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How often do you think this happens?

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Just kind of a silly question for discussion.  I'm wondering how many people have purchased an aneros (most likely from the High Island site) for health reasons, without knowing anything about the erotic side of prostate stimulation and were completely shocked by the pleasure they eventually recieved.  Did this happen to you, or ever heard of it?

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That's kind of how Aneros as a sex toy company and offshoot of HIH actually got started!  As far as these days, I have no idea myself, but I do read new posters saying something to that effect once in a while, maybe once or twice in the last few years. 

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It may be a happy accident for us all and varying degrees of shocking.  That’s because I don’t know that much can prepare us for what we can come to find from this practice.   The only thing I can think of is those who recall multiples decade(s) before, when they were at an age younger than they could shoot, have some inkling.

It would be cool to hear of someone who stumbled into this and was gobsmacked.

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I am always inclined to look for natural solutions for health issues. I was surfing the internet concerning BPH because I was experiencing some of the symptoms.I swerved into HIH in 09 and started reading some of the reviews.I had known there was a sexual connection to the prostate but not to the extent that some of the men were speaking of.They were talking about orgasms that lasted for minutes instead of seconds only to look down and see that they had not ejaculated. I remember one guy with the handle "Grandtiger."My first super O came with the MGX.I was about a month into it when it happened.I felt the same level of excitement I experienced at age 13 with my first orgasm by masturbation.I had the feeling of a giant feather brushing every square inch of my body.It gave me a new perspective on being "fearfully and wonderfully made".

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Without repeating Evergreen’s story mine was almost identical down to the timeline. The only difference is I was essentially prescribed and encouraged by my doctor who has been a great partner in finding holistic solutions to medical concerns. Have successfully enjoyed this approach for over 20 years.

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Posted by: @evergreen

It gave me a new perspective on being "fearfully and wonderfully made".


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