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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Hi guys, I have lived at my apartment here in Georgetown since early June 1986, nearly thirty years. My apartment was overdue for a major renovation, mainly because old lead-based paint had to be stripped from the walls and ceiling. There were also serious cracks... Read More....
05/25/2013 373
Hi guys, In the last couple months or so, I have experienced a delicious tightness in my perineum as a result of the Kegel Exercises and my Anerosing, especially with the Progasm and Maximus models. Just now this evening I discovered once again that the... Read More....
05/25/2013 373
Hi guys, Earlier this week I had to get my act together and meet with my tax preparer to submit my taxes before the April 15 tax deadline next Monday. As a new "retiree," unfortunately this year I was hit with a sizable tax bill.... Read More....
05/25/2013 373
I'm enjoying a calm Saturday morning. Still in bed, checking in at Aneros chat. News on the TV. Still echoing with satisfaction of my wonderful session yesterday evening. It was a terrific time having a mutual ride with one of my long-time Aneros pals, artform.... Read More....
05/24/2013 322
For the past 20 days or so I've only orgasmed through masturbation once. I'm currently on an 8 day streak of not masturbating and I hope to continue this for a long time. I've tried to avoid masturbating before and found it very difficult, I... Read More....
05/23/2013 380
This was a very short session. I knew I would only have an hour and a half max, but I was yearning for a session so I went ahead and had one anyway. I've been extremely aroused for the past few days so I felt... Read More....
05/22/2013 380
I think that I came close to a super-0, but I do not think it was quite there yet. I got my Helix one week ago today and am truly enjoying it. Read More....
05/21/2013 396
Hi guys, here is a little story about my first experience with my helix. When i saw all those video, i was excited, Im used to the HFO with e-stim, but this seems much better. bought my Helix for 115$ canadian, and hope for the... Read More....
05/21/2013 397
I was not going to use my Helix today, but it just seemed to call my name. This thing is addictive )at least for me(. Read More....
05/20/2013 396
Gosh! I am surely glad that I discovered this thing. I love it. Read More....
05/20/2013 396