Hi guys, A few days ago I made a major discovery on how to improve the wearability of one of my cup supporter units, namely the BIKE CUP no. 85 supporter unit. BIKE Athletic Company began marketing this product in 1985/86. The cup itself is a "banana" shaped, contoured athletic cup made of A.B.S. plastic but also with a rather thick polyethylene gasket. Its accompanying cup holder jockstrap is made with nylon polyester fabric which tends to become stretched over time. Anyway...

Hi guys, This morning I woke up fairly early around 3 a.m., but laid in bed comfortably listening to the BBC before getting up customarily in the five o'clock hour. I had an erotic night however wearing one of my favorite jocks and cups securely in one of my Munsingwear Kangeroo Pouch boxer briefs. What sweet and powerful foreplay! After shaving, I got some coffee and pastry from my local 7 Eleven. Then I began my session at 6:25 a.m., my first...

Hi guys, I had two amazing sessions this past Sunday and earlier today with following order of Aneros models: MGX, Helix Classic, Maximus, and Tempo. I think it is better to begin with Aneros prostate massage models and end a session with Tempo. I let models like MGX, Helix Classic, and Maximus work of the own accord. After nearly six years working with Aneros, my prostate and anal musculature are well-educated. There is hardly an Aneros session I have nowadays that is...

Hi guys, I had a fairly busy Saturday and Sunday this past weekend which left me pretty much exhausted late yesterday at sunset. I went to bed uncommonly early at 7:30 p.m. The Nutty Buddy athletic cup not only felt good last night but enabled me to sleep like a baby. I heartily recommend the Nutty Buddy for those of you who play contact sports, especially baseball. This athletic cup is designed to be worn in a pouch of an ordinary jockstrap...

Hi guys, This week I had three Aneros sessions Monday and Wednesday, the first one in the early morning and the second in the early evening. I had these two sessions at times of peace and quiet with no staff or workmen around. Tempo now starts most of my sessions. I use gentle, rhythmic Kegels with Tempo. My prostate and anal musculature love this attention even though at those times there are not fireworks. But wow, when I use other Aneros models...

Hi guys. We here in Washington, DC are enduring another stretch of bitterly cold weather. This morning we had a low of 18 F with strong winds from the north. It was bitterly cold. Fortunately there were no apartment staff around on this federal holiday paying homage to Martin King Luther Jr. I waited to the noon hour to have a session which I so craved. I began the session once again with Tempo. Using gentle, yet strong Kegels and also the...

Hi guys, Tonight I tried to replicate last session which was help early Saturday evening, January 6, still so early in the New Year. What impressed me so much about Temp with its heavy stainless steel heft is that one work with it fairly aggressively using the Kegels and relaxed, rhythmic breathing. Tonight I used Tempo primarily to set the stage for using MGX and Progasm Black ICE. What I observed tonight mostly are the massive Tug-of-War technique with both MGX...

Hi guys, Early this afternoon, a guy on Aneros Forum about the effectiveness of Tempo in comparison with other Aneros models. I was happy to oblige with an answer because Tempo, when I started using it just after Thanksgiving 2013, caused my Aneros to go into a much higher orbit. So this afternoon, I used Tempo for the first time in two years. Tempo inserts easily and you can use it comfortable sitting as it works away. This afternoon I used Tempo with...

Hi guys, We here in the Mid-Atlantic are in the grip of excessively cold weather which may continue beyond the first weekend of 2018. This super cold affects also much of the northern tier of the USA and way down south. Hence it has reduced greatly my Aneros sessions recently. I am typing this blog entry early Saturday morning. My Aneros buddies of Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic have been cleansed and are rearing to go. They consist...

Hi guys, here are my reports of the last week, me deeply enjoying to suffer from semen retention (SR), discovering my microcosmic circuit, falling to femdom again - following CEI and edging commands, enforcing arousal by ballstretching and saying welcome to my new pick of the bunch - Progasm ICE - teaching me autof*ck in a rude way. Editing this post I achieved day 12 of SR! Yeah! My balls are aching so bad! Wednesday, 12/7 Today my Progasm ICE was delivered...

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