It took me 6 months of "dud" Aneros practice to finally achieve my first Aneros MMO. In the six months after that initial success I was only successful 50% of the time. Over the course of those six months after my first success I worked hard to refine prep and practice. At the end of that 6 months I was vastly improved and had booted my success rate to 75% of the time. Some of the key lessons learned for me that contributed to my improvement were: (1) sleeping naked to make myself feel sexy; (2) reading something sexually focused before bed or writing erotica before bed; (3) relaxing and clearing non sexual thoughts from my mind and (4) inserting between 4 AM - 6AM.
The last item on that list has proven to be the most consistent factor to contribute to my success for the last 20 years. In the early morning my sex hormones are at their peak, ensuring my best shot at orgasmic success. I will almost always get at least 2-3 erections during this 4 AM - 6 AM time window. I use the condom method so I started leaving a prepared (loaded) condom next to the bed for easy insertion when I woke up around 4 AM, which I did naturally most mornings.
My regimen of inserting a loaded condom in early morning was relatively easy to do as I spent a lot of time in hotels for work. I always scheduled meetings and field work for late mornings so I could sleep in until 8:30 AM and shower. I usually went to bed early as well to get as much sleep as possible.
This was (and still is) the routine that I follow to this day. Since I retired, I sometimes I wake up at 3 AM and have sessions that are as good as the ones an hour or so later.
At the two year point I read (before chat) here in the forum about Alesses. The idea sounded really intriguing. So after a week long stay at a hotel near my work site, and a long last day of meetings and work activities I made it back to my hotel room. It was 8 PM, way too late to make the 5 hour drive home. I decided to stay in the hotel that night and drive home the next morning. I also made the decision to forgo a session the next morning so I could get on the road early.
I hit the sack at 10PM, sleeping naked as I always did after a particularly hot sexting exchange with someone in another forum I was active in at the time. I went to bed highly aroused. On cue the next morning at 4 AM, I woke up after a particularly steamy dream with an iron hard erection. I was on my side when I woke. For some unknown reason I decided to lay on my stomach which pressed my erection against the soft mattress. From out of the clear blue sky the pleasure waves started to build in my anal canal. I was shocked.
Instinctively I fell into Aneros mindset and began to follow the butterflies. I then began to do the breathing protocol I follow with Aneros insertion. To my delight, my anus began to twitch rhythmically as the pleasure amplified. I pressed my erection firmly against the mattress paying attention to make sure the pressure was on my sulcus (underside of my cockhead). Manipulating my breathing and toggling my left nipple (the more sensitive and responsive of the two) in time to rising falling pleasure waves I made the waves grow to become excruciatingly pleasurable. After 15 minutes of so I was experiencing chains of pure white hot ecstatic orgasms. They did not wane. For the next hour I experienced my first sustained (constant) Aless MMO.
Sweaty and exhausted I gave up at almost 6 AM. I fell asleep and reawakened at 8 AM or so. I took a shower, ate a quick breakfast and hit the road for the 5 hour drive home.
I had been on the road for an hour or so when I began to think about the events of earlier that morning and the dream that I had that inspired the Aless. I was shocked that in minutes I was suddenly feeling my anus twitching in pre orgasmic waves just as it had hours earlier. I was on the interstate driving 70 miles per hour and to my shock and awe I was beginning to have an Aless orgasm.
Chills were running up my spine as the orgasm took control of my anus and cock. I struggled to keep concentrating on the road as chiming ecstasy drilled into my anus. Fortunately for me there was a rest area 5 minutes down the road where I could exit and park. I sat in the car for a full thirty minutes letting my body do what it wanted to do. I must admit that I was a little nervous as unlike the sessions that I had with Aneros, I had no control over this orgasm. All I could do was sit there and endure the exquisite agonizing ecstasy that had control of my anal canal, cock root and prostate. Eventually it subsided and I got back on the road and arrived home safely with my cock and anus twitching and threatening to start up again.
Over the weeks that followed I began an Aless routine of waking up at 3-4 AM and following the same actions that I took that first night in the hotel. Unlike Aneros however, my success rate with Aless was 90% almost all the time. This was my nightly routine for almost 2 years; I did Alesses every other night. The frequency of my Aneros insertion sessions dropped to once a week to every other week.
I was rewired by my 3rd year. In the process of being rewired my erotic writing skills expanded and I began to write more explicit fiction and semi autobiographical narratives. My entire sexual / sensual mindset changed at this point and my sexual response followed. All was routine until the next milestone.
That next milestone occurred in my 4th year; it was on a warm summer night in late July. My wife decided to sleep naked which was unusual for her, she usually sleeps in a tee shirt or nightgown; I always slept naked. It had cooled down enough by 3 AM so that we pulled the sheet up to cover us and stay warm. It actually was cool enough that I was a little chilly. In an attempt to warm up I sidled up to her; she was sleeping on her side facing away from me. We often slept spooned so this was not an unusual position. As I slid up against her my morning erection pressed against her and parted the cheeks of her derriere, nestling in the valley between her cheeks with my cock head relatively close to her anus. I could sense the heat of her nether hole on my cock head I was so close.
In less than a second from noticing her body heat on my cock head I immediately launched into hard Alesses. I stifled a gasp and willed myself to remain still as euphoric chimes rang in my anal canal. By 30 seconds I was in full blown cascading chains of back to back orgasms. Beyond their immediacy and frequency was their immediate ferocity. I was getting pounded by machine gun like orgasmic spasms that made it very difficult to lay still. The spasms in my anus and anal canal were echoed with challenging ecstatic spasms of my cock root and cock head. I forced myself to be as immobile as I could considering I was being wracked by relentless fierce prostate ecstasy. This went on for a full 2 hours. Fortunately for me, when I MMO my penis shrinks making it less noticeable by her. It started at 8- 9 erect but shrank to 3 inches or less. When I finally pulled away from my wife's crack, my cock was diminutive and her derriere crack was well lubed by my precum.
The next day after we got up she questioned me if slept OK because she sensed I was having a bad dream and that I was restless. I admitted to her that I was not dreaming or restless and I told her what happened.
That morning I admitted my entire Aneros discovery to her. What has followed over the last 17 years since then will be the stuff of the next posts.
Thermocouple: a device for measuring temperature, consisting of a length of wire of different metals connected at two points terminating in a bulbous tip, the voltage being developed in the junction will be in proportion to the temperature difference.
By Spring of 2007 my Aneros journey made me feel like a 17th Century Explorer from Spain or Italy of Portugal only instead of the New World I was seeking the New Orgasm. I was in control of my ship, its equipment and the humanity that drove it and most importantly I had confidence in myself. I also was aware I was headed somewhere but I wasn't totally sure what was out there.
I was having a 90% success rate with Super O's each session. I knew how to make sure I had them but I wasn't always consistent in the results. Some sessions were deep and intense producing toe curling agonizing ecstasy while other were just meager and ok. Each one was as different as a finger print. I learned that Super O's were very nuanced and that depending on how you guided them, they could tumble you like a wave on the shore and abandon you or they could caress your brain and transport you to nirvana. I learned that I could get good advice from others on what worked for them but that experimentation of what worked in my own body was essential, even if it went against what others did. I also learned from Senior members here about A Lesses.
One of the things I did that delivered me my first pleasure was ignoring the advice to not let anything touch my penis in at the start of, or during an MMO. Indeed it was the act of involving my cockhead that opened the doors of ecstasy for me; pressing my erection on a smooth softness of a sheet covered duvet in a hotel was essential to trigger my orgasms. My months of frustration over not getting anything to happen changed when I made that discovery.
When I do MMO's my cock behaves very much like a thermocouple in a heater. The sensuality and erotic pleasure my cock head senses turns on my prostate orgasm just as a thermocouple switches on a heater; the fuel to keep the fire burning is in my breathing, my mind and my nipples. My cock is a strategic part of my P orgasms. The extreme pleasure of a prostate orgasmic spasm deep in my anal canal starts in my cock head and flows to my prostate; then it bounces back and reverberates in my penile bulb (or cock root) and my sulcus (under my cock head) as well as in my cock slit. The convulsive ecstasy of prostate orgasm echoes back and forth from deep in my anus to my genitals where it caresses my penis, tingles my cock slit and makes my penile bulb pump and then , if I manage it well, it travels up my spine and soaks into my brain giving me the profound euphoria that we all talk about here.
In the Spring of 2007 I set out to accomplish 2 things. Learn to do an A Less so I could have orgasms where ever and whenever and without an Aneros. The other thing was to see if I could use my rigid penis better as a tool to unlock and enhance MMO's and learn how to apply this knowledge.
My mastery of A Less was the first goal that I passed that Spring. I had a planned stay at the hotel overnight on Friday night due to a late meeting that wouldn't get me back to the room until 9 PM; I knew the drive home was impossible so a booked the room an extra night. With the prospect of a Saturday morning departure and no rush to get out of the room in the morning I set my sights on working on A Less that Friday night.
So at 1 AM I assumed my normal position of stomach down, left leg bent up holding my pelvis and penis slightly off the mattress but barely touching. I began to do my breathing and my anal and pelvic floor contractions. The best analogy I can offer to what followed is the act of trying to start an old car that has been laying dormant for years. I cranked and cranked most of the time getting nothing. However every few attempts I got a flutter deep in my anus. After 4 hours of concerted effort, finally the flutter turned into a gentle elegant anal orgasm. Then it died.
For the next hour I continued the regimen and got better and better results each time. At 4 AM I was swimming in a sea of sweet orgasmic bliss. That night I discovered that A Less orgasms are more gentle and take a lot more concentration to sustain and amplify than an Aneros session. However, for me now they are much easier to start.
That was years ago. Now I do an Aless almost every night and have been doing them for 19 years. Sometimes it is 10 - 15 minutes and sometimes it can be an hour. My achievement of the goal of having A Lesses whenever I wanted was made exponentially easier by a second discovery I made.
Going back to the importance of my cock in launching my MMO's, I set off that summer to experiment with various means to stimulate my penis. I tried a TENS Unit and hated it. I tried edging and had some success. However it was the discovery of the cheeks of my wife's derriere as a launch pad that granted me the "keys to the kingdom."
She sleeps in the summer in my Tee Shirts, which I find to be more erotic than fancy negligees. As a result her sexy tight bare bottom is exposed. I sleep nude. We also wind up spooned together many nights in early morning. The coming together of these 2 events was the discovery of the path to deep and intense P orgasms for me. First was the fact that I get the best response for Prostate Orgasms from doing them between 3-5 AM in the morning when sex hormones in my bloodstream are at their peak. The second was a result of the first discovery, that I need to be horny and erect to have a good session.
So it was on a sultry July night that my MMO experience got booted to a higher level. Due to the heat my wife was virtually nude wearing a "wife beater" undershirt and nothing on her bottom; I was nude. I rolled over to spoon her as I often did, fortuitously placing my morning erection between her ass cheeks. As luck would have it my sulcus was touching the opening of her anus and was actually slightly pressing against it. The heat of the air and the body heat of her anus kissing my cock head was incendiary. From out of nowhere the thunder of powerful orgasm crashed deep in my anal canal. It took my breath away. Then unbidden there was another thunderous orgasmic convulsion.
It was like being sucked into a whirlpool, there was no swimming out of it. As she was sound asleep I tried to be as still as possible as I was being ravaged by orgasms. I reached around her to caress her breast under her shirt. She sighed as my tender caress made her nipple stiffening in my palm as my cock head pressed gently on her anus. It was like pouring gasoline on the orgasmic fire now cascading in my anus. I clearly had a tiger by the tail and I struggled to hang on.
The orgasm that launched that night lasted for almost two hours nonstop. When it was done her anus was sloppy with my pre cum. I discovered sometime that night as well, that is that my precum soaks into skin really fast, especially the type of skin around her anus. Fortunately she didn't wake up before it disappeared. I did wonder if she had any erotic dreams as this was all hapening.
A few days later I decided to test the discovery with the use of an Aneros. Knowing that she was a heavy sleeper, particularly in the middle of the night, I got out of bed at 3 AM and went to the bathroom. Once there instead of peeing I lubed my Eupho, which was stashed in the vanity , put my leg on the rim of the bathtub and slid the Eupho home. I could feel my anus' reflexive grip on the Eupho tighten as soon as I put it in. Gasping slightly I walked back to bed with my hand holding it in as I walked. I slid back into bed as smoothly and quietly as I could. She was already on her right side facing away from me with her knees drawn up in a semi fetal position. Her ass was stuck right out temping me.
Rising to her offer I grasped my cock at the base of my shaft and slid forward guiding my taut bulbous cock head to her anus as I had the previous night. I imagined that her tight anus was kissing my cock head. When I docked her and felt the warm kiss of her anus on my wetted cock slit the orgasm ignited immediately and exploded. My anus fluttered and spasmed as a hard convulsion of white hot pleasure shot deep into my anal canal. I struggled to be still as a ravaging tsunami of aching bliss flooded my own anus. I muffled a gasp as she sighed quietly.
I lay there tempest tossed in a maelstrom orgasm that was twisting my anal canal in chains of cascading orgasms. My cock was lurching with each orgasmic spasm like a heavy cannon firing repeated loads as it drool precum . It was like being on the wildest ride and all I could do was hold on. Thoughts of what my wife might be dreaming about with the sleep wrapped sensation of my big cock head docked in her anus only accelerated and intensified the fury of my rapture.
An hour later I had to back away from her as I feared I might wake her. I fell asleep and woke at 9 AM with her cuddled against me. Laying there I planned that moment to share the experience I had that night with her over coffee later in the morning. When I did a few hours later I had a great surprise. I will share it in the next entry.