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A question each for those that have, and those that haven't

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Hi, I'm a married, heterosexual male in my early 50's who has been on a prostate discovery journey for the last 18 months. I have three Aneros models - the Helix Syn Trident, the Aneros Progasm Ice, and the Peridise (twin pack). I usually use the Helix for my sessions, even though I have had better results with the Progasm, as I find the latter uncomfortable after about an hour and usually have longer sessions (sometimes as long as 4 hours, but in those instances, I have typically fallen a sleep for a spell). I have managed HFWOs on a few occasions (usually when listening to audio), but I find they are no better than a traditional orgasm when I have them whilst wearing a prostate massager. 

Like many men posting here, the Super O is proving elusive. I have tried Mindgasm techniques, do nothing (literally does nothing for me!), different lube, lots of different positions etc. etc. The one thing I haven't tried, and won't be doing so, are any artificial stimulants such as cannabis. My main issue, and it has been for a while, is that I struggle not to chase the orgasm as time goes on within a session. I then struggle to end my sessions, and they can last long into the night without the reward I'm looking for, leaving me frustrated, tired and disappointed in myself, both immediately after and the following day. My questions are as follows. 

For those that have achieved a Super O - the first time it happened, can you remember how far into your session (in terms of timescale) it happened? i.e. is it worth stretching a session beyond, say, 90 mins? 

For those who haven't achieved a Super O, how do you end your sessions? Do you set a time limit (and can stick to it)? Or something else? Also, do you have any end-of-session rituals or psychological techniques that I may find helpful to leave me feeling less disappointed and frustrated? 

Sebastian Miński
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I usually end my session when I feel tired enough not to feel comfortable to continue. I have also a timer but this is precisely because mostly my private time is limited. I usually evaluate the session half of time I consider safe for me to do any clean-up of my body and place.

Regarding the techniques suitable as aftercare I practice taking a cool shower to relax muscle tension, drinking juices and water to feel refreshed on the inside, and chocolate works good for my mood, too. Occasionally I may sit to meditate for a while with music and incense. I have some playlists for every kind of mood I have. Of course, everybody is different and different activities might be helpful. I believe that the key is to do something that makes us busy and yet enjoyable. I could imaging someone doing exercises or something as simple as taking a nap.  

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Posted by: @d-h-amsterdam
My main issue, and it has been for a while, is that I struggle not to chase the orgasm as time goes on within a session.

This is a common condition and I think the only solution is to change your thought processes to think of these as therapeutic health sessions that may produce pleasurable feelings. I like to think of these sessions as erotic meditations. To go into your sessions expecting orgasms is a sure recipe for failure and frustration.

Posted by: @d-h-amsterdam
For those that have achieved a Super O - the first time it happened, can you remember how far into your session (in terms of timescale) it happened? i.e. is it worth stretching a session beyond, say, 90 mins? 


My first Super-O occurred a little over an hour into my session. Subsequent Super-O's over the years have typically happened about 45 min. into sessions. I would also like to note that I do not have frequent Super-O's, perhaps only 5% of my sessions are what I would label Super-O level orgasms, however, I have had many lower level prostate orgasms over the years. Usually my sessions last from 90-120 min. sometimes there are no orgasms but I still feel they are successful for the health benefit the massage provides in helping control my BPH symptoms.

Please see my response to @anerosamateur from a number of years ago.

Good Vibes to You!

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This is difficult to answer, because you don't know what you don't know. I'm not being facetious, but there's always a possibility that the Super-O is right around the corner at 91 minutes, and you will miss it if you stop after 90 minutes. Realistically, if nothing is happening after, say, 45 minutes to an hour, then it's a good place to make a call on whether you continue or call it a night. If you are using an erotic hypnosis file, they tend to be around that length, so at that point I would be asking myself if I want to go for what is pretty much "another round" with another induction, another build-up, etc.

If you are using an active approach with a lot of voluntary contractions, there's also a point where muscle fatigue comes into play. Then it's OK to acknowledge that you did your best and that you will simply try again another time. Same if you get bored or unfocused, or if you're starting to get less device mobility, or anything else similar. I will pretty often close the session by masturbating to ejaculation, after which I'm simply done.  

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My sessions tend to fizzle out after 60-90min usually.  That's when I notice that whatever was happening earlier isn't happening anymore, and I pull out the Aneros and usually find it pretty dry.  I'll relube everything and try to get back at it but so far haven't been able to really recapture the same level of pleasure that I found before, and that's with today's session being one of the more interesting ones, I think the toy was moving more than it has in the past.  I generally don't masturbate after sessions but today was an exception.  I'm still short of the Super-O after 6 years but I've made some notable progress just this year which is encouraging.  Sometimes I get down about it but for the most part I try to stay positive and be happy for what I have. 

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I'm exactly in the same boat you are except I've given up being frustrated about not reaching the crest so widely spoken of.  


I've been at it a little longer than you (8 years!) but along the way, I came to a crossroad and had to decide; give up entirely and call it a failure or just sit back and enjoy the pleasures I'm experiencing in my sessions.  After all, I consider all prostate play extremely pleasurable, sensations I never experienced before discovering p-play.  It's not as if I traded my penile pleasures for a chance to get super-O; my newly discovered source of pleasures are in addition to my lifelong penile fun.  I consider myself ahead of the game and way ahead of anyone and everyone who has never discovered the potential hidden pleasures available to all males.  I'd be ok if this was status-quo forever.


This allows me to just relax and play when I want to without expectations other than the knowledge that I WILL enjoy the session.  My sessions are all in the evening and I have a preset cutoff time of 11:15 to pull out the toy but I continue to enjoy aless or edging until midnight when I call it a day.


Just my two cents worth.

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So it took me 10 years of lots of use before I knew what a prostate-only O felt like. That first one I had was certainly a Super O, too, because as soon as I had it, every session after that started with smaller Os within minutes of inserting any toy. I probably had small Os years before I had my first recognizable prostate O, but that first known one was so immense and huge it made me say "this is what THAT orgasm feels like" and anything smaller was "a prostate O."

Normal session I have a Super O nearly every time, sometimes a few, and they come at different times. Sometimes in just a few minutes, sometimes at 10, sometimes after 20, maybe even later. Sometimes they hit me within minutes of each other, sometimes, if its two or three a session, they are 5-10 minutes apart. I have smaller Os in between them. But those small ones just make me "build up" like something more is going to happen, there's no "prostate/anal refractory period" like I get when I have Supers. After a Super O its like my whole PC system needs a rest, my body my mind everything is like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and then some twitches start on their own, and small Os start building up again. 

I always end any session with a Super T. It is so completely "finishing" for me to end that way, after that its like "dude I'm absolutely fucking DONE no more of this!" in feeling, intensity, and sexual fulfillment. I choose that moment to end it when my mind and body take over and I literally just start grabbing my penis and I'm like "ok, its time to do it, I have to cum right now" and blammo its a mess. I do not have HFWOs ever, only two ever in 20 years of prostate play, but I leak precum and milk my prostate damn good most every session. 

I have to ask, since you use audio files, do you watch porn while you do sessions? I always did and as soon as I quit I started having prostate Os, being with myself and no screen was liberating for me and my prostate. Turn within, look inside, and observe yourself from the outside when you do sessions. Experience your pleasure and stimulation as an outside observer, and turn that realization of what is happening back into yourself to amplify it. Sometimes giving into the great nothing can produce a big something!!

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For my first Super-O, I was on THC and it occurred about 30 minutes into my session. For my first sober Super-O, it occurred about 90 minutes into my session. Over the past month I've been able to reduce my sober "time-to-O" to about 60 minutes.

What has been working for me lately is really focusing on very, very subtle movements in my PC muscles while playing with my nipples. I try engaging my PC muscle at 0.00001%, just barely enough to elicit a twitch in the muscle. During this, I'm trying to keep my sphincter relaxed. The resulting twitch produces a "knocking" sensation, and I visualize the aneros knocking on my prostate like it's knocking on a door. I visualize the muscles in my prostate contracting in response. I imagine a pair of muscles in front of and on either side of my prostate contracting around it, squeezing out fluid.

I do this for 15-30 minutes, really focusing on making the most subtle movements possible, and keeping my sphincter as relaxed as I can the whole time. Playing with my nipples generates pleasurable sensations around my prostate and balls that kind of just hangs out there like static electricity, and the PC contractions stir it up.

Then, sort of intuitively, I very slowly start to engage my core muscles. Just doing the very beginning of a situp motion. This is usually enough for an "auto-fucking" motion to take over and I'm off to the races. If I can get that far, it's a successful session, and whatever else happens is the cherry on top. The device I use doesn't really matter, but I've been favoring the Tempo and the Maximus, lately. The Tempo is a little harder to orgasm with but easier to start with.

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@sebastian-minski Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Nearly all my sessions are at night before sleeping, but I like the idea of meditation, juice, chocolate and music after a session 😀

Sebastian Miński
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@d-h-amsterdam You're welcome! Good luck with your sessions!

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@rumel Thank you. Erotic meditation is a good re-frame. I don't go into any session expecting to achieve orgasms, but the thought train develops as time ticks by. Appreciate the links and the detail on the timings of your sessions. Very helpful.

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@zentai Most of the time, I've resisted finishing with masturbation due to the 'don't touch your penis' and 'semen retention helps' advice. Now I'm thinking it doesn't seem to have helped (the refraining), so I may as well finish on a high and bring the proceedings to a definite close (as opposed to now, where it's more like 'just another 10 minutes..."Ooo, was that another flutter? I'll try for a bit longer... actually, I didn't try that position... maybe I need more lube..." 

Thanks for taking the time to respond and share your thoughts and experiences. Much appreciated.

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@faith-manages Yeah, the first 60-90 minutes are generally the most 'productive' for me. I think I just need to be more disciplined. Best of luck on your own continuing journey, glad you've managed some progress of late, and like your positive mindset.

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@ggringo eight years - wow. That's a great way of thinking about it and approaching things and well done on sticking to your cut-off points. I need to find that level of discipline. I enjoy my sessions, but it's like the devil on my shoulder is constantly nagging me when I should be stopping as it's getting late. 'Don't give up now; it could be the night! If you stop now, the Super-O definitely isn't going to happen, is it?' Thanks for responding and sharing.

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Posted by: @techpump

So it took me 10 years of lots of use before I knew what a prostate-only O felt like. That first one I had was certainly a Super O, too, because as soon as I had it, every session after that started with smaller Os within minutes of inserting any toy. I probably had small Os years before I had my first recognizable prostate O, but that first known one was so immense and huge it made me say "this is what THAT orgasm feels like" and anything smaller was "a prostate O."

Normal session I have a Super O nearly every time, sometimes a few, and they come at different times. Sometimes in just a few minutes, sometimes at 10, sometimes after 20, maybe even later. Sometimes they hit me within minutes of each other, sometimes, if its two or three a session, they are 5-10 minutes apart. I have smaller Os in between them. But those small ones just make me "build up" like something more is going to happen, there's no "prostate/anal refractory period" like I get when I have Supers. After a Super O its like my whole PC system needs a rest, my body my mind everything is like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and then some twitches start on their own, and small Os start building up again. 

I always end any session with a Super T. It is so completely "finishing" for me to end that way, after that its like "dude I'm absolutely fucking DONE no more of this!" in feeling, intensity, and sexual fulfillment. I choose that moment to end it when my mind and body take over and I literally just start grabbing my penis and I'm like "ok, its time to do it, I have to cum right now" and blammo its a mess. I do not have HFWOs ever, only two ever in 20 years of prostate play, but I leak precum and milk my prostate damn good most every session. 

I have to ask, since you use audio files, do you watch porn while you do sessions? I always did and as soon as I quit I started having prostate Os, being with myself and no screen was liberating for me and my prostate. Turn within, look inside, and observe yourself from the outside when you do sessions. Experience your pleasure and stimulation as an outside observer, and turn that realization of what is happening back into yourself to amplify it. Sometimes giving into the great nothing can produce a big something!!

10 years - crikey! I'm practically a virgin! I'm always curious about that first one - was there anything you did differently? Was it far into your session when it happened?

It's interesting that people are finishing with Super-T's. I thought this wasn't the done thing, but your reasoning makes complete sense. 

I never use porn in sessions (and rarely in general) and audio files just now and again. I do imagine myself in erotic scenarios, and getting that balance between arousal and awareness is something I'm probably falling down on. Tricky. 

Thanks for sharing your detailed thoughts and experiences. 


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@diddlemethis, Interesting thoughts on the visualisations that you use. Thanks for sharing that. Very different to what I've tried previously so will try and replicate this in my next few sessions. Congratulations on your continued success!

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Posted by: @d-h-amsterdam

Posted by: @techpump


10 years - crikey! I'm practically a virgin! I'm always curious about that first one - was there anything you did differently? Was it far into your session when it happened?

It's interesting that people are finishing with Super-T's. I thought this wasn't the done thing, but your reasoning makes complete sense. 

I never use porn in sessions (and rarely in general) and audio files just now and again. I do imagine myself in erotic scenarios, and getting that balance between arousal and awareness is something I'm probably falling down on. Tricky. 

Thanks for sharing your detailed thoughts and experiences. 



The first one, the Super O that started it all off, occurred on Day 11 of a 15-day cum break by me, I think it was day 11 it might've been day 8, but it was over a week that's what I remember. I just wanted to do some prostate massage and relieve some pressure. I started with the MGX the old original one and then I think another Aneros, but what did it was a subtle g-spot glass wand that no one makes anymore (I got it like 20 years ago) and my wife used it on me and while she was hitting my prostate, I could feel the madding urge for her to push the toy past it, like I needed the angled glass end to push across the gland. I grabbed the toy from her and pushed it into me deep and it triggered a massive eruptive dry orgasm that rocked my body; felt like the room and her and i were teleported to a 5 second rave disco party, and then I calmed down and said "I just had a super O!" and then she used the wand on me more and gave me many more smaller dry Os. 

It was a total of about 10 or so minutes of play. I wasn't edging during my cum break, although she gave me head a few times randomly to tease me across the 8-11 days. 

I didn't use porn. I did all my prostate play with porn on. I thought the culmination orgasm would be the anal stim would make me hard, and I'd have a HFWO, but that's not the way it worked for me at all. When porn was off, I focused on just me and my pleasure, no one or nothing else. 

Super T endings are the best thing in the world! The culmination and finality of it is so satisfying. Its just the best way possible for me to end a session. Nothing makes me cum more fully or completely. Its a total emptying, draining feeling, like that maximum ejaculation orgasmic power washes through me and leaves me with nothing left except to be done, clean up, and go about my day or night. Its ultimate. It also makes me really feel just how powerful Aneros toys are when they are forced to move when anal contractions happen during a standard ejaculation/orgasm.

I'd start weening off the audio, and even fantasies. Just focus on you and your pleasure, be an outside observer as you lie there, make yourself feel only the pleasure and sensations and focus inward on them. Talk to yourself and describe what you feel, say it internally. Breath and focus on the breath. When you fantasize about women or sex or anything, that's completely different from a toy in your ass that is making you cum on the inside, isn't it?!!? I found that normal sex, in any format of media, was completely 180 degrees different from prostate stimulation, I couldn't even find it on video to relate to it, know what I mean? all the porn or pictures or whatever is more penis-oriented than prostate-oriented. Even when I thought of my wife and sex with her, the hottest whatever we've done, it made me horny for my cock and traditional cumming, and it made some contractions happen and the toy moved, but it didn't get me there. It wasn't until I was completely out of my old setting and in a new one that prostate Os happened. I mean as soon as I changed everything I was having Os within seconds of first insert of any toy. Os of many strengths and durations, they hit me in different parts of my body, some milk my prostate others make my legs slam together, some make my dick hard, some make me lie there and be still. What I spent sometimes 2 hours trying for I found could happen in 20 seconds when setting and mindset changed. Just go about it slowly if you need, but give it a try, you might find a way to break through by doing less and focusing on yourself much more 🙂


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Posted by: @d-h-amsterdam

Hi, I'm a married, heterosexual male in my early 50's who has been on a prostate discovery journey for the last 18 months. I have three Aneros models - the Helix Syn Trident, the Aneros Progasm Ice, and the Peridise (twin pack). I usually use the Helix for my sessions, even though I have had better results with the Progasm, as I find the latter uncomfortable after about an hour and usually have longer sessions (sometimes as long as 4 hours, but in those instances, I have typically fallen a sleep for a spell). I have managed HFWOs on a few occasions (usually when listening to audio), but I find they are no better than a traditional orgasm when I have them whilst wearing a prostate massager. 

Like many men posting here, the Super O is proving elusive. I have tried Mindgasm techniques, do nothing (literally does nothing for me!), different lube, lots of different positions etc. etc. The one thing I haven't tried, and won't be doing so, are any artificial stimulants such as cannabis. My main issue, and it has been for a while, is that I struggle not to chase the orgasm as time goes on within a session. I then struggle to end my sessions, and they can last long into the night without the reward I'm looking for, leaving me frustrated, tired and disappointed in myself, both immediately after and the following day. My questions are as follows. 

For those that have achieved a Super O - the first time it happened, can you remember how far into your session (in terms of timescale) it happened? i.e. is it worth stretching a session beyond, say, 90 mins? 

For those who haven't achieved a Super O, how do you end your sessions? Do you set a time limit (and can stick to it)? Or something else? Also, do you have any end-of-session rituals or psychological techniques that I may find helpful to leave me feeling less disappointed and frustrated? 

For the first time yesterday, I witnessed whole-body orgasms. My penis struck my partner at a certain spot that made him have wave after wave of Super O. I could tell each time they were coming on because he would begin to moan, and then the body shaking began. He would whimper or cry out and say, “Oh my God,” then he’d relax with a sigh. Within seconds, it started up again. They varied in length, but I could prolong them by aiming my penis downward on his prostate. When the body contractions became extreme, I let up to allow him to recover. He needed to take a break for about 10 minutes, and then we started again. It was the most exciting thing I’d ever experienced. As for me, I remain unable to induce a Super O!


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Start meditation outside of sessions to build your patience so you are able not to chase the pleasure. 

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My first super O was happening within 60 secs of putting a helix in. But like many stories here it started with a tingling sensation in the pelvic region, same kind of feeling when you get a boner in the AM and you just need thrust against something. Ever since then, I know I am going to have a good session when I get the same kind of feeling. Luckily I know when an O is about to come on and I try to edge, unsuccessfully most of the time. 

My best advice and what I say anytime someone is struggling. Don't go in with expectations of results, go in with wanting to just have fun no matter the results. I have done it with porn and with out. I am of the opinion if you can ignore the sensations of an erection it definitely helps. Also try different positions and if you have the cash try different toys. Of late I have been more found of manual toys over hand free for Super Os and then hands free for a Super T. I am usually done with with my prostate session after 20 mins from physical exhaustion and switch to a Super T due to the fact I have only milked my prostate once by accident and I have read that if you don't ejaculate after a prostate session this can lead to medical issues.

@techpump Is this what your partner used? Glass Dildo I have the metal njoy pure wand and been thinking of getting a glass version


This post was modified 8 months ago by poptrek

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Posted by: @poptrek

My first super O was happening within 60 secs of putting a helix in. But like many stories here it started with a tingling sensation in the pelvic region, same kind of feeling when you get a boner in the AM and you just need thrust against something. Ever since then, I know I am going to have a good session when I get the same kind of feeling. Luckily I know when an O is about to come on and I try to edge, unsuccessfully most of the time. 

My best advice and what I say anytime someone is struggling. Don't go in with expectations of results, go in with wanting to just have fun no matter the results. I have done it with porn and with out. I am of the opinion if you can ignore the sensations of an erection it definitely helps. Also try different positions and if you have the cash try different toys. Of late I have been more found of manual toys over hand free for Super Os and then hands free for a Super T. I am usually done with with my prostate session after 20 mins from physical exhaustion and switch to a Super T due to the fact I have only milked my prostate once by accident and I have read that if you don't ejaculate after a prostate session this can lead to medical issues.

@techpump Is this what your partner used? Glass Dildo I have the metal njoy pure wand and been thinking of getting a glass version


Not exactly that glass wand, but close. The one we have is a straight perfectly round glass "rod" and the end turns up slightly as a g-spot stimulation point. It is not a bulb or larger than the shaft of the toy, its the shaft except for a slight upward bend. It is completely amazing and I wish it was still sold!! I spent a few days hunting the internet a year ago to help someone on a different forum who wanted the glass wand I use and there is nothing like it. Maybe, maybe Adam and Eve sold it. Honestly I think my wife and I bought it at a sex shop over 20 years ago. When I wash it I hold it like its the Holy Grail, if it ever broke I'd just die!! 


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It's been a few years since I last visited the forum.

For me there are times when my body is receptive and times when it isn't.

If a session is going nowhere after 90 minutes there's usually no chance of it developing after that.

I was lucky in that my first super O was after only 8 weeks of use back in 2011, but I was also lucky in encountering user Chuckjo2000 who mentored me through those first weeks.

The important factors are:

  • Your body being receptive. This can change due to many factors. This can also vary by time of day.
  • Sufficient lubrication.
  • Minimizing distractions.
  • The correct tool.
    • The prostate is further in for some guys than it is for others. Also, size isn't everything: the Progasm provides very firm pressure whereas many may respond better to a light tickle from one of the smaller models.
  • The right position.
    • This one's tricky and very personal. I started out with an "on my back with knees bent and feet flat on bed" position which worked well with tail-less models (before the Trident models came out some of us used to remove part of the tail from the devices to stop them dragging on the bed sheets).
  • The right mental state. "No expectations" is one phrase often used.
  • The right technique.
    • For some the held contraction technique works, but I could never get the muscles to start fluttering.
    • I started with the "do nothing" approach, then found what it actually entails. It depends on tiny movements that your body makes on its own: peristalsis, breathing, fidgeting, etc. You can help it by doing belly breathing (rather than chest breathing) and either doing tiny contractions or even by very gently "bearing down" on the device.
  • Patience. Lots of patience.

I've been using Aneros on and off for nearly thirteen years now. Sometimes I have very long periods where nothing happens at all and I think I've lost the ability.

What I have noticed is that often there is a "calm before the storm" when sensations gradually seem to disappear and it would be tempting to think that everything has gone wrong. Often waiting another thirty seconds is rewarded with a tingle and the O ramping up.

I've experienced everything from a mild buzz to something so intense that I thought I was going to pass out. No two experiences are ever exactly the same.

The best of luck to all of you.

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