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Aneros Psy adjustments

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Hey everyone,

I just received my Psy in the mail today (super excited to try it out!) and was wondering what other people have done adjustment wise to each of the arms to find the perfect spot. I know one size doesn't fit all but I thought it might be a good idea if people could share or even post pictures of the adjustments they've made to the P and K arms that have given them the best results.

I'm psy-ched to continue my journey.



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What I did was look at the positions for aneros models I already have, and think about what those tab placements do for me. Then I moved the PSY tab locations to either similar or different spots. I also used a ruler to make sure I wasn't eyeballing things incorrectly. 

One thing to note: The angle or bend of the arm will affect the spring action when the toy retracts out of you during autocontractions. The more obtuse angle reminds me a lot of the Maximus Trident especially the Ktab location. Of course bending the arm into a slightly more acute angle will bring the Ktab closer to the stem of the toy, but it will also reduce that "spring" action that can sometimes drive autocontractions. This is what I find to be so novel about the silicone arms of Aneros toys: they hold the toy in place while its in you, flex to let the toy move into you naturally, and then they retain their original positioning/curve when the toy moves slightly out of you. The PSY has metal inside the arms, but they have some give to them and do allow for some springiness. 

If anything I found that the PSY allows for more repeated use, and possibly more regular sessions, because I usually don't stop my session, clean the toy, change the arm positions, and then start up again. I choose a position, move the arms, have my session, and judge what happened. My next session I'll change the arms. It also gives you time to pay attention, take a picture or a tracing of the arms, and then next session you can assess and alter the arms using more objective judgment.

Hope this all helps!

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Thanks Techpump!

I did have a quick session last night and one earlier this morning, mainly to see what sensations the different arm positions gave me. I started out with the arms at the default factory settings and things felt pretty good. Then made a slight adjustment to bring the P and K tabs away from the center with some good results.

This morning I tried again and at first tried to mimic the arms of the eupho trident and things felt great. I then tried moving the K arm back a little and the P arm towards the center to get more of an angle and holy crap did that feel amazing. At the end of the session I was curious and the arm/tab positioning was extremely similar to the maximus trident.

The picture attached here is the first adjustment made. The second will be the arm adjustment to mimic the eupho trident. The third is the arm adjustment that came out similar to the maximus trident.

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Eupho trident arms mimic

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Maximus trident arms similarity

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I don't have a Psy, but still would like to thank you for taking the time to do this, this is amazingly useful content for Psy owners. Well done ! 

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No problem! I had been looking on reddit and the forum and not seen very much in terms of arm adjustments except for what techpump had said. Just trying to help fellow riders out and hopefully others will share their experiences/adjustments.

I did have a chance to do a quick session this morning and tried setting the arms similar to the progasm black ice (attached) and had ok results. Doing this actually lowered the arms and increased the insertable length of the psy. I then tried moving the P tab closer to the middle and the K tab slightly further away to increase the angle and had some really good sensations at first. Had a couple of dry-o's but then got distracted and had to stop.

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