• Still on the Journey

    Hey everyone, I'm still on the Journey and only a few minor things to report. Firstly, I have sessions nearly everyday but the weekends are a family bust- which makes the Monday or Tuesday a little special. Secondly, I continue to not obtain the erection…

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  • Steady progress / Lube Observations

    Making consistent steady progress its seems – can work the pleasure up within minutes and with nipple stim plus thrusting/rocking, can ride the mini-Os within 30-45 min consistently. I am treating this like a milestone since I can sense more can come with more time…

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  • Another positive evening

    really pleased with tonight- was able to generate mini-os quicker and again probably 6 or so. They were also more intense and could definitely feel something much bigger was lurking with moments of increased body heat and definite pulse spikes. But alas, the super-o wasnt…

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  • Progress- mini-Os

    have been traveling the Journey for a while now and this week am alone, so I treated myself to a new Progasm Jr. Had some good p-waves immediately with it but then was interrupted. Returned after soaking in a hot bath and some porn. I…

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  • Right path? Wet orgasm, no touch

    So, 2nd time cumming wet without touching the cock… Am I on the right path? It seems to me as part of the rewiring process to cum without an erection or touching, albeit not dry, must be a good sign? Could have probably gone again…

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  • Interesting progress

    had my first non-erect orgasm with cum today. Had some time, heavy thrusting and working it up. Pretty certain the cum came from stimulation caused by my cock bouncing against my inner thigh )was on side, both knees up at right angle(. But think its…

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  • Weed

    tried weed last night- two good puffs. Has been years and it was strong. Jumped in a hot bath, watched some porn, then out for my session with Kelly Howell's ecstasy on. Definitely immediate and powerful session. Lots of involuntariness, i thunk a mini-o or…

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  • Helix classic- new arrival!

    wow. Never expected the Helix to feel so good and so different than the Eupho and MGX. No wonder they say this is the best. Cant wait to enjoy tomorrow!

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  • Continuing Journey… starting to make sense

    Hit a milestone today and unfortunately had to cut the session short… I now understand several things… 1( definitely mental… worrying about your porn is a huge distraction. Instead of porn, find a long tease video or webcam instead. 2( anal quivers… the very slight…

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  • Dream O?

    Was sleeping last night )A-less( and all of a sudden wham with anal spasms and all. Woke me right awake, heart pounding, wondering if I physically spasmed or moaned and very curious if I woke y wife… deathly silence… except for my heart racing… and…

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