Today i experienced something that felt like butterflies in the stomach, a really weird feeling when you're not in control of your own muscles. I've never experienced major involentaries, leg movements, shaking, abs contracting etc before, but i've had minor ones in the groin area that are always kind of moving around.
I'm curious, is it a sign that i'm close to a orgasm when things starts getting out of control, when do you usally get your major involentaries? Do you have to trigger them somehow? I've read about people trying to exhaust their muscles by clamping and then go into cramping/invols.
Is there perhaps some technique involved to trigger involentaries, or do they just happen?
You are definitely on the verge of having an orgasm. Just remember to relax and enjoy the moment. When masturbating, the harder you go, the faster and harder you cum. The Super O doesn’t work that way. You focus on the feeling in your groin, stomach and anus. Your anus will quiver on its own, your stomach will flutter and sometimes you will get an extremely hard erection. You can orgasm without an erection so don’t worry if you’re not hard. It just feels really good when you are hard. I have found nipples stimulation to be the best thing to get things going. Frequently stop with the nipples though and listen to what your body is doing. That is the time for me that I really feel the orgasm just take over and keep going and going. I mean you will have drool running out the corner of your mouth. Hope this helps!
@will704 thank you for your reply, i appreciate it. How does your orgasm feel like compared to a penile orgasm?
To me a penile orgasm have two things i can identify, a carrier wave that give off a constant 'tone' of pleasure. It's extremly intense, feels kinda like being hit by a bus, but it remains constant in tone, but increases in intensity. Then there is a second component, that feels like a buzzing/fluttering kinda pleasure that is on top of the other one, that is always changing very rapidly. Does it sound familiar?
I've been told there is a more components, depending on how you're wired,a more emotional one, and i get cold shivers/goosebumps that radiate outwards but feels amazing, and a buzzing sensation that spread from the groin area to different extremities, until the whole body is kinda vibrating.
I've never experienced the things you described earlier though, still work in progress.
@brailleskin the biggest difference between the two is duration and where you feel the pleasure. With a penile orgasm you feel the buzz and radiation you described along with the release of semen during ejaculation which is a great feeling.The super o or the journey to get there is more of a state rather than an ending. During my sessions, I completely loose track of time. I feel so much pleasure in different ways. Sometimes I can feel it building to a point where it feels like a jolt running thru my body and out my penis. Other times my cock will get hard and jerk like I’m ejaculating but nothing comes out. Sometimes I feel it in my prostate like it is pulsing. I have shaken all over uncomfortably. I have just learned to go with what is happening and enjoy it because the sessions seem to vary on what happens. The main thing is don’t push it or you get stressed and think it’s impossible. I have pushed myself to the point that I ejaculated with no touching myself. That really feels great but you loose the desire after that.
Sometimes I can feel it building to a point where it feels like a jolt running thru my body and out my penis.
Yea, i get thoose sometimes. Even though they are technicly pleasure, the intensity of that pleasure is off the scales, like being "stabbed" with pleasure for a microsecond and then it goes away. And that pleasurelevel is insanely higher than i'm currently at, like its screaming at the top of its lungs.
The longest i've lasted is like 5-10 seconds before getting thrown out, usally it's less than one second. I wish there was a way to let out steam so it wouldnt be so loud, but beggers cant be choosers i guess.
The counsel that I have given guys over the years is exactly what Will704 said above. In my mental imagery I think of the orgasm as trying to catch a butterfly. The orgasm starts as a subtle soft hint of pleasure. In order to fully experience it you need to follow it and let it lead you where it wants to go. Being patient and having a clear aroused mind is task 1. The goal is to link your erotic body and your erotic mind like fitting jigsaw pieces together. Once it "settles" and is not flitting around, applying mental energy to it not physical effort will cause it to blossom into a MMO. As Will704 said this is a mental game more than it is a physical one. As humans with penises that require physical stimulation to ejaculate we are programmed to "move that rock" by pushing it. Being physically passive is anathema to our experience of sex. MMO or Super O is a passive feminine effort. It can be embarrassing for many guys, but we need to connect with our feminine side to experience ecstasy. A side benefit of P orgasm is that it taught me what a woman needs to do to have an orgasm.
@gnawdol Thankyou for your kind words, i like the analogy with catching a butterfly. I went successfully with the Aless path first, because i was very unsuccessful with getting the aneros device to work with my body, even after struggling with it for 15 years.
The one thing i've never managed to conquer is the ability to orgasm, or for that matter involentaries, and that is something i'm working very hard to solve to this day.
So i'm very curious what it feels like for others, and its connection with involentaries. Although it is very difficult to describe emotions and what it feels like with words, and how to navigate a labyrinth that is constantly in motion.
At first my nipples were completely dead, but @chuckjo2000 took me under his wing around 2010 and helped me wire them directly into my prostate. I never managed to get the aneros devices to work though, until i came back to this forum two years ago after a long hiatus. I still can't detect/feel my prostate, so there is still some work to be done with using aneros.
I have no desire whatsoever to go the penile route towars orgasm since my nipples got unlocked. It's more of a choir that needs to get done because of prostate health, rather than something i prefer doing. I get insane amounts of pleasure from riding nipples, and zero motivation to go penile.
I'm able to reach around 99.9% towards a penile orgasm handsfree using nipples and contracting, but never ejaculate/penile orgasm from touching nipples. The sensations are kinda unhinged version of jerking off, but a lot better, and i can keep going for hours just riding wave after wave.
No matter how much i push, the body doesn't let me go into a orgasm, the only thing that is happening is that pressure is building up in the balls to painful levels, and prostate overloading the system, and eventually shortcircuit it all, no more pleasure. So i've learned the hard way not to push, trying to force myself into a orgasm.
So i tend to focus going the other way around, relaxing and gently sway it downwards, and generating chills/goosebumps that radiate outwards to all extremeties. I get kinda a buzzing/vibrating feeling in the prostate area that is spreading slowly outwards, my light in the darkness and a strange sense of cozyness/comfort (the emotional bit of the chill p-wave)
Half a year ago @Clenchy instructed me how to do a complete full circle p-wave, with both a rising AND a falling side. very similar to what is 'natural' in traditional masturbation, the strive for release
In traditional masturbation, it's all about one long pumping build-up to a single big orgasm. It's predictable enough that someone would model their aneros session on this. But I've discovered this isn't a real limitation, and I've been able to bring this into my sessions with interesting results.
I consider orgasm to have a rising and falling edge, maybe like a sine wave, with one kind of pleasure on the rising side, and a different kind of pleasure on the falling side. The rising side being a tense kind of pleasure, and the falling side being an outpouring of relief and satisfaction. And it's that relief side that I've never allowed myself to experience during a ride, because why would I? After all, I haven't reached orgasm yet, so this part isn't supposed to happen yet. It was that deeply-held expectation that kept relief off the menu. But it's not off the menu. To put a finer point on it, I consider the pumping I do during traditional masturbation to be like slowly climbing the rising edge, there are good feelings along the way, but the relief is for after I go over the top of the roller-coaster, and not before then.
You might have to practice calling upon it, and drawing it forth by imagining that feeling. That feeling of completion, that the job is done, all your muscles can go limp, and a cool relaxing liquid is washing out of them, while your body and mind are bathed in pure satisfaction.
I've been granted the ability to experience the 'bliss' of climbing up that hill of orgasmic energies, but i've never managed to get to the other side of the rainbow. Always craving that sweet release after a long exhausting climb, but never feeling fulfilled/satisfied, or feeling that 'drop'
For the last six months or so i've had the ability to replicate the exact feeling when 'edging' during penile stimulation, thoose sweet orgasmic overtones that sings to you very close to the PONR, exquisite in its rawest form.
There is however a downside with my condition, it comes at a cost. It slowly builds up pressure in my balls and prostate, and since its physically impossible for me to ejaculate it eventually gets to really painful levels.
Yesterday i said 'fuck it' and just kept climbing and climbing, and the pain levels just kept increasing to levels i've never experienced before, excruciating pain mixxed with insane levels of pleasure all at once. Then it happened, a giant pain-spike from the prostate telling me 'yea, you're done' no more soup for you...and all the p-waves dissipated into a mist. It then became utterly impossble for me to generate a single tiny p-wave for the rest of the day. I was completely locked out, banned for life.
Today i tried again, but this time it was different. My brain rewired during the night, and now i can do full-circle p-waves. My wish for the last six month finally came true, a big thankyou to @Clenchy for showing me the way forward.
The involentaries i experienced in my stomach two days ago, are long gone, and the ability to reach a orgasm is still way out of my leage...but step forward, two step back.
My wish for the last six month finally came true, a big thankyou to @Clenchy for showing me the way forward.
Glad it helped. 😀
I've found if I can cycle the build/release phases into a fast rhythm, and sync it up with the movement/contractions, it can take on a certain synergy. I'm not sure how much I talked about that one magical session here, where it all seemed to come together, but I'd say practice incorporating the build/release phases, and see if there's some kind of movement that feels right with it. If everything aligns, you might just be able to switch off your brain and go with it. As it becomes easier, it becomes more automatic, and then you can free-wheel down hill. You can get out of its way, and it can speed up on its own. I got into a really promising cycle, where things were escalating in a way that felt very natural... faster, harder, and more automatic... but I blew it somehow, maybe I got too excited.
Maybe it's a problem that only applies to some of us, where we deny the cool flush of release without realizing it, always waiting for a big push that's alien to ourselves, to force us into feeling what we deny ourselves.
I have had many other orgasmic experiences that didn't involve big involuntaries at all, but this is the closest I've come to integrating involuntaries and rising pleasure, in a way that felt synced-up.
yea, sounds really amazing to just synch it up with contractions and free-wheel down the hill, but a little bit too advanced for me i'm guessing. I'm still severly struggling to even reach a orgasm when inserted.
I tried going aless this evening because i've been using the aneros a tad bit too much the last couple of days, so i couldn't make them work anymore, just inert pieces of uncomfy white plastic that doesnt do a thing. I even hold back this time, not pushing myself into a orgasm, just mellow it out on the edge, and i even got some stomach involentaries, amazing but it's so freaking weird sensation.
I saw @gnawdol's amazing story about his first time going aless. It's so incredible and amazing how different all our journeys are, and how hard it must be to go aless. I'm a virgin and never felt the warmth of a lovers touch. I've never felt sexual or attractive, nor have i ever managed to build fantasies about anything. I just need a small seed of sexual craving, then i just close my eyes and go to town.
When i'm doing it aless it is very easy to push it into a orgasm. There are no restrictions, nothing holding me back, but to my dismay that approach is damn near impossble when using aneros. During my 15 years of Aneros use i have never consistently managed to reach orgasm. Sometimes i accidently stumble into a orgasm for a few seconds, or get short stabs lasting less than a second.
The longest i lasted was ten seconds with the help of @Zentai two years ago. Every single time it happens, i go into shock and instantly loose it because it's so insanely loud. I think he called it 'breaking the dam'. When you put insane amounts of energy into trying to transition to a orgasm, ofcourse it's going to come back and bite you in the ass.
But it might just be the nature of orgasm, they're always insanely loud, and i'll simply have to deal with the shock of the transition somehow, and not loose focus and get thrown out.
That is why i think your research is the key, atleast for me. The cool flush of release and the complete cycle with highs and low creates a breathing room between cycles that makes the transition into orgasm seamless?
addendum: I realize i might sound like a spoiled brat, if i could reach orgasm alessly two years ago, why even bother trying to learn how to use the aneros device?
It boils down to that everything about aneros is about amplification, you need a seed to get started, and then you grow that seed into a beautiful flower with your mind.
I can fap off at work if i want to, maybe not in front of the boss because my face becomes very distorted when i focus on generating p-waves.
But yea, without touching anything, without being inserted with a aneros device and having my clothes on i can generate p-waves. I'm not very good at it, but it works.
If i'm allowed to touch my nipples i can amplify that p-wave into something that resembles jerking off, it's still not amazing, it definitly feels good, but a little muddy and still cant reach peaks, and the orgasm get really boring after a few tries (it lacks a soul). It needs more amplification and skill.
That's where two years of training on the aneros device comes in, it's just a amplification device like before, but if you're gotten this far it's going to be astronomically better than anything you ever felt before in your life. The orgamic high tones usally found when you abstain from jerking off for a long times will be amplified to insane levels and feel so good it's addictive beyond belief.
yea, sounds really amazing to just synch it up with contractions and free-wheel down the hill, but a little bit too advanced for me i'm guessing.
lol, just to be clear, I don't want to sound like "Just sync up the contractions bro, it's easy". I don't even have this nailed myself... I'm just saying I've seen what this synergy might look like. It was very interesting.
Most of my Aneros career has been spent without much involuntaries. I learned to enjoy sessions without them. At least without any bigger contractions, maybe an ongoing hum or twitch. I've spent a long time wondering why, and trying to get in touch with involuntaries. Because I think they are a force-multiplier when they're happening properly.
I don't think it's that advanced. What I did was once I got in that rise/release frame of mind, and started feeling it, I incorporated a little movement. I think in this case I'd pull in my anus a little bit on the build phase, and then relax it on the release phase. Just a very subtle movement. (That movement, or what ever other movement you like.) After doing this for a few minutes, and vaguely enjoying it, it started to line up on its own. I would have maybe 2 or 3 seconds of build, followed by 2 or 3 seconds of release... back and forth. Then I found that rhythm could speed up, and it just felt normal somehow. Like I'd locked-in on something I could trust, that didn't need me to manage it or coordinate it. As it went on, it got faster and harder, and felt more automatic.
I wonder if that's what initial success looks like for people who really "get it". Maybe people who don't have their release phase walled-off behind some unknown permission system.
That is why i think your research is the key, atleast for me. The cool flush of release and the complete cycle with highs and low creates a breathing room between cycles that makes the transition into orgasm seamless?
Well, I don't even think of it as a transition to orgasm, because the orgasm is happening all the time. I think of the building tension and release as one cycle of orgasm, which is happening every few seconds. So there's nothing to wait for or transition to. I had a mindset of being satisfied with what I was feeling. That I had completed the loop already. The pay-off is already happening.
Of course it did seem to be speeding up and getting better, which would probably have peaked at some point... possibly very intensely. I don't know what that transition looks like, but I expect it would have been smooth, because I was already so open and things did seem to be ramping up gradually.
People have been saying for years "there is no edge", maybe this is why. I have to imagine there are people who don't even experience (or notice) the two-phase thing, because it's never been a roadblock to them. Maybe in some cases it cycles so fast, that they blur together as a single unique sensation. And I certainly have felt merged sensations like that before... for example where the tension and flex of a contraction is felt as pleasure itself... not as two separate things that have some cause and effect relationship.
But as I said, I haven't nailed this either, so I would consider your research/experience important too.
People have been saying for years "there is no edge", maybe this is why. I have to imagine there are people who don't even experience (or notice) the two-phase thing, because it's never been a roadblock to them. Maybe in some cases it cycles so fast, that they blur together as a single unique sensation.
I've heard that quote before too, there is no edge, and yet everytime i go into orgasm there is first a calm period of a few seconds when everything goes mute, and then it hits me with a sledgehammer. I gasp, panic, and almost instantly get thrown out with the bathwater. I try desperately to cling to the fabric of space, and futilely fail every single time.
When i was a teen i used to spend an ungodly amount of time locked inside an penile orgasm being submerged and using waterjets. I was able to hold on using a sustained contraction, i would ofcourse eventually ejaculate, but i could delay the ejaculation maybe 5-10 minutes.
Having the orgasm scream inside my head, heart racing 200mph, and every fiber of my being trenched in pure bliss is extremely addictive, but at the same time i hated the experience.
The experience is forever etched into my mind, and that is what i use everyday to be able to fly. It's my happy thought (in peter pan you needed a happy thought to be able to fly). I use the memory in all my p-wave formation process, and my mind makes it real. The memory is extremely potent and i'm able to reach the edge in less than a minute from insertion when i'm fully rested and charged. The orgasmic high notes near the edge feels insanely good, also a perfect replication of penile pleasure. Unfortunately it seems it also created the perfect replication of the supercharged edge from penile masturbation.
There is a duality in my mind, i both crave and fear the edge that apparently does not exist.
I mean, there is an edge... but from people's reports of how their aneros session hits, people say it hits without one. I've had both kinds. Like there was one really scary edge, where I felt like I needed to leave my own brain to make room for the orgasm. But that was an orgasm that had just been building that way.
I mean, there is an edge... but from people's reports of how their aneros session hits, people say it hits without one. I've had both kinds. Like there was one really scary edge, where I felt like I needed to leave my own brain to make room for the orgasm. But that was an orgasm that had just been building that way.
That's what is so amazing with this experience, there is no answer because it's ever changing, even every time you experience it. Leave your own brain, wow. You probably had thoose where it feels like you're flying too/weightless like in space?
Another thing i've been curious about for years, how does it feel like to fuck someone else?
Water orgasms are extremely addictive, when you put your dick into that waterjet and hit the right spot, you are locked in there, takes a lot of willpower to remove the dick from the jet. It feels so incredible good, and it just ramps up, and you simply cant muster enough willpower to remove it no matter how hard you try.
I never experienced that 'addictive' effect while jerking off, but i have a theory that it is exactly the same feeling when you're having sex (i'm a virgin and have no clue). When you start to fuck, it feels so incredible good, and ramps up, and you simply can't muster enough willpower to remove/stop doing it, you just want to continue no matter what?
How far is the aneros supposed to travel?
I've tried to find a dirty solution to my orgasm problem, orgasm first and then insert the aneros to see if i could perhaps ride the wave, unsucessfully i might add. Now i'm starting to think the problem might be anatomical.
I even tried to have the aneros by the half-way point where it doesnt get sucked in or get pushed out, then rub it out until i'm on the brink of orgasm, then when i push so the progasm junior get sucked in, the k-tab is rubbing against my spine in resting position, and i'm once again unable to transition into a orgasm.
My theory is that the distance in my body between the head of the massager and the p-tab is to large, so when i insert it goes to far and presses hard against the prostate in resting position, and when i try to contract it only moves a short distance (it's already in the "engaged" position in its resting phase).
It shouldn't really matter, because everything is like a sponge inside, and shouldn't hinder the movement of the aneros in theory?
I've never been able to detect my prostate, even after 15 years of trying to get the aneros to work, so i can't really tell how hard the aneros is engaging, or if its engaging at all.
I've aquired 8 different models of aneros and i've never managed to get them to work, maybe i need to buy a aneros psy model?
I have one suggestion, guys, that may help you. I think the ‘instructions’ for how to reach the SOs that we deserve are, kinda, backwards. I think they were designed for guys suffering from prostate problems, not primarily for pleasure. It does work for some but not everyone. You’ve located your pc muscles and they’re working properly, great! Now you have to learn how to give up conscious control of them. When you’re in SO land you won’t have control of them! Put away your lube and your toys for a week! Your mind’s focus needs to switch from sending messages to your PCs, to receiving messages from your anus, cock and prostate. There’s only one of them that can’t be overstimulated though. Yes, your anus. Try and set aside half an hour a day for the week.
Lay comfortably on your back, legs spread so you have easy access to that pleasure spot. All you’re going to do is stroke your anus, nothing’s going in there. Relax and use any breathing techniques you like. Focus your mind on your anus, but not on controlling it. Focus on the sensations it’s feeling, stroking it all the time. Eventually the stimulation should make it relax. With luck it’s tensing and relaxing, as it does all day without you even being aware of. Keep the stroking going. On its relax phase pay special attention to the opening, allow your fingertip to rest on and stroke what it’s exposing. You should be feeling good by now! With luck, your cock has joined the fun. Keep stroking your anus but also with one finger stroke the underside of your cock very gently. Keep the main focus of your mind on the signals your anus is sending you but acknowledge the signals coming from your cock and, perhaps, your prostate. Now’s the time to dial up the anus stimulation a little. Just a little firmer. You want to get to the stage where you’re climbing the walls. You desperately want to stick a toy in there. Your anus is so overstimulated it’s threatening to eat your finger. When you can’t take anymore, stop. Have a penile orgasm if you like. After a week I would hope it would be much easier to give up conscious control of your PCs.
After the week, plan for a long session and get your toys out. Begin with anal stimulation as before. When you’re climbing the walls again, prepare your toy for action. Place its head against your anus, but don’t push it in. You need to be in a position where you can comfortably put enough pressure on the toy to keep it in position, but still not pushing in. Relax, breathe and connect with what your anus is feeling. As it starts relaxing, keep up the gentle pressure on the toy so it moves very slightly in. Only so far as your anus lets it. As your anus tenses keep the toy exactly where it is, don’t let it push it out. Keep the cycle going on each tense and relax phase until your anus decides to swallow it! Now do nothing. Relax and focus on those anal sensations. Allow your subconscious to take over. If, after 10 minutes, nothing’s happening then remove the toy and try again.
I hope all that may help.
Thankyou @ajplayer, i will definitely take you up on that challenge and lock away all the toys for a week.
This journey is so confusing, i don't even know what works and what doesn't sometimes.
I know i can make myself feel good by just thinking about it, and i know my body gets tired of me sometimes and decides to randomly throw me into a orgasm because it feels like it, not the other way around.
I'm very nipple centered, almost all my power is collected in the nipples, and i can get myself into a orgasm within minutes by just using nipples and contractions and not even be inserted.
I always thought it was some kinda mental block that made orgasm being inserted nearly impossible, since i could orgasm just fine going aless.
But as you correcly deduced, i don't get any information flowing the other way, from the nethers to the brain, the only thing i can sense is the dick and how much pressure is building up in the pipeworks around the balls, and lately all the wicked motions going on in the stomach region.
Water orgasms are extremely addictive, when you put your dick into that waterjet and hit the right spot, you are locked in there, takes a lot of willpower to remove the dick from the jet. It feels so incredible good, and it just ramps up, and you simply cant muster enough willpower to remove it no matter how hard you try.
I will throw this out there as well. For me, I don’t know exactly what it is about the shower but I have had some incredible Super Os there. Now it is difficult to keep standing but I have done it. I will use a regular Trident, normally the Eupho, with silicone and step in the shower. I will squirt a nice amount up inside my rectum and use Astro glide to insert the device. While the water is hitting my chest, I will align one of the small streams to hit one nipple or the other. I would guess due the gravity everything is pressing differently inside. My cock will normally get erect and when it’s sticking out and the orgasm hits, it will start bouncing up and down. I can’t describe how great the water running off my dick and balls feel. My shower is not very big so I can rest my back against the wall while I do this. For a different feeling I will turn my back to the shower and circle my nipples with soapy fingers. I’m not constant with the nipples but when the orgasm starts fading I will do it to get it back going again. Just something different to try to see if things hit differently.
Thankyou @will704, that experience sounds utterly amazing! Have you ever experienced that emotion when it feels so incredible good, and it just ramps up, and you simply cant muster enough willpower to remove it no matter how hard you try? It just sucks you into that mental state where your craving for more is insatiable.
I don't know what it is about water that makes it so magical, just being submerged in a bathtub makes it almost impossible to jerk off. The orgasm when you finally manage to pull it off is so far up there in the sky, it's incredible. It's quite hard not to flap around like a fish when the orgasm finally hits, throwing the bathwater everywhere and making a mess.
I have a small electrical bathtub, that uses a pump to mix air and water from the bathtub and throws it out in several nozzles in the bathtub at high velocity. Having that waterjet hitting my foreskin at the right angle and swirl around in there feels so incredibly amazing.
I'm gonna stop bitching about not being able to orgasm inserted now, i actually managed to pull it off. You were right @Clenchy, there was no edge.The transition to orgasm took forever and was gradual, and it's so quiet. It feels so very different from a penile orgasm, and it's not even the first time i've experienced this sensation.
It feels kinda the same, except it behaves completely different. I'm not getting that constant ripple sensation, it's more smooth and not as monotone as a penile one. I'm guessing it's quiet because of lack of skill, and thats gonna change with practice?
I've had it once before in 2010, about two years into my journey using the classic eupho. I was never able to replicate it ever again until today. My previous experience with aless orgasm is a perfect replica of a penile orgasm. I'm pretty sure now that it is indeed a penile orgasm except i'm unable to ejaculate, with a very well defined drop and rough transition.
You were right @Clenchy, there was no edge. The transition to orgasm took forever and was gradual, and it's so quiet. It feels so very different from a penile orgasm, and it's not even the first time i've experienced this sensation.
To be honest, I could go either way on the edge thing... but I guess we have to allow there to not be an edge, so we're not waiting for something that's never going to arrive. The edge is a pretty elusive concept anyway I think. You can build pleasure with a piece of resistance in place, and if you can't reach a higher point until you let go of that resistance, then maybe surrendering that last piece of resistance feels like an edge, because everything after it happens so fast, and the orgasmic cascade can be allowed to reach a run-away condition.
Did you incorporate any timed contractions at all?
I'm guessing it's quiet because of lack of skill, and thats gonna change with practice?
Not sure what you mean by quiet, but you may have surpassed me here anyway. 😁
(I've derailed my whole practice with return visits to THC/weed, as well as experiencing a lot of stress lately, so I'm finding most sessions pretty crap for the wrong reasons... I haven't gotten to explore the two-phase idea as much as I'd like to).
I've had it once before in 2010, about two years into my journey using the classic eupho. I was never able to replicate it ever again until today.
Congratulations. I know how crazy that kind of re-discovery can be.
There is a session I had with the Eupho classic that I've always wanted to re-experience... two back-to-back orgasms that were dry, but so intense. It made my abdomen tense so much, that it practically folded me in half. I had forgotten orgasms like that even existed, but I know I've had them before when I was young. I remember being forced to lean over forwards by the orgasm, because my abdomen was tensing crazy out of control. (That was the orgasm I mentioned with the extremely scary edge)
My previous experience with aless orgasm is a perfect replica of a penile orgasm. I'm pretty sure now that it is indeed a penile orgasm except i'm unable to ejaculate, with a very well defined drop and rough transition.
I had something like that with Mindgasm, very penis centered, and totally different to prostate focused experiences... though still very nice.
To be honest, I could go either way on the edge thing... but I guess we have to allow there to not be an edge, so we're not waiting for something that's never going to arrive. The edge is a pretty elusive concept anyway I think. You can build pleasure with a piece of resistance in place, and if you can't reach a higher point until you let go of that resistance, then maybe surrendering that last piece of resistance feels like an edge, because everything after it happens so fast, and the orgasmic cascade can be allowed to reach a run-away condition.
Did you incorporate any timed contractions at all?
I used to be stuck in that penile orgasm thought process that in able to climb a hill you have to actually climb it, putting more energy with each push climbing higher and higher.
Thats was how i discovered i was able to orgasm aless, brute force my way where i wanted to go. I image that some men that isn't blessed being equipped with such rigid plumbing just ejaculate. For me it's physically impossible to ejaculate, it just builds pressure on the inside and hurts like hell.
I totally agree that the concept of a edge is very elusive. While i was inserted i was able to climb that ladder to orgasm very far, and experienced the very intense sensations you normally only get when you're incredible close to the penile orgasm edge during 'edging' practice while jerking off.
I knew i was in a cul de sac because i was very familiar with the subtle difference between different orgasmic energies. Most people wouldn't even have bothered, and just called it a orgasm and left it at that.
It took me several hours of work to get to the orgasm, but no timed/synched contractions, just full cycles with both high and low, and lots of breaks after the lows and pulling out the aneros and rest.
The thing i love the most is that i can stop the journey at any time, and still don't loose any significant progress, and after a breather continue the journey. I get to 99% towards a orgasm in minutes, but that last percent takes literally hours to cross the divide.
I'm going to try and explain what i mean with the 'full cycle' with both high and low. Everyone know how to climb, and put more energy into the system, the 'release' part of the cycle is more weird for me. I dig my head into my pillow and wiggle it around, and that kinda triggers a p-wave response in me (i have several different methods of triggering, thats just one of them i use).
I generate a 'goosebump/chill down the spine' p-wave that radiate out through my body. It feels very weird, a mixture of cozy/comfortness combined with 'shedding' of the energy i previously generated earlier, but in the end i feel more relaxed, satisfied and cozy. I'm not sure if it's actually helping me or not, but it definitely feels nice.
Not sure what you mean by quiet, but you may have surpassed me here anyway. 😁
(I've derailed my whole practice with return visits to THC/weed, as well as experiencing a lot of stress lately, so I'm finding most sessions pretty crap for the wrong reasons... I haven't gotten to explore the two-phase idea as much as I'd like to).
I'm used to the 'sledgehammer to the face', 'hit by a bus' type of orgasms, so it was very different, that's what i ment by quiet. I've experienced two orgasms in 15 years and 6 months of trying and i think most folks usally have a lot better luck than i ever had. I even gave up at a point and left the toys collecting dust in a drawer for ten years before i decided to give it another go.
I'm absolutely certain that you will find your way back to greener pastures again some day
Congratulations. I know how crazy that kind of re-discovery can be.
There is a session I had with the Eupho classic that I've always wanted to re-experience... two back-to-back orgasms that were dry, but so intense. It made my abdomen tense so much, that it practically folded me in half. I had forgotten orgasms like that even existed, but I know I've had them before when I was young. I remember being forced to lean over forwards by the orgasm, because my abdomen was tensing crazy out of control. (That was the orgasm I mentioned with the extremely scary edge)
Thank you, feels so weird to finally reach my goal after so many years. Wow, that sound so amazing. I would love to experience what it would feel like to have powerful involentaries in the abdomen.
I usally flap around like a fish when i'm climbing the ladder to orgasm, but that's because i can't handle the orgasmic spikes that randomly generates during preorgasmic climbing. It's still me who does all the movement, it's a completely different beast when it happens and i can't control it. I find it utterly fascinating with those who relinquish control of their bodies and just 'let it happen'
I had something like that with Mindgasm, very penis centered, and totally different to prostate focused experiences... though still very nice.
What is mindgasm? I've heard that word mentioned here a couple of times. Is that a completely different methology/forum like Aneros, complete with it own following of folks doing a different kind of rewiring, kinda like KSMO?
@brailleskin agree that water jets can be very stimulating to the point of SO! Try letting the jets hit your perenium and anal area and you will experience the ultimate pleasure!
Bună, băieți, este într-adevăr minunată senzația de jet de apă pe anus și pernium.ot spune că, după ce am introdus o periuță de dinți mai nouă, simt că sunt cuprins de sentimente involuntare și pentru o lungă perioadă de timp după aceea pot avea mai multă vreme.Aless
Everyone know how to climb, and put more energy into the system, the 'release' part of the cycle is more weird for me. I dig my head into my pillow and wiggle it around, and that kinda triggers a p-wave response in me (i have several different methods of triggering, thats just one of them i use).
How I do it is visualizing the tense-pleasure I feel in my core turning into a liquid that drops and flows out of my arms (and possibly legs), while at the same time focusing on relief and appreciation. I think this was something I stumbled upon during one of my stoned sessions, that the relief phase was always there, and I just need to choose feeling it by becoming it, instead of waiting for something to force me there. It is very weird though, it's like deciding I want to feel tired from exercise, without having done any... it doesn't make sense, and doesn't feel possible.
I'd been stuck in that climb/build mentality too... it's deceptive because it will get you somewhat far... so it looks like the way forward.
Thank you, feels so weird to finally reach my goal after so many years.
Mmm, like an exciting new world of possibilities has opened up. One of the things that keeps this journey interesting. Even after so many years, there are things that can surprise me.
Wow, that sound so amazing. I would love to experience what it would feel like to have powerful involentaries in the abdomen.
I find it utterly fascinating with those who relinquish control of their bodies and just 'let it happen'
It was amazing, pity it was only that one time. I'd love to be able to do that on purpose.
What was different for that session was I spent the whole session being really physically relaxed and mentally checked-out. I just went to a very quiet place in my head, and focused on the most tiny vibration in my perineum. No contractions, no nipple stimulation, no effort, no pressure, no fantasy, just me and that little buzz in my taint. Thinking "this is enough", and enjoying it for what it was. Then it started building, not physically, but in a pleasure way. A pleasure that wanted to work its way into my brain, but getting in wasn't enough... everything else had to get out. My entire consciousness needed to make way, and I didn't know what that was going to be like (it was scary). Somehow it built slowly enough that I was able to allow it in. Then it flooded my brain, and suddenly I was so lost in pleasure that I was hardly even aware of my muscles, or even remotely interested in what position I was in. The only physicality I was aware of, was my abs... not just flexing (like how you might show off a six-pack), but pulling me into a sit-up position. I was lying on my side, so I didn't sit up, but it did pull me into an L shape. (this was with the Eupho classic)
Then about 30 seconds passed, and it happened a second time.
At no point did I need to voluntarily let go of muscle control, because I wasn't in a place of being interested in it in the first place. When I let go of my consciousness, and went deeply blank in that moment, the muscles fired off by themselves, and I was so goofed-out on the eye-rolling intensity of the orgasm, that I wouldn't have had the brain-cells to stop it even if I wanted to.
It was probably my favorite session in ~15 years of doing this, and I haven't been able to repeat it.
Still, it gives me some idea what it might be like to have those big involuntaries, and the conditions that might lead to them. Some kind of perfect balance between passiveness and focus.
What is mindgasm? I've heard that word mentioned here a couple of times. Is that a completely different methology/forum like Aneros, complete with it own following of folks doing a different kind of rewiring, kinda like KSMO?
Yeah I'd put it in that general category, but there is some overlap with what we're doing, because they're all about pelvic floor contractions, and learning to control different muscles. Because the muscles are in such close proximity to the prostate, you can sort of give yourself a prostate massage this way. (there's a little more to it, but that's the gist)
They come up here sometimes because they have a whole thing with "No Nut November", where their site is free for that month. It's an interesting side-quest for those of us that like to experiment with new things.