• Whats best?

    I have had a lot of great experiences in the short time that I have had my Helix. But, the best memory that I have is the first time, when after inserting it and relaxing I felt a slight sensation. Then I thought gosh this…

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  • Almost, I think

    I think that I came close to a super-0, but I do not think it was quite there yet. I got my Helix one week ago today and am truly enjoying it.

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  • Another day

    I was not going to use my Helix today, but it just seemed to call my name. This thing is addictive )at least for me(.

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  • Oh, yeah.

    Gosh! I am surely glad that I discovered this thing. I love it.

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  • Ouch

    My third time. I was having a wonderful time. About a half hour into the session I was flopping around like mad. Then BAM. My left heel came down on a piece of furniture next to my bed. Ouch. I need a bigger bed or…

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  • Quite a happy surprise

    I didn't think it was possible. I'm str-8 without a woman and 73 years old. I saw some videos on line and decided to take a chance trying the helix. When it came, I couldn't wait to try it out. I didn't expect much at…

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