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Walking with Aneros (classic)?

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Hi, newbie (to the site) here.

I'm a bisexual male, a bottom, so I've had a lot of anal experience, toys and penises. So, I've been very successful with the Aneros. I don't really need to be relaxed, frankly, and what I've found is that when I lay on my side, as suggested, I can achieve a super O quicker if I grind my bottom leg (kind of like a mini hump). The other day I decided to take my dog for a walk with the Aneros inserted and within five minutes I had several mini Os in a row (not sure what my poor dog was thinking during this - my breath is haggard and I keep pausing during the walk). The back-and-forth motion while I clenched my ass was rocking that bad boy in all the right places. I became a little concerned that I was building up to a super O at one point and had to relax my ass cheeks. When I got home I decided to see if I could super O standing up and swiveling my hips (kind of a stationary walk). I had been so close on the walk and my body was ready! Holy shit!!!! Two minutes in and I was dripping pre-ejaculate on the floor and within five I had a standing super O!!!

DAMN! What a great toy!

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Very nice! Congrats!


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I would have to agree clenching helps at times. What aneros were you using? I injoyed using the Vice with no vibe in it around the farm a few days ago. Walking was good, attending to the chooks driving the Pickup and loading wood into it and then unloading it else where. Lots of bending twisting. I was fun. Only wish I could run. I even tried riding my push bike. Not bad at all with the vice coz the ptab and ktab are so soft

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Hi @rdemming,

Welcome to Aneros Forum. Judging from the first sentence of your posting you are well along in anal sexual pleasure, and certainly with Aneros since you have experienced Super-O's! Wow!

You mentioned that you have an Aneros (classic). Is your Aneros model a Helix Classic? If so, it is one of the first models in the Aneros line. Nowadays I use the Helix Classic as an "opener" to my sessions. It fits me perfectly and works me over in a rather aggressive, rugged, and yet very "sweet" fashion.

I celebrated my 65th birthday several days ago. I am thinking of getting a couple more Helix Classics for my collection. You can get a Helix Classic rather cheaply now at Amazon for about $33 USD.

But @rdeeming, for walking purposes, have you altered your Helix Classic? I want to experience what you have experienced with a Helix Classic inserted while walking. In recent weeks, I have had many awesome experiences with Helix Classic!

Other guys are welcome to answer my questions in this post.

Thom./BigGlansDC, riding his Tempo while typing this!

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@BigGlandsDC From what you have typed assuming you only have 1 Helix classic why would you want 2 more as well? They only come in one colour. And you only have one UAP (Universal Aneros Port)

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I did wonder that too!

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Hi @braveneworld and @pommie, it is because I want to. Helix Classic is such a fine Aneros product. 😉

However, I would be interested in learning from you all if the Helix Classic should be altered for walking purposes. Thanks!

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@BigGlandsDC well you will have three so you modify one, keep one in mint condition in the box for when it is a collectors item and the other you can use as is.Cut off the tail almost completely. Works fine and no chance of sitting on it at all coz of no tail.

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I also enjoy the feeling of walking with my helix syn inserted. I haven't reached orgasm while doing this, but the felling of it moving around inside me is definitely a pleasurable sensation. Try walking up and down stairs as well!

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Agreed. Stairs are awesome. My wife is always wondering why I'm going up and down the stairs...

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Hello guys,

I am very pleased today to share with you my experiences when I walk with Aneros inserted into my ass. I love the feeling it gives me ... This is amazing!

I must first say that I have the chance to walk on a bike path lined with trees and bushes , a little back from the city. The landscape is beautiful it allows me to be in a state of mind
Needless to say that I often take these long walks to stay in shape and also to keep my sexuality alive when I insert an Aneros .

I have several models that I use in my "feeling and my mood. Each model , due to its shape and mobility, gives me different feelings . Whenever it is fantastic ... I love everyone them for their differences, their subtle sensations.

The result : WOW! Several waves of pleasure , not too strong nor too subtle ... I think the natural movements of the body , walking , helps to gently massage the prostate to move effortlessly Aneros inside the anus . I always savor the feeling of gentle rubbing of my Aneros prostate and in my ass. And just like that, without contractions , waves of pleasure occur ... with a very nice state of well -being: faster breathing , moaning ...

Yes guys I tell you, I live pleasures repeated orgasmic if I feel very good pre- cum liquid flowed from my penis. Probably the natural walking motion that massage and stimulate the prostate properly . Very often I feel the Aneros shake himself much in my ass while I'm in motion, a sort of " self- fuck" as some say guys on the forum. It is very special as experience but beautiful .

The length of my walks are approximately 1 hour so an hour of fun to move, to observe the beautiful nature ( bike path along a wooded ) and feel mini orgasms. It's really enjoyable , it tickles me inside ..

Thank you very much.


P.S. Sorry for the translation , I use a linguistic tool on the web because I am a francophone from Quebec ( Canada).

Bonjour les gars,

Je suis très heureux, aujourd'hui, de partager avec vous mes expériences lorsque je marche avec un Aneros inséré dans mon cul. J'adore les sensations que cela me procure... C'est incroyable!

Je dois d'abord vous dire que j'ai la chance de marcher sur une piste cyclable bordée d'arbres et de buissons, un peu en retrait de la ville. Le paysage étant superbe cela me permet d'être dans un état d'esprit qui

Inutile de vous dire que je profite souvent de ces longues marches pour rester en forme et pour aussi garder ma sexualité bien vivante lorsque je m'insère un Aneros.

Je possède plusieurs modèles que j'utilise selon mon "feeling et mon humeur du moment. Chaque modèle, dû à sa forme et sa mobilité, me procure des sensations diffèrentes. Toutes les fois, c'est fantastique... J'aime chacun d'eux pour leurs différences, pour leurs subtiles sensations.

Le résultat: WOW! Plusieurs vagues de plaisirs, ni trop fortes, ni trop subtiles... Je pense que les mouvements naturels du corps, en marchant, aident à masser doucement la prostate, à faire bouger sans effort l'Aneros à l'intérieur de l'anus. Je savoure toujours cette sensation de doux frottement de l'Aneros sur ma prostate et dans mon cul. Et puis comme ça, sans faire de contractions, les vagues de plaisirs surviennent... avec un état de bien-être très agréable: respirations plus rapides, gémissements...

Oui les gars je vous le dis, je vivre des plaisirs à répétition si jouissifs que je sens très bien le liquide pré-éjac coulé de mon pénis. Probablement les mouvements naturels de la marche qui massent et stimulent adéquatement la prostate. Très souvent, je sens l'Aneros bougé de lui-même autant dans mon derrière pendant que je suis en mouvement, une sorte "d'auto-fuck" comme disent certains gars sur le forum. C'est très particulier comme expérience mais combien agréable.

La durée de mes marches sont d'environ 1 heure donc une heure de plaisir à bouger, à observer la belle nature( piste cyclable le long d'un boisé) et à sentir des mini orgasmes. C'est vraiment jouissif, ça me chatouille de l'intérieur..

Merci beaucoup.


P.S. Désolé pour la traduction, j'utilise un outil linguistique sur le web car je suis un francophone du Québec (Canada).

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salut pierre, moi aussi je suis québécois, on devrait marcher ensemble avec notre aneros 🙂

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Bonjour Sublevel1,

Ton court message m'a fait vraiment sourire... ça pourrait effectivement être très drôle de marcher avec un autre gars avec chacun notre Aneros dans le cul en comparant nos sensations... (lol.), encore faut-il que nous habitions au même endroit.

J'ai l'immense plaisir de marcher avec ma femme à qui j'ai offert en cadeau EVI-Aneros spécialement conçu pour les femmes. Alors parfois on s'amuse à marcher ensemble avec chacun notre jouet sexuel Aneros. C'est très plaisant et excitant; ça nous met dans un état d'esprit assez torride... Je te laisse imaginer la suite lorsque nous revenons à la maison... Quel plaisir de baiser mon amoureuse...


Pierre (Saguenay, Québec) Canada

Hello Sublevel1,

Your short message really made me smile ... it could actually be very funny to walk with another guy with all our Aneros in the ass by comparing our sensations ... (lol.), it is still necessary that we lived the same place.

I have the great pleasure of walking with my wife to whom I offered a gift EVI-Aneros specially designed for women. So sometimes it is fun to walk together with all our Aneros sex toy. It is very fun and exciting; it puts us in a state of mind ... hot enough I'll let you imagine the rest when we get home ... What a pleasure to fuck my wife...


Pierre (Saguenay, Quebec)Canada

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