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Pole Climbing Super-O

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When was in elementary school, I discovered that I could have super intense full body orgasms while climbing the pole on the playground.
I mastered the technique and broke it down to a science. I'd climb very slowly as not to attract attention. Once I reached the top, I'd hold the pole and make the climbing motion with my legs. If I couldn't orgasm at first, I'd slide down and wait a minute or two then try again.
When I could feel it coming on, I'd hold the pole again and very slowly pull my knees up, grip the pole, then push my legs down. Then I'd feel a huge buildup, and I'd pull my legs up to a sweet spot and hold them when I'd feel the thumping contractions start. What would happen next is beyond explanation. It was like a massive headrush and my whole body would seize, clinging to the pole. The orgasmic contractions were extremely hard and long sustaining. I'd do it almost every lunch break, sometimes multiple times or until I was too tired to climb anymore.
As I grew older, I was thought how to masturbate, and the ease of being able to orgasm anywhere took over. But ever since, I've known that the intensity of what I experienced climbing that pole was much higher. I've been chasing that feeling for years with the Aneros. And I feel like I've come very close a few times.
I can hands free cum with the device whenever I set my mind to it. It starts in a long slow wave, and the cum just pours out of me for a couple seconds before the pulsing contractions start.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced the pole climbing thing or something similar. Or how that experience can relate to the Aneros and any techniques that might help me reach that point once again.
Currently using the Eupho Syn and Crisco lube. I've tried them all (minus the Helix Syn V), but this is the best so far. 

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Yeah that phenomenon is pretty famous, it was even referenced in the movie Wayne's World. Which might have gone over a lot of people's heads, but if you know, you know. 😆
I've seen it mentioned on the forum (and elsewhere on the web) a few times as well... so it's definitely at least somewhat common.

I experienced the pole climbing thing too, but I never took it very far, because I didn't think there was any grand conclusion to it. And at some point I stopped doing it entirely, when my friend made some joke about sex when he saw me doing it... that's when I realized that it wasn't some strange body-quirk that was unique to me, and also that it might not be an appropriate thing to do in front of other people.

The aneros does remind me sometimes of that sensation. As does Mindgasm. I sometimes wonder whether pole climbing would still work for me all these years later, but I'd need a pole in my room or something because there's no way I'm hanging on to a pole where anyone could see me.

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I would guess squeezing your PC(Which I find happens when I thrust sometimes) along with perineum stimulation can sends me over the top. If I am super turned on I don't even need to squeeze PC I can O alone with perineum. It's a question of letting my mind enjoy the sensation or not that leads me to O. 

I was doing some kinky stuff in the bathroom today and I just had O after O. Prostate after first then with just the shower head on the perineum.(I definitely would recommend a shower head on the perineum with prostate stimulation WOW)

I would definitely try the Syn V. If I am feeling lazy I will go for it. Its not as much work to get to O than with Eurpho

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@poptrek interesting. I might have to give that a shot. When you say shower head, you mean just a normal shower head or like a jet?

Bill Bately
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I remember getting similar sensations when a lad when climbing high up on gym ropes. They would just accidentally happen. I didn’t O but came quite close. 

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The two are definitely the same for me. Once I learned that what I was feeling is exactly what I was looking for, I was able to relax and enjoy. I was pushing so hard during my sessions that I would end up cuming. The orgasm associated with that is amazing but the continuous orgasm that happens with the super o is something you can keep going for a very long time. They will sometimes happen very close or on top of one another. I read about the techniques and methods but just understanding what to expect was the game changer for me. Being able to Aless is the most freeing experience ever. That is the part that is most like climbing the pole orgasm. It feels the same but little effort is involved. Zero in on the feeling and relax you will be amazed when it starts.

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I discovered pole climbing at a very young age, I'm guessing around 8 years old.

I would climb the laundry drying line pole we had in the backyard. The pole was a T formation and I would hoist myself up and rest my arms across the flat T portion, then draw my knees up towards my chest causing those feelings to start. Hold that position long enough and the feelings would steadily increase leading to a climax. I had now idea what was happening, but I enjoyed the sensations tremendously and would partake a couple times a week. I had no idea about becoming sexually aroused but I do remember reciting the song "She Wore a Itsy Bitsy, teeny weenie, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" in my head as I pleasured myself by climbing. It turned me on for some reason.

 I had a brother 10 years older and when I discovered his porn stash the event moved indoors. We had a shower stall with a sliding glass door that I would open and brace my arms over the top railing of the enclosure. I could then raise my knee's up to recreate the feelings. I would now be naked and totally warmed up by viewing porn and reading porn novels before the climb. That position also allowed me to view myself as I would be facing the large mirror above the bathroom sink. I witnessed going from dry orgasms to clear liquid and then white ejaculate as I matured. I didn't jack off till I was about 12 or so, only climb. I stopped climbing right around 16 years or so as I was getting bigger, heavier and could edge by manual stimulation. 

I would say those feelings were very similar to what I experience using aneros products.

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Same thing happened to me various times starting at age 10 in the school play ground where there were gym equipment poles or ropes you could climb on and slide down with your legs and perineum clamped around the pole or rope to create the necessary friction to control your descent speed.  First time it happened I thought I'd peed on myself but when I checked I was fine and thought how weird that was.  Don't remember ever trying again in an effort to recreate the feeling but just noticed that sometimes it happened when I'd play on those types of gym equipment and thought how weird and good it felt.  Self discovered masturbation at age 12 which made the same curious great feeling sensation but without ejaculation and did enjoy from time to time repeating that to experience the feeling.  Somewhere before 13 ejaculating began as did the regular desire from thereon to relieve the urge to do so.  Growing up in a Christian home, porn or such influences never played a role, just learning how to create great feelings when it came time to "get relief".  Amazing God could make something so fun for us guys to enjoy, even way before married sex.

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So... any guys willing to climb a pole and re-run the experiment as an adult? 😂
I totally want to climb a pole with the aneros inserted and see if it unlocks some magic, but I don't have any indoor poles, and I'm too concerned what the neighbors might think of me hugging an outdoor pole (with my hips bucking, if it's any good).


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@will704 totally agree! Focusing on the feeling and relaxing and the sky’s the limit! Amazing the pleasure to be experienced either with Aneros or Aless! The subtle contractions and waves start slowly and intensify into one continuous orgasm!

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