Very Intense Buzzin...
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Very Intense Buzzing in My Hands

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Hi there everyone,


I have been progressing through my aneros journey for about 7 months now and I have started to notice slight improvements, in terms of pleasure and feeling. What made me post today is that I got a very odd and intense feeling.

I started like I normally do. I cleaned out a bit, took hot shower, lubed up using coconut oil, then inserted my MGX trident and layed on my back, knees up. Like I do every time, I began by pacing my breathing and relaxing. Normally I begin to play with my nipples around 15 mins in because I get board and it feels really good. This time I wanted to see what would happen if I just stayed completely still with my arms at my side. So, I did just that. After about 30 mins I noticed my chest and arms start to heat up, then I got a prickly sensation in my hands. After noticing that, my breathing became deeper and started to speed up. My hands began to tingle more and more until they started to almost vibrate/buzz. They were buzzing so intensely, and they almost felt heavy. I don't know after how long, but I ended up stopping it to look at my phone. Once I put my phone down and focused back on what I was felling, the buzzing quickly came back to the same intensity. When I looked down at my hands they were very contorted. I eventually got overwhelmed and finished myself off with my hands. The buzzing didn't stop until about 5 mins afterwards. It's worth noting that the longer the buzzing continued, the more pleasurable my body started to feel elsewhere. 

I am wondering if anyone has had similar experiences in their journey, and if they could share those experiences and where they went next. Have people had other body parts vibrate like this? Their whole body? I find it incredible what a simple piece of plastic can make my body experience. 


Thank you!        

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Posted by: @handyandy26

... After about 30 mins I noticed my chest and arms start to heat up, then I got a prickly sensation in my hands. After noticing that, my breathing became deeper and started to speed up. My hands began to tingle more and more until they started to almost vibrate/buzz. They were buzzing so intensely, and they almost felt heavy. I don't know after how long, but I ended up stopping it to look at my phone. ... When I looked down at my hands they were very contorted. I eventually got overwhelmed and finished myself off with my hands. The buzzing didn't stop until about 5 mins afterwards. It's worth noting that the longer the buzzing continued, the more pleasurable my body started to feel elsewhere.

I am wondering if anyone has had similar experiences in their journey, and if they could share those experiences and where they went next. Have people had other body parts vibrate like this? Their whole body?

Congratulations on your first Super-O , what you experienced is a common sensation with Super-O's. I had a similar experience with my first Super-O, although this particular buzzing phenomenon has abated for me over the years. Your journey is one which will evolve over time, sensations associated with orgasms now may abate only to be replaced by new sensual phenomenon as your perceptual abilities become more and more focused.

Good Vibes to You!

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  • Thank you for the reply! I can't wait to get back to it and see what else I can experience!


The one drinking Tea
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When I used my new Eupho for the first time I felt for short time a weak prickling feeling in my fingertips. Would that also be a sign of improvement?

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I’ve felt buzz all over in the past. Hands,feet,different places at different times.It might be constant or it might shoot in bolts. 
My personal favourite is hot head,a lovely warmth spreads through my head as I climb the steps to orgasm.

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