• Euphos back! Just like that!

    Ok so if you have been following my blog lately you would know My helix has been working well but the eupho has been almost doing nothing for me. Last night I decided to sleep with miss eupho all night. Now I cant remember how…

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  • Increasing sensations

    Since my last blog on the 17 I have had a number of sessions with the eupho. The little bugger has got better but still wont blow me away like it did back when I first got it. I did sleep with it once and…

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  • Revisiting the Eupho

    I have had a number of sessions lately using my helix. Dry Os are reached mostly but as I have been coming off my pain tablets the pleasure has been waning a little. I have made the decision to give the eupho a go again….

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  • Back to back dry Os and then beyond!

    This morning I got to dry Os back to back again but had only two or three in a row and then something much bigger. Just before the end of the build up of orgasm my whole body tensed up real tight. I felt like…

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  • Back to back Dry Os

    Last nights session was really good! New sensations. I listened to Llewellyn – Reiki Gold massage / meditation while having my session. This is for relaxation and it worked. I felt like I was floating at one point and then the dry O zone came….

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  • New sensation that one never expected

    Ok so since my last blog I had one session with both helix and eupho which was very average but I did still have the new nipple stimulation feeling happening. But.. Last night I gave it a rest. Foot note:I went to the toilet twice…

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  • Drugs and a great session

    Well before I start I will say I dont condone the use of any drug for pleasure as it maybe great but the side affects could mean your life. I have never smoked, taken drugs of any type but have had my teenage years blurred…

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  • last nights session was a disapointment but this morning.

    After my chairgasm last night I was eger to get to bed early. I tried helix…. no good so in with eupho. way better but not mind blowing and after 1 AM in the morning went to sleep with her still in. didnt get a…

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  • Chair orgasms

    While I am sitting in my recliner chair typing on the forum and writting these blogs, I suddenly realized that I am quivering all over. I am shaking like as if I just got out of cold water into a cold windy day. I am…

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  • Aneros normally fucks me, this morning aneros made love to me

    I had a early morning session today started at 5:30am. It was a combination of my last two session in this blog. The eupho very slowly caressed me over and over and moved all over the place in my rectum. It caused dry O after…

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