• Apartment renovation finally completed, May 9

    Hi guys,
    I have lived at my apartment here in Georgetown since early June 1986, nearly thirty years. My apartment was overdue for a major renovation, mainly because old lead-based paint had to be stripped from the walls and ceiling. There were also serious cracks in the plaster of my apartment which occurred from the 5.9 richter earthquake of late August 2011 here. The whole process of renovation took about a week. I had to move my whole library and other movable possessions to a vacant apartment nearby and then back again. I moved back in completely Thursday night, May 9, 2013.
    During this period, I had to suspend my Aneros sessions. Aneros rewiring continued unabated. I became hornier and hornier for my Aneros buddies. Finally in the early morning of my move back in, I had an Aneros session. It felt so good! Since then, it has been so good to back to my Aneros routine again!
    Take care!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/25/2013at4:59 pm

      Absence makes a heart )and prostate( grow fonder!

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