• Sweet, powerful Aless now after sessions

    Hi guys,
    This past Wednesday I began my third year with Aneros. The session wasn't noteworthy but rather right afterward, I came away with sweet, powerful Aless which lasted the whole day! It felt so good!!!
    Also this weekend I am spending much time getting my apartment ready for workmen to repair parts of my ceiling from water damage. I stayed home today to do the necessary preparation.
    We had a cloudy, cool, and damp week until today when the sun finally come out. So early this morning I had a session which lasted about two hours with the following order of models:
    Eupho Syn, Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.
    All models in the lineup worked superbly well this morning. Recently I have gone back to Eupho Syn. I like its direct, yet gentle massage action during which I use the "do nothing" technique. It amazing how it works upon me in its way without me doing anything, but just lay back and enjoy! In the future I hope to vary between Eupho Syn and Eupho Classic in sessions. Both models of the Eupho are superb as openers in my sessions.
    What more can I say about Helix Classic? Just looking at it makes me super horny! I like its direct action on my prostate.
    This morning right after Helix Classic, I went to Progasm Classic. When I insert Progasm Classic in most my sessions, an erotic thrill surges through my body. Progasm Classic feels so good whenever I work with him in my sessions.
    As always, Cadillac Tempo massages and tones my anal musculature in its own exquisite way. This morning it seemed that my prostate was trying to get on in the action! Typing these words adds fuel to my Aless!
    Finally I concluded the session this morning with Maximus. Wow, it seemed that my butt swallowed or gulped Maximus to the hilt. Once again, just sitting back and enjoying the action brought unimaginable thrills to my sexual apparatus! It seemed that I was getting fucked by Maximus in the sweetest, most exquisite way.
    After cleaning up and dressing for the day, such sweet, vibrant Aless came upon me so nice an a quiet Saturday afternoon!
    Finally I want to share with you all once again that I think I have found my Aneros sweet spot. It stretches from my perineum to the area underneath my scrotum. There is such powerful sexual energy here that powers both my Aneros session and Aless outside of sessions.
    I have also discovered that rubbing slowly back and forth the area over my left breast powers my Aneros tools, likewise when I tweak my left nipple. Same when I do the same thing with my navel. Absolutely hot!
    After my session, I was in Aneros chat with @rook where I shared with him my discoveries. He informed me that my sweet spot lies over the pudenda nerve. @Euphemistic also told me that this area is rich in "nerves." Just holding your hand over the sweet spot will activate even orgasms!
    Finally I like to use my Aless is a meditation tool where I can meditate upon it, even control it. Such meditation can also be used in my sessions too!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/09/2015at10:25 am

      You are right BG … A Less post removal of Aneros are sweet. As for the mix of models you used wow LOL. That is quite the evening. Believe it or not I used to have the full line except for the syns. In the last three years I never used anything but Peridise, Tempo and Eupho …. so I threw the others away. I know it sounds like a sin but I never used them so I said why bother cluttering my bag and keeping them. Sad to waste all that money but hey I just follow what works.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/18/2015at11:23 am

      Hi lingaman,
      Thank you for your comment. Actually I have most of my sessions first thing in the morning. Also now they last using 1.5 to 2 hours. Generally I use five of my most favorite Aneros models, sometimes less.
      Since you are a guy who has had Aneros sessions for years and have gone very far in your journey so as to experience on-demand Super-O's without Aneros, I can understand to discard Aneros models in your collection which you do need anymore.

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