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How often is too often?

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I'm an older guy with BPH, enlarged prostate, and recently, have found the Aneros very effective. The sessions are extremely pleasurable with have no problem achieving most of the great experiences talked about  and sort after here. Probably BPH actually helps make HFOs easy in this case.

Along with some Kegle exercises, the Aneros use over the last couple of months has definitely also helped reduce the trips at night to the bathroom. Too bad no studies have been done to show how well these work for BPH.  I suppose it's just not a money maker for the medical industry so no studies means it doesn't get any support as being useful.

My question for those dealing with a similar issue is - how often do you session with Aneros? Like anything I'm sure it can be over done but what is the norm would be helpful info. I'd like to get feedback on generally what others older guys use frequency is?

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Seventy three year old guy here who has been doing it for 20 + years.  In the early years Aneros 3 times per week and Aless 2.  Last ten years Aless 5 nights per week and Aneros once every other week.  Like you have BPH but it has not interfered with anything.  PSA's have been stellar the whole time. 

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Seventy nine years young here and have sessions whenever I can! Long ones are usually once a week but shorter ones several times a week, some Aneros and some Aless! No BPH here! I just enjoy the pleasure to be experienced which has become more intense and varied each time! Have been enjoying Aneros for almost ten years and more recently Aless. Have learned what works and what doesn’t. Have accumulated quite a few devices over the years but have learned it’s not the device but the relaxation and letting the subtle twinges and spasms guide the outcome!

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@fred27 You are absolutely right on the mental state.  Sometimes on longer sessions my mind wanders off of the erotic and relaxation plateau and gets bollixed up in distractions.  I can feel the bliss wane when that happens.  Sometimes if the distraction is significant, I will actually lose the "waves".                 Re centering myself in the right erotic relaxed mindset will bring back ecstatic spasms.  Guided imagery will coax them to expand and intensify.  Also when I lose them,  nipple stim will reignite me.  My body cannot ignore stimulated nipples. My nipples have been transformed sensory wise and physically; some years ago my wife noticed them after I came out of the shower.  Standing naked in front of her she noticed them as looking very different and said :"my god your nipples have changed" LOL.  As to the device I find that less is more and many times nothing is better than anything.  Been Alessing for 19 + years.

This post was modified 4 weeks ago by gnawdol

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Definitely correct re nipple stim! Nipple stim can be focused on the pleasure in the anal  and perenium areas and can generate immense pleasure in both! Once “rewired “ to these areas, a gentle tweaking will generate responses of immense pleasure and intense Os as well as body twitching and spasms! Can be enjoyed both Aneros and Aless!😀

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Born in 49 you can do the math,started with HIH for BPH symtoms.I have most of the models except the vice.At one time the progasm seemed like the one but over time I have drifted back to the smaller ones.I average 4 to 6 sessions a month.I could do more but once a week seems like a happy medium for me.As a general rule more often means a shorter session.I average about 90 min.Once in a while I will spread several 30 min. sessions over a 3 hr period.I now have the PSY which looks like it will be my go to not sure but in the short time ive had it it seems like when the PSY is done it's over.Of all the models ive tried so far it engadges the K spot like WOW!That is due to the adjustment option.As for the health aspect I rarely do nite time bathroom visits and I drink a large cup of tea at bedtime.One thing ive noticed is my pee stream has increased as my prostate orgasms have gotten stronger.I noticed this when I started using the Helix syn v and now it could be my imagination but it's even more,I am at full pencil thick stream and when im done im done right now.I am so gratefull for this when I see men in a rest room before and after I leave still "working" to pee.Wow this got to be a book.

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Wow!, you guys are great, thanks for all your replies. I was hesitant to even post so it was very reassuring to know I'm not the only older guy experiencing the prostate wonders with Aneros. Very interesting reading and helpful to know age isn't stopping us.

I'm trying to keep sessions to a couple of times a week, usually about an hour long. So, the feedback here sounds like I'm about at the right level - if there is such a thing. Sometimes I'd like to use them every day, ha, and most sessions I usually stop although feel I want to go on forever. I've picked up a collection on recent sales and honestly like all of them, each is slightly different but so is each session.

I also found nipples are a great activator, although most times for me, there's really no need. Aneros sensations are active from the start to finish. However, a great little simple nipple device I came across many years ago provides a very nice affect. I believe it's still available - checkout, (note: I have no connection to this site whatsoever). They don't look like much but you will be surprised - hope you enjoy.



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