opposite true, but to each his own. It has never taken more 20 minutes of a womanizer on autopilot mode on my nipple to get everything kicking full on aless or with an Aneros device. I say make those connections. It is one of the best ways to change the idea of touching the penis for pleasure. 

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Interesting post. I agree and disagree. I don’t believe nipples block a prostate orgasm if not rewired. I do think guys can become reliant on them and if the nipples get over stimulated,then a session is dead in the water for them. But this true of porn,beats,any accessory activity.

Have to be honest,I never likened nipple diddling to having a wank.

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Lots of ideas to ponder.

At first my nipples were asleep.  Many posts suggested light diddling could wake them up.  The were right!

I use nipple play sparingly during Aneros sessions to blow on the embers of pleasure and help them grow toward SO. 

Like Gringo, still waiting for the fireworks, but even if they never happen, my sessions, A & a-less, are wonderfully blissful campfires.

My nipples grew more and more sensitive over time, 1 -3 years, used mostly a-less while reading this forum, scrolling through still photos of beautiful sexy women, reading erotica, and listening to audio  like ShibbySays, erotic ASMR... etc.  


Thanks to all who have posted to this thread, (and soo many others), adding more pleasures to my Aneros journey!

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I agree with DarkOrb that nipple play is distracting.  My nipples are sensitive when I lightly rub them with my index finger in a circular motion. My right nipple is the more sensitive of the two. My nipple gets hard and my right breast swells but that is as far as things go.  The pleasant felling stops there and goes no further.  When I'm having a great session with my prostate  and anal canal buzzing from an inserted toy, I've tried nipple stimulation to see if it enhances the sensations, but it turns into a buzz kill. Neither my nipple nor my prostate and anal canal feell any thing with any intensity. It's like the two sensations cancel out each other. Very disappointing. 

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Point 1) is also something which has troubled me. Active stimulation of the nipple does indeed seem like "forcing it" to me. However, I have found a solution to point 2), at least it seems to work for me.

If I feel that active stimulation is distracting, I either stop and enjoy the feeling of the "bell" ringing on, or I switch to "static" or "passive" stimulation, i.e. only just touching the side of a nipple with a finger but with no movement whatsoever. This way, I don't feel distracted by the attention paid to my nipple, and in fact I generally just forget about fairly quickly. I find that static stimulation, while less powerful than active stim, still amplifies considerably all sensations on that side of my body, and particularly in the prostate and around the pubis.

All in all, it's a very useful tool, and an incredible discovery of the untapped potential of your body, although it is better not to be dependent on it. With that reserve, I vote "yes" to nipple play, even before full rewiring.

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I disagree fully. 

learning to get pleasure from other zones is part of the journey, and part of opening the mind to accepting different, non-penile pleasure.

I also disagree with the notion that prostate orgasms just come to you. I think it takes effort, lots. Not the same qualitatively as penile masturbation of course, but lots of effort nonetheless.

i don’t see how it is distracting as to me it is symbiotic to prostate sensation, but I learned nipple orgasms after prostate orgasms.  It seems pretty hard to prove either way, but I have always recommended nipple play to beginners and will continue to do so.

Helghast, 76er, Ggringo and 9 people reacted
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Nipple play is a very important tool for me and has been right from the start, in my case it probably accelerated rewiring. 

Obviously, we need to be flexible in this practice, and it does not cost anything to abstain from nipple stimulation for a few sessions to see what it does. Doing the same things that is not working, over and over and over, because we are attached to a specific Super-O philosophy is probably the worst hindrance. If nipple play was slowing down progress for @darkorb, then we can be sure that it will affect other Aneros explorers in the same way. It's worth considering as a possibility for anyone struggling with their progress. 


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I usually only do nipple play when I have had a series of prostate O's and need to shift attention away from the prostate and relax. I find that it is a diversion of focus but eventually can loop back to prostate focus (at which point, I abandon my nips and enjoy a return of ramping up prostate O's).

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All I know is 14 years ago, I thought this topic and many others discussed around here were just a bunch of hocus pocus and the ideas went in one ear and out the other. Then, with all my genius in hand, it only took me a head spinning 12 years to get to the super-o experience. Sure wish I had listened more back then because I missed out on a lot of pleasure.  

I guess I don't understand the tensing up aspect of nipple play. I apply the same relaxation discipline to it as a would strictly with prostate massage and it serves me well. Just another pleasure connection to make outside of direct penile stimulation. 

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Interesting post!

I’ve been at this approaching three years. At the very beginning I had immediate nipple prostate connection. When I made circles around one or both nipples I could (and still) feel the very same circular pattern in my prostate. Without any device in, even just standing, if I stimulate one or both nipples in several seconds, I’ll literally jump from a pleasure jolt in my prostate. I have to say that the actual nipple stimulation doesn’t feel much of anything, more neutral, but it’s my prostate what feels the good sensations from nipple stimulation.

My first Super-O happened about 10 months after starting this adventure, and I got a series of over a dozen Super-Os over a period less than an hour by forcing them to happen with aggressive nipple stimulation and PC constriction.   

For the last year and a half or so I have not been able to achieve Super-Os, other than occasionally having very brief Mini-O. 

I’m now wondering if nipple stimulation during sessions has a diminishing effect? I’m tending to think that @darkorb ‘s personal assessment may apply to me as well. 


Bill Bately, Tbob, Bill Bately and 3 people reacted
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Nipple play for me started out so good, now it is a distraction, as the intial reaction has gone. For me my nipples after just a few tries, connected like nothing else I ever read here. For awhile every movement of my nipples controlled my hips, if I went up and down my hips would go up and down if I went one up one down, one side of my hips would rise, if I went in a circle my hips would roll, in the tempo of my manipulations. I didn't appreciate enough when it was happening. How ever it wasn't connected to any pleasure. When that stopped, rubbing my nips resulted in a feeling of rubbing the sides of my prostate, in the exact same cadence. That stopped , now there is nothing, feels good but not attached to my lower body at all. Go figure.    

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I don’t know guys,maybe the novelty of the early exploration caused the nipple pleasure but they weren’t ever fully connected,so the pleasure tapered off with the novelty. Any strum of my nipples will create a p-wave in the prostate. They’ve become a fully fledged member of the sex life,and bring ecstasy levels of pleasure. They’re always worked whatever we do. Foreplay,mutual masturbation. As soon as we start cow girl,she’s tweaking them,twisting them. Missionary is a different animal,tweaking twisting,them when she grips my sides to hoist herself up to lick and suck them,I feel like sparks are shooting out my ass. They aren’t a distraction for me.

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@helghast  I want to be your dink, your asshole or your nipples,  Married to your wife, when I grow up.

Fuuuuck I'm kinda turned on now, but I got stuff to do. I'm gonna start a new topic on, how many people come here to get aroused? I know I do Reallly wanna stick somumn in my ass..


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Posted by: @tbob

Fuuuuck I'm kinda turned on now, but I got stuff to do. I'm gonna start a new topic on, how many people come here to get aroused? I know I do Reallly wanna stick somumn in my ass..

That’s the best time for a session 😉

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This is a great question.

Nipple play can be distracting - a good reason to leave em alone while letting the aless or aneros session proceed with increasing intensity and range of stimulation - from my forehead through my legs, to the tips of my toes, all floating through the prostate, passing the nips along the way, as they grow erect.

After an hour or two, I approach the nips and before touching them, feel them come alive even more. The slightest touch at the tip elicits quivers of pleasure in my groin - muscles I didn't know existed, before Aneros awakening.

Circular motion, up and down in sync or in opposition, there are many motions to explore. Often, this brings the cock alive, with my tongue seeming to stroke my glans.

After an hour of nipple exstacy, I might return to abstinence, enjoying the increased awareness of prostate, face, legs, toes and ass, twitching in harmony.

It is a great adventure.

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