• Bonding

    Hey guys. I love that there is a blog section on this site. I like how I can check in and blog just about what I'm thinking or how I experienced something different in my sessions and need feed back. Well it's one of those…

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  • Progasm Enough Said

    Hello all. Well I'm back. I think. Had a session this morning before the parents got back and I'm still feeling it. lol Ok well let me try to explain two days of just pure bliss. I mean this was by far the best sessions…

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  • Just A Warning

    Hey guys it's my birthday today and you know what that means. PROGASM DAY. I am so excited. I have not rode in a week and a half and have not had a wet orgasm in a week. I'm on the edge here but I…

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    I'm over here climbing up a wall. I need to ride, i want to ride. But i made a vowel to not do anything with my new beautiful progasm ice til my birthday. I have 4 days left. I have been so damn horny. I…

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  • So Excited

    Hey guys hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I come to you all today very excited and full of joy. My precious Progasm Ice will be arriving Tuesday. YAY I am so ready. I have been listening to my brothers here tips and advice…

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  • Pro's & Con's

    I'm different. I can feel and people are now starting to notice. The smile has gotten wider. I have a extra spring in my step. I am just filled with extra joy. I have a ora around me that is shining bright and is blinding…

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  • still dry

    So its day two and I am still dry. Well I'm pre cumming right now from the a-less session I'm having but I have not had a wet orgasm in two days. But last night was so hard. I mean really I was so damn…

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  • Breathing is key

    Hey guys. Have been gone for a minute but I only like to report new things that happen to me in my journey. So here we go. So I have been having some great sessions. Some long and some short but last night was clearly…

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  • FINALLY!!!!!!!

    So this post will be so different. It won't be erotic. It won't be filled with lust. This post is about pure bliss and achieving that bliss and continuing to explore more. So as I stated my dad has been interested about the Aneros line…

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  • Random

    This is going to just be speaking tonight. I had a good session last night. All my sessions are good. I have been teaching and helping a few guys out and I am really progressing on my journey. But I can't get my dad's situation…

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