Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
There are certain things that just go together, things like milk and cookies, beer and pretzels, baseball and peanuts and movies and popcorn to name a few. But beyond food there are also experiences that seem to be elegantly matched to certain mood setting actions.... Read More....
06/07/2015 421
Hi guys, This past Wednesday I began my third year with Aneros. The session wasn't noteworthy but rather right afterward, I came away with sweet, powerful Aless which lasted the whole day! It felt so good!!! Also this weekend I am spending much time getting... Read More....
06/06/2015 373
I had several very intense sessions yesterday. Each one seems to be getting closer. Yesterday evening I had some very intense feelings start out of the blue whilst at the computer and they became unbearably good lasting for ages. I actually felt as if it... Read More....
06/06/2015 469
I purchased a Progasm Jr. a couple of weeks ago. I based that purchase off of comments on the forum and reviews of the products. After three sessions of nothing, I was disappointed but undaunted. It seemed as though the Jr. was providing very limited... Read More....
06/05/2015 471
I woke up this morning and noticed that I was abdominal breathing whereas normally I have a very dysfunctional upper chest breathing pattern. I felt quite emotional as if it’s a sign that something is changing. Everything is starting to make some sort of sense... Read More....
06/05/2015 469
After dinner a few nights ago none of my friends were on line and J was upstairs in the studio working, it was very quiet. I sat at this keyboard motivated for erotic interaction. As is usually the case when that happens I decided to... Read More....
06/05/2015 421
Yeah, that night last week was pretty weird. It's a week later now, and I can't really see the reason why that was. Several of my experiences with prostate massage have been colored by temporary apprehension and uncertainty. That's not a bad thing. You don't... Read More....
06/04/2015 466
Last night I felt like trying again. It felt as if something had changed. I had identified guilt as a possible cause of my blockage and was determined that I needed to enjoy myself and not care what anyone else thought, so even though I... Read More....
06/03/2015 469
This now feels slightly out of place in a blog about using the aneros, but the journey started when I opened that box, and it has taken me in a very unexpected direction. I have read about spiritual awakening and I can recognise a lot... Read More....
06/02/2015 469
So the jouney of a thousand miles begins with single step. Today I began my jouney with a good session. Read More....
06/02/2015 470