• All is not lost… coconut oil discovery

    Have not blogged a while but have been learning and working the craft. Not there yet, lots of tributaries of experience and pleasure. Switched from a glycerin/water lube to pure coconut oil – that helps a ton! Less "locking in" )but still happens( and easier…

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  • Help! Stalled and where the F$*K is my sweet spot???

    Wow, this is incredibly frustrating. Some moments of p-wave bliss… Hours of nada. Hours of spent time. And when you do that and dont eat or drink as much, an interesting by-product is weight loss! I've taken off 6lbs/2.4kg this week. Not entirely Aneros related…

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  • The next day… A-less butterflies…

    Many users have reported how they can experience A-less P-waves… I had my doubts but after so much enjoyment last night and the excitement of this pending evening, the butterflies remain in my 'core' … a little contraction here and there slightly intensifies it (mainly…

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  • Definite Progress – 2

    After a lengthy day of minor progress, I decided I needed to re-read and try differently. I was exhausted, so intrigued about the do nothing method. Wow – Hey Newbies – if you haven't tried doing nothing…go for it. Took a long very hot bath…

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  • Progress – 1

    Had a day off and was eager to start early. Some porn and on my left side with knees bent. Trying the exercises and spent too much time chasing it- but started to feel the buildup and a very slight p-wave or two. I think…

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  • Butterflies got the best of me..

    couldnt handle the tickle in the stomach any longer so prepped the area and followed yesterday's protocol. I rushed the bath and didnt get my core up as high and also had higher than acceptable expectations and a time constraint. However, I was closer than…

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  • First session

    delayed shipping arrival didnt set the mood but was able to shift back into the mindset, however, I knew I only had a couple of hours- a big non-no when my expectations were moderately high- another no-no. All three were smaller than expected and as…

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  • Past Anal-Play History and Introduction

    hello there! I thought I'd also track my journey to the Super-O. Also, since this is an incredibly personal journey, there isn't anyone I can share with – except for you and this community. Thank you for being there for me and thank you to…

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