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Have you experienced the PSY yet?  If so, feel free to leave your impressions here!


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I sure have! My god this Psy where do I begin?!

First off and the most important for me is the ability to adjust the arms. I did not achieve consistent and confirmed hands-free prostate orgasms until I (and I hate to admit this) added some FDA approved-and-safe plumber's silicone putty to the P-tab of my original MGX I got in 2004. I needed to not only widen the tab to prevent the tab from sliding left and right off my perineum in order for it to stay centered, but to change the depth of the toy's body and its interaction with my prostate. I maybe added a few millimeters at best, but it accelerated my orgasm potential every session from a few to dozens.

I cannot stress how important it can be: the depth of the toy's body--even if only under 5mm--can be the difference between a "well, I feel something but not sure if its an orgasm or will lead to an orgasm" and a "holy F I'm cummmmmmming!!! And omgggg its happening over and over wtfffffffff!!??!!??" 

So the Psy is a revolution in this regard. You can literally change the depth of insertion down to the millimeter if you want or need to. And that's only with the P-tab. And that's important, because those of you who are Trident followers and have been for some time, you know just how important the K-tab is and what it is capable of doing. 

Of course, the K-tab arm can be moved like the P-tab arm. The tabs work in conjunction. While those of you who have the Psy may already know this, and while the metal gauge of the arms inside the silicone seems to be very firm and resilient, there is still some flexing that occurs when your anus puckers from autocontractions and the toy's body is pulled into you very strongly. I was unsure this feature of Tridents and especially the Syn models would be present on the Psy because it has metal wire instead of plastic or silicone in its arms. But man oh man oh man, the wire does have a slight "springyness" to it and that helps with the whole autocontractions-lead-to-orgasms business we know and love in Aneros Trident toys. 

While the P-tab arm has to be fine tuned for the depth you want, the K-tab arm has to as well, and the location of the tabs being higher or lower matters for how much flexing/spring-action you get during autocontractions: the closer to the toy's body you have the tabs, the less spring-action you get, while the further away the tabs are from the body, the more spring-action there is. Again, this can be a literal revolution to your prostate sessions and orgasms. What I found with the K-tab especially is the location of the K-tab activates different "Kundalini" or sensitive spots around my tailbone. The standard Trident positions of the K-tab varies a little between Aneros models, we know this. So its a wonderful joy to get to alter the K-tab to exactly where you want it to be, and where you'll find it needs to be to provoke even deeper, more wonderful, and constant, orgasms.

Okay, enough for the tabs and arms. Let's talk about this body shape!!

It is wild as all get out. I can't be more open about it. While the raised ridges might appear to you on first glance like it could really do a number on your delicate prostate, I'm here to tell you to not worry. It is amazing, it makes orgasms come on so fast and so powerfully that I have had to switch it out for another toy in order to not get too used to it! I've had a few sessions with the Psy so far and it literally makes me have Os within seconds, whether I started my session with it or used it like second to fourth toy into my fun play. What I love the most about this body shape is its interaction and stimulation of my anus. Nothing compares to it. In fact, for one session I made the P and K tabs be in a position where the body kind of stimulated a little more of my anus--the body didn't go as deep in me as I would want it--and it made my anus go so wild I couldn't believe it was an Aneros doing that to me! Wild stuff!! I like the toy going deeper in me for sure, but it was neat to alter the arms to get this experience. 

Just be careful about experimentation: you can alter the arms, but don't overdo it. Besides, once you adjust them to where you find it to be exquisite, you might just want to keep them there 😉

If you are on the fence for buying this, here's one more neat factoid about it. The P and K tabs can be moved almost anywhere. This means that the P-tab can be closer to the body while the K-tab can be further away, and I'm talking just a little bit. What I found is that the differing distances of K and P tabs to the body can alter the angle of delivery when the body goes into me. It can pitch the body slightly so it engages my prostate higher up, like at a higher angle; if the P-tab is a little further away and the K-tab is closer, it pitches downward and the contact with my prostate is a little lessened and not as direct. In no way does any of this prevent orgasms. It just changes them. I liken this to when I use a g-spot wand on myself. I like to angle it so the g-spot angled part really works my prostate intensely, then as I approach orgasm, I lift up on the handle and the contact is less and the head of the dildo still contacts my prostate but it slides past it more passively and makes for a powerful but more wonderful O. I hope this makes sense! Write if you need more details about this feature. 

One thing to warn against, and I already found this out, is to bend the arms back so the tabs don't contact your P or K spots. Doing so kind of throws the toy out of wack and it doesn't engage your prostate very much or correctly. I bent the K-tab back so only the P-tab contacts my body and it was uneventful and not worth repeating. You might find it works; I cut the handles off my old original Aneros models and that helped me actually have Os from those toys, but this Psy is a different animal and is not in that realm. You really want, and need, both tabs to make contact with your body, the body of the toy and its movement depends on them.

I don't know what more to say, I've said too much as is! The toy is a game changer and if you have ever had the feeling like you needed an adjustable Aneros, this is the one you need and its worth getting to try it out. If you have any of the Trident Syn models already out there, this is very similar, just a different body shape and the arms feel about the same, but you can position them, which is way amazing and cool. Have fun out there!


Progasm001, MarvelousWeasel101, Ggringo and 4 people reacted
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Thanks for the excellent and convincing review! May have to get one after reading your comments!!

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So, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted and a long time since I’ve purchased a new Aneros model. I own the Helix Trident, Helix Syn Trident, Progasm Black ICE and Eupho Syn Trident and I’m very happy with all of them.   That said, while I’ve been very content with my quotient of Super O’s for a while now, I’ve always wished that P-tab contacted my perineum a little bit lower. I’ve been into perineum stimulation even before I found Aneros toys, and it remains a go to with my partner for foreplay.  At this point I’m very aware of where that spot is for me.  It turns out that Aneros is pretty consistent with the height of the P-tab on all the ones I have (and my guess is it’s the same for the others too).  All of them make contact at the same place and it’s about half an inch off the mark for me.  So, when I saw that the company finally came out with an adjustable product, I just had to try it.

First off, putting the adjustable arms aside, this massager has a very unusual look to it….even by Aneros’ standards.  The most striking thing about it are the 3 protrusions/ridges on the body and ribbing on the sides. Those of you who’ve been around the forum since the 00’s may remember the “FIN-3” massager that was originally sold by Aneros’ sister company HIH and will recognize some similarity here.  But for the most part and for most of us, the PSY will really be its own thing. When comparing the arm and tab configuration of my Aneros models  I noticed that the PSY’s arms and tabs have a slightly different orientation.  For me, this turned out to be a big plus because the P-tab settled in a little closer to my “sweet spot” from the very beginning.  But given that I had the ability to adjust it further….I did.  And WOW what a difference it made!  With the PSY tuned in like this, my first O came within seconds of insertion. It’s kind of amazing what a big difference seeming small changes can make to this product’s performance. But it’s undeniable once you experience it.  Something that’s really striking, is that for the first time ever, I had an awareness of the depth of a massager inside my body.  That is, depending on the level of contraction I can feel those different ridges skating on the surfaces of my prostate, one by one. It’s uncanny. 

As the earlier review mentioned, some may look at the PSY with a little apprehension. The design is bold and one might assume it be overly aggressive.  But I didn’t find that to be the case at all.  Again, remember the body is covered with a very smooth silicone.  I’ve only had the PSY for a few days but in that time I’ve had a half dozen sessions with immensely powerful, multiple whole-body O’s throughout.  I can’t wait to see where the PSY will take me next. 

Lastly, I’m inclined to say the PSY will be most appreciated by those with prior Aneros experience, given that they will have some basis of comparison to help inform any adjustments they may make.  However, it’s highly possible that many people (including new users) will enjoy the product as it comes from the factory, right out of the box, with no adjustment at all….it’s really different, and it's that good!  Fantastic job Aneros!





PS   At some point it might be interesting to have PSY users make tracings or post pics of their adjusted massagers for comparison.  

This post was modified 10 months ago by MarkM

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Posted by: @markm

So, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted and a long time since I’ve purchased a new Aneros model. I own the Helix Trident, Helix Syn Trident, Progasm Black ICE and Eupho Syn Trident and I’m very happy with all of them.   That said, while I’ve been very content with my quotient of Super O’s for a while now, I’ve always wished that P-tab contacted my perineum a little bit lower. I’ve been into perineum stimulation even before I found Aneros toys, and it remains a go to with my partner for foreplay.  At this point I’m very aware of where that spot is for me.  It turns out that Aneros is pretty consistent with the height of the P-tab on all the ones I have (and my guess is it’s the same for the others too).  All of them make contact at the same place and it’s about half an inch off the mark for me.  So, when I saw that the company finally came out with an adjustable product, I just had to try it.

First off, putting the adjustable arms aside, this massager has a very unusual look to it….even by Aneros’ standards.  The most striking thing about it are the 3 protrusions/ridges on the body and ribbing on the sides. Those of you who’ve been around the forum since the 00’s may remember the “FIN-3” massager that was originally sold by Aneros’ sister company HIH and will recognize some similarity here.  But for the most part and for most of us, the PSY will really be its own thing. When comparing the arm and tab configuration of my Aneros models  I noticed that the PSY’s arms and tabs have a slightly different orientation.  For me, this turned out to be a big plus because the P-tab settled in a little closer to my “sweet spot” from the very beginning.  But given that I had the ability to adjust it further….I did.  And WOW what a difference it made!  With the PSY tuned in like this, my first O came within seconds of insertion. It’s kind of amazing what a big difference seeming small changes can make to this product’s performance. But it’s undeniable once you experience it.  Something that’s really striking, is that for the first time ever, I had an awareness of the depth of a massager inside my body.  That is, depending on the level of contraction I can feel those different ridges skating on the surfaces of my prostate, one by one. It’s uncanny. 

As the earlier review mentioned, some may look at the PSY with a little apprehension. The design is bold and one might assume it be overly aggressive.  But I didn’t find that to be the case at all.  Again, remember the body is covered with a very smooth silicone.  I’ve only had the PSY for a few days but in that time I’ve had a half dozen sessions with immensely powerful, multiple whole-body O’s throughout.  I can’t wait to see where the PSY will take me next. 

Lastly, I’m inclined to say the PSY will be most appreciated by those with prior Aneros experience, given that they will have some basis of comparison to help inform any adjustments they may make.  However, it’s highly possible that many people (including new users) will enjoy the product as it comes from the factory, right out of the box, with no adjustment at all….it’s really different, and it's that good!  Fantastic job Aneros!





PS   At some point it might be interesting to have PSY users make tracings or post pics of their adjusted massagers for comparison.  

Yes for sure the ridges might have the appearance that they will wear out or create too much direct stimulation of the prostate and it might be "not good" but that's how this toy works at all. I think the silicone really helps smooth the stimulation out. And I forgot to say that the factory standard positioning of the Psy is a really good out of the box, I used it that way first try too and was so happy that even the factory standard settings worked like a charm! 

Maybe tracings of the Psy positions could be made available online for users to print out and then they can lay the toy on the sheet and shape the arms to the print out? That would be pretty cool!

And, I've been around Aneros land for a long time but don't remember the FIN-3, that sounds pretty cool, I love HIH products!!!


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I've recently gotten my own PSY model and really don't have anything to add to what @techpump & @MarkM have described so well. I have yet to experiment with trying different P & K tab placements but am pleased to have the ability to do so. I know many users have made modifications to their models P-tab arms in the past, it was even included in the Aneros WIKI>Advanced Skills>Modifications to the Aneros>P-tab arm. This new model may make those modifications unnecessary for most users as they can easily position the P & K tabs precisely where they are most optimal for themselves, ths is a very welcome option. As far as the shape goes and it's resemblance to the "FIN-3" (I never saw that model) It is a slight departure from the traditional Aneros design but incorporating a couple of design features reminiscent of the MGX line, namely a tapering base with radial ridges to provide added stimulation to one's anal orifice. Additionally, the head design incorporates a double nodule reminiscent of the now discontinued HIH PS-NEW model. All in all I think this is a model many veteran users will be pleased to have in their stable and for newbies this is a chance to really get a custom fit for you foray into the world of prostate massage, another winning design in the Aneros lineup.

Good Vibes to You!

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Ordered one on Monday - can’t wait for it to arrive and take it for a test drive!

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Posted by: @fred27

Ordered one on Monday - can’t wait for it to arrive and take it for a test drive!

How did it go?!


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@techpump Very well! The overall shape and bumps are very stimulating! Not had a lot of time to experiment with it!

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Bill Bately
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I was a very happy recipient of the free PSY model giveaway. I was so excited waiting for its arrival. When it came I immediately gave it a test drive, though it was late in the evening and I NEVER have sessions if not in the am or at most in the afternoon. 

Right away, with no adjustments, it was a unique experience. As someone mentioned, it can look rather aggressive, but it actually comes on very gently, maybe because of the silicone coating. And very coaxing, like it’s butterfly namesake. 
I’ve experimented a bit with the arms. It seems my prostate could be lower down than others (I’m shorter), so the adjustment where both tabs are nearer the main body axis, seems to work best for me. Prior to the Psy arrival I was getting a lot more into Aless. After the Psy’s arrival and experimentation, alas, aless has taken a back seat. 🙂

I need to say more about its actual effect. I can only describe it as amazing. It’s unlike other sessions with other models. Any session with an Aneros of course can be great. But something about the Psy gives it an edge. 

Actually I want to update my preferred arms adjustment. On further use today, I can only describe the session as extraordinary. Seeing as my gland seems to be “lower”, I position the front arm away from the mid axis, as far as it comfortably goes, and then I bring the back tab as far as I can comfortably get it towards the mid axis. The reason being that the back tab will decrease the depth “in”, and the front tab will angle the body down to hit more directly the prostate. This was my theory and it seemed to work. I felt like my session was so good it almost broke it and I was completely gone. 🙂

One last word, another reason for positioning the front tab away from the mid axis, ie extending it out as far a comfortably possible, it takes away the sharpness of the initial front tab placement. In its initial position, for me, the front tab can be a bit aggressive, but extended away it feels really good. 🙂 🙂

This post was modified 9 months ago 3 times by Bill Bately

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I think the Psy has an other unadvertised feature besides the adjustable arms: the "agressively" shaped head.

The protruding bumps on the head of the Psy are more noticibly stimulating in my opinion than the other models. The few time I've used the Psy it always delivered on pleasure, but it in a way that it became annoying for me after a while. What can I say, I'm spoiled by the other models more delicate heads. 🙂

So for longer sessions I pick from the older models (Eupho, Mgx, or Maximus) which have less pointy bumps on their head. And when I want a quicky, I reach for the Psy.

I think the Psy is also ideal for beginners, who need more stimulation to awaken their prostate.

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Posted by: @marvelousweasel101

I think the Psy has an other unadvertised feature besides the adjustable arms: the "agressively" shaped head.

The protruding bumps on the head of the Psy are more noticibly stimulating in my opinion than the other models. The few time I've used the Psy it always delivered on pleasure, but it in a way that it became annoying for me after a while. What can I say, I'm spoiled by the other models more delicate heads. 🙂

So for longer sessions I pick from the older models (Eupho, Mgx, or Maximus) which have less pointy bumps on their head. And when I want a quicky, I reach for the Psy.

I think the Psy is also ideal for beginners, who need more stimulation to awaken their prostate.

For sure! Or, use a less aggressive model or two for a while to warm up, and then the PSY feels amazing and not so intense, but it works really good regardless. I use the PSY like this most of the time, like a "second stage" of my session.


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My first impression of the Psy was very good. Set up my session as always with music, incense and cannabis.  Immediately after I inserted the Psy it wanted to slip out. Tried several times and it kept slipping. I assumed from the feel that it wasn’t inserted far enough to be well seated. So I made a slight adjustment of the tabs outward to gently increase the insertion length. That single small adjustment solved the problem. And the session thereafter was ecstatic as always. In the interim, my Foria melts arrived and so I am looking forward to the next session with great anticipation. 

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Posted by: @mph

My first impression of the Psy was very good. Set up my session as always with music, incense and cannabis.  Immediately after I inserted the Psy it wanted to slip out. Tried several times and it kept slipping. I assumed from the feel that it wasn’t inserted far enough to be well seated. So I made a slight adjustment of the tabs outward to gently increase the insertion length. That single small adjustment solved the problem. And the session thereafter was ecstatic as always. In the interim, my Foria melts arrived and so I am looking forward to the next session with great anticipation. 

You got the Melts?! Oh man you are in for a fun time for sure!! I haven't reordered and have one left, I'm saving for the perfect day. I want 2 hours minimum from my melt-driven session. Enjoy it man!


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Posted by: @marvelousweasel101

.. but it in a way that it became annoying for me after a while. ...

I have to make amends to my Psy, I had a fantastic time with it last night, during a long session! It danced with the involuntaries the whole time, it was marvelous! And no soreness on my prostate, this time.

Last time I used it, months ago, I had a completely different experience with it. It seems I had to grow up in skills, to fully make use of the Psy's capabilities. It will be in rotation from now on.


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Never give up because a certain model doesn’t give instant results! You will find like I did that on given day you may experience awesome results that will provide pleasure like never before! I have a variety of models including psy and each one has given me pleasure!

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I’ve enjoyed reading people’s responses. I have been on the fence about getting this model to try. I decided to just go for it. 
however I did order one online but they didn’t have one actually in stock so I had to re order elsewhere. Smh 🤦‍♂️ 

I’m not going to expect anything upon trying it for the first time. I imagine it will be a possible slight tweak of the tab(s) and see where it takes me 🙏

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Sadly I haven’t received mine 🙁 the first place I ordered online said they had in stock. I was refunded because they didn’t have tit. Same happened with the second place. Maybe I will wait. Stock must be hard to get?

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@yoyo23 The PSY is in stock - feel free to order one

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@anerosit literally all retailers and online in Australia is sold out. 
if I ordered direct from the Aneros website I’m guessing it would ship from United States to Australia?

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I tried the supplier again they just got stock in. Have ordered should be here around Friday 👍

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Update for my very first use of the Aneros PSY.

it came earlier today in the post. I could not wait to try it.

i had already had a couple prostate orgasms with my helix syn v with the vibration setting on.

i didn’t know what to expect with my first time around with a non vibrating model. At least with the PSY I couldn’t be tempted to turn anything on during play because it doesn’t vibrate.

i was pleasantly surprised and just got in to my usual rhythm. I had to adjust the front arm slightly because it kept slipping out but that was very minor adjustment. 
I was able to achieve orgasm which I was not expecting. Things felt really good and I feel it came on a lot quicker compared to the syn v (while using vibration mode)

I will still use both however I think the PSY is my favoured model at this stage.

im also very happy I was able to achieve this sensation without any vibration settings this time!

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Ive had one session with the psy and it does get right down to business.I am still fine tuining the arms they are not engagaging the p&k spots to my liking.Having said that the orgasms were longer and stronger.I have a term I use called "new model excitement" but I think the psy is probably going to be my go to from now on.I had planed to start with something else and try the psy later but I just went with it first.At this point Im thinking when im done with the psy I will be played out but I shall see.Even with the tabs not engaging the way i would like the pleasure was intense and when it would subside just the slightest thrusting motion would bring on another wave.Im sure I need to work on my breathing because I found my self circling the drain so to speak not able to let go and accept the pleasure.

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Have been experimenting with the position of the p tab. Just a slight move back definitely helped me increase the movement of the head! The ripples in the head can be very stimulating once the correct position is located for you. Will continue to experiment and report results.

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Hi gang!

I’ve had a small handful of prostate orgasms with the new PSY.

usually my sessions will take around 45 minutes to an hour maybe (lucky me!)

today I decided to have a session, had some free time. Within minutes it started to feel quite good and within maybe 5 minutes I was having an orgasm. 
trying to regather my thoughts and wonder why it happened so fast?

has this happened to anyone before?

not that I’m complaining of course! 🙂

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I have had the original Classic Helix and MGX for several years and have had reasonably good results usually from the Helix.  Over those years I have successfully rewired my nipples and find that they incredibly help with the orgasms I get from the Helix. After I got the new Helix Trident Syn and had some amazing sessions I gave in and just recently got a PSY after reading all of the great reviews in this blog.

   Although I didn't think the PSY could be that much better than the Helix Syn Trident..........THAT was certainly not the case in recent unbelievable sessions. The PSY is worth every penny and more but the HST will certainly take second place because of the way it bounces on my prostate.   With the adjustable tabs you can get the exact right pressure on the exact right spot and the contractions of the anal walls against the PSY and the prostate is just plain indescribable.  THEN, when you add stimulation from circling the nipples to the mix, it becomes as most people describe, just plain mind blowing.  All the while this is going on, you think Oh, this is the best ever.........and then it gets better.  You just can't describe it adequately but it is better than the best vagina orgasm you ever had....mainly because it lasts so long and is repeatable many times.

  Buy it and try it but probably best after you are experienced and rewired to get best performance.

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I got the PSY 3 days ago.

Over the years I have bought almost every Aneros model. Eupho, Progasm, Progasm Jr, and Maximus didn't work for me. Apart from a few pleasant sensations, I hadn't felt anything remotely like an orgasm.

About a year ago I bought a Helix Syn, which was the first time I had anything like a prostate orgasm. Last night I tried the PSY for the first time. First I bent the tabs a little further apart to increase the insertion depth. I immediately noticed that the PSY was hitting the right spot.

After a few contractions I felt like I was about to have a penis orgasm. This tingling feeling in the prostate kept getting stronger until I suddenly forgot everything around me. Suddenly I started shaking and moaning loudly (I don't even moan when I have sex with my girlfriend). For the first time I had one dry orgasm after another. At some point I couldn't take it anymore and had to remove the Psy due to exhaustion.

Tonight I was able to repeat this wave of anal and prostate orgasms.

The PSY is like a game changer for me. Best prostate massage toy in the world.

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@german_guy That is great to hear. I get super pumped when someone has a great success story such as this. I will say the Eupho was the game changer for me. You said it best, the right spot is everything. I have circled back to the others in the past and it seems as though they all have a different effect on me. Even the difference in Syn and Trident is fun to explore. Keep posting the status because I myself am considering the PSY to see what it has to offer!

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The aggressive curve of the back side of the PSY makes it a way dfferent animal.When you insert it the tip it heads for the second floor so to speak.The deep grooves snuggle the prostate more than any of the others at least for me.But I know some who disagree.I find it very hard to stay silent at times!

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Had a great session with my PSY this morning early. After lube and insertion, I just relaxed and waited. I configured the p and k tabs to match the shape of my MGX which has given me incredible results. After a short time begin to experience subtle involuntaries and the bumps in the head began to gently massage my prostate. Soon the pace of the involuntaries increased and began to experience a tapping on my prostate as the head moved in response to my nipple play. An intense orgasm of continued pleasure soon followed as I drifted off to experience even more. First time my PSY gave me the thrill of my life! An added bonus was the ribbed stem which caused subtle movement in my anus increasing the symphony of pleasure! Great design, Aneros team!

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