• Full body clench

    Ok so last night I thought I would give the eupho a go as I have not been getting much out of it latly but that maybe because I have not used it first. Inserted the eupho and was having a real nice session. I…

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  • Greedy deep throat different session.

    Have you ever had sex with your partner where they only want it hard and deep? My aneros session today was completely different to my average ones. Normally I am relaxed and the more relaxed I get the better the feelings and more the aneros…

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  • Supple nipps and a morning session of bliss

    Well yesterday I bought some baby pacifiers and cut them down to use as supple nipps. The left nipple is holding well and gets engorged but the right does not hold as good but does work as long as you dont bump it. I did…

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  • explosive ending and strange spasmming session

    I had a even better session last night. My butt was craving all day after my last post so I saddled up again. Got to dry O zone again and rode that for a hour or so. I think it was about 2 hours in…

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  • Dry O zone! Back in the saddle!

    Ok thats more like it! I had a good session last night. Instead of using the helix first I decided to use the eupho. Oh miss eupho is great! I still have to hold a slight contraction to get the action to happen but I…

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  • Its all gone Dead. Not happy!

    In my last post I said that the aneros action never stops, even while I was very sick! Well while I was getting better I started getting horny again. I masturbated a number of times over a few days and then tried to have a…

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  • I am sick but my butt never stops!

    I have been not using my aneroses for two weeks now and have not ejaculated either as my wife got sick and I had no time and now I am sick too. I am that sick that I have had a high temp and shivering…

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  • Where I am at roughly on the Milestone list

    I have completed or experianced these milestones: First insertion No P-tab discomfort when relaxed No internal discomfort when relaxed No P-tab discomfort when contracted No internal discomfort when contracted Generally comfortable when inserted and relaxed Observation of slight good feelings Slight sense of leaking Slight…

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  • All good intentions now relised

    Well I had all good intentions of backdating and a filling in the missing parts of my journey but I can now see it is never going to happen :) So I will just have to start from where I am now. So far I…

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  • Crazy shit happening Anero orgie happening

    Sorry please see the sisscussion on the forum for details. Aneros Forum I was slack at starting my blog after the first entry.

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