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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
got a rash all over my body like an allergy–first doctor sent me to a dermatologist–said not herpes zoster but fungal infection and then allergic to bacitracin, which i put on after i scratches it the first time–so now a cream for the cock and... Read More....
06/02/2008 280
no sessions for me lately as i have been stricken with shingles which presented itself in the pubic area just to the left and above my cock–wow–was very hard to resist scratching it but did except for the one time i awoke at 4 in... Read More....
05/30/2008 280
Here is an amazing story unfolding… From my recent KSMO post: The New York Times story on Jill Bolte Taylor, and her happening upon nirvana as a result of a stroke, provides some interesting reflections on the depth of "rewiring" we work toward or stumble... Read More....
05/27/2008 282
Having sampled the Helix and its unique character and joys, I/we next tried the Eupho. I have read about its mobility here since joining Aneros, BUTT – none of that had really prepared me for how different and how varied things can be and feel... Read More....
05/26/2008 282
Read about this site before and filed it away in the back of my mind. Then stumbled on it again this week and really studied it. The forums and Blogs caught my attention the most. My thinking was that if so many Men felt so... Read More....
05/25/2008 286
had two separate sessions yesterday after laying off for three days–believe that was too much time off–stopped first session after about 40 min as there was no action of the device after initial movement–believe i needed a bm before starting which i didn't do–used the... Read More....
05/23/2008 280
started out with the mgx, thinking it's good to go from larger to smaller–not much action so went to 16 mm peridise–moved well but not going anywhere so ended session early to watch red sox Read More....
05/18/2008 280
last night i put the 20 mm peridise in and went out to the garage to watch the red sox–posts have mentioned wearing it while watching tv but if didn't work for me–too much clothing restriction and pressure from the chair–thie next morning i put... Read More....
05/18/2008 280
yesterday i used the 20 mm peridise first and then the 16 mm in the order of bigger to smaller that so many posts have praised–it was nice and i think that bigger to smaller makes more sense than smaller to bigger( which i have... Read More....
05/15/2008 280
The following is a post on my blog at the KSMO site but it all applies here too. It is a further example of our couples practice that has merged Aneros and KSMO so closely. I had my first session, after an earlier brief experimental... Read More....
05/14/2008 282