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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Legend of models used: M = Maximus; Helix Syn = HS; Helix Classic = HC; PI = Progasm Ice; PC = Progasm Sequence of models used yesterday: PI-HC-PC-M-PI-HS-PC-HC I confess that in recent weeks I have become a Progasm slut. In the last several weeks,... Read More....
11/29/2012 373
Have you ever had sex with your partner where they only want it hard and deep? My aneros session today was completely different to my average ones. Normally I am relaxed and the more relaxed I get the better the feelings and more the aneros... Read More....
11/29/2012 374
Well yesterday I bought some baby pacifiers and cut them down to use as supple nipps. The left nipple is holding well and gets engorged but the right does not hold as good but does work as long as you dont bump it. I did... Read More....
11/28/2012 374
I was full into prostate session. My Progasm ICE autof$#king my ass, and I cumming like crazy. Constantly throbbing cock with steady flow of precum flowing making my loins so wet. Suddenly I with the rest of my body shaking, my cock just froze and... Read More....
11/26/2012 369
Last week was a wild ride. Had 5 session days in a row )been several months since I've done that(. At the end of it all, I felt overworked and couldn't fathom anymore sessions. Thank god I didn't try for another session, as on Saturday... Read More....
11/26/2012 379
I had a even better session last night. My butt was craving all day after my last post so I saddled up again. Got to dry O zone again and rode that for a hour or so. I think it was about 2 hours in... Read More....
11/26/2012 374
Ok thats more like it! I had a good session last night. Instead of using the helix first I decided to use the eupho. Oh miss eupho is great! I still have to hold a slight contraction to get the action to happen but I... Read More....
11/25/2012 374
So, yeah, I thought I was done. But, that rewired gland was calling loudly, "Feed me, feed me." How can I refuse such a plea? It has been a long time since I've had the freedom to have a Helix Sleep Over. So, why not?... Read More....
11/24/2012 322
Holy Cow! Decided on a second run with my friend the Syn. I think this friend needs psycho-therapy. The Syn, for me, is a bi-polar, manic-depressive thing. Only a few hours before she was sublime, sweet, easy, oh so sexy. Well, the polarity switch was... Read More....
11/24/2012 322
"To sleep, perchance to dream…" Got home after a busy, energy draining, yet fun four days. I have some alone time! Yea! I do the complete prep – manscape, shower, warm up the room, nice pillow, my favorite back ground jazz, dim lights, cleaned out,... Read More....
11/24/2012 322