• Steady progress / Lube Observations

    Making consistent steady progress its seems – can work the pleasure up within minutes and with nipple stim plus thrusting/rocking, can ride the mini-Os within 30-45 min consistently. I am treating this like a milestone since I can sense more can come with more time and practice. Usually finishing off with a super-T but the occasional hand-free wet-O happens )probably due to nipple stim?(.
    Switching from a medium/light store purchased to a powder Cobeco solution later this week. I have definitely noticed the thicker lubes feel better, ride better and last much longer. So with the powder, I can mix to my desired thickness.
    Happy hunting.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/07/2015at1:25 pm

      Hi JD05, I'm still pretty new at this, but I was struggling with wet-Os for a while.
      One thing I've found for me, is that I need to heat up the prostate sufficiently before I start trying to kick off orgasms.
      By that I mean like if I haven't had any sessions in a while, I need to do like 600 PC contractions )takes me 10-15 min( )intersperced with anal contractions, low ab breathing in etc( until I start getting pwaves with every groin move, and until I can feel like a swelling in my prostate area.
      Seems like when I warm up the prostate like that, it's easier for me to always feel my prostate and no matter what I'm stimulating, I can feel it as a prostate pwave rather than a penis )jerk off type( pwave.
      Also, whatever I'm doing, if my scrotum starts turtling up )balls pulled up toward penis(, then I back off for a while otherwise whatever I'm doing will turn into a wet-O.
      Hope this is helpful.
      – ltg

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