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The discontinued Silicone Progasm finally did it for me

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TL;DR: 3 days abstinence combined with occasional edging with a fleshlight (without the progasm in use), fat dose of cannabis vape for insomnia and sensation enhancement, and letting the involuntary twitching do the work while I lie on my side.


A shame they don't sell this toy anymore (it's just a Version 1 Vice with the vibrator hole filled in with silicone), the slight 'give' the softer material has feels better for me.

My goal was never even the super-O in the first place (i've owned this toy for several years and gave up long ago). I actually just wanted to abstain and setup the conditions for a regular, ejaculatory handsfree orgasm because my fleshlights are beginning to bore me.

Although I failed in that pursuit I have never been happier to not cum. I thought I did for certain as about a mere 10 minutes in I felt all the classic signs of a really strong ejaculatory orgasm but it just kept going for a few minutes. Turns out that 'three minute ejaculation' was just a LOT of precum. It also didn't trigger my refractory period. I managed to do this two more times with breaks in between. I was only able to sustain it for a few minutes at a time. More practice required I suppose but I'm not complaining considering I did this with very gentle (and mostly involuntary) movements.

I still want to achieve the so called HFWO so i'm gonna see if continued abstinence and more progasm sessions do the trick but if an orgasm can feel this good without actually nutting then I won't exactly be failing along the way.

I will now accept my cultist robe with a big O on the hat for I am now a believer in what used to be a myth for me.


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A lot of women giggle after climax, I get it now. There can be some laughter when you realize what is actually happening and you just can just let it happen. I still have a hard time believing it after experiencing it first hand. 

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Giggling? No. Drooling and smiles? Definitely. Perhaps a difference in personality?

I seem to be making rapid progress too. I'm only on day 3 of discovering multi-orgasm land. Before I even started last night I felt my prostate VERY enthusiastically make a pulling sensation that would keep ebbing and flowing. I took out the progasm after a half hour of at least a dozen dry-O's thinking it was over and managed to have my first dry-O without any toys or touching when I laid down on my belly trying to sleep. It was nice but it woke me up. The irony was after I got back up to re-insert the toy, my prostate finally decided to chill so I could sleep. Does that happen to anyone else?

Also still pursing the coveted HFWO. I only ever had that once as a teen entirely by mistake while sober, toyless, and not really pent up (All I did was stretch like a cat with my ass in the air and I felt a muscle give way which triggered a crazy orgasm) but it was deeply satisfying to the point I still think about it fifteen years later.  It's also kinda frustrating that I cannot manifest that day with cannabis and a Progasm in me.... Yet. I'll get there, I just have to keep resisting the call of my Fleshlight for a while longer. I managed to brute force progress simply by waiting 3 days to not cum and I don't want to ruin or reset said progress.

Oh and unlike the first two nights, I wasn't left with a dick screaming for attention. It's so weird to not ejaculate and feel satisfied anyway. Here's hoping I reach my goal of a HFWO to end my session. I know the 'point' is to ride the waves but I genuinely do not mind if my new problem becomes "well I tried to last but I blew a huge load even though nothing touched my dick". If it ends leaving me satisfied then I don't care if i paint a reverse-rorschach portrait on my bed 5 minutes in. That is a win no matter how you spin it in my book.

The only other thing I am doing differently is I stopped edging with the fleshlight. It's simply too much sexual tension for me and yesterday proved that all I need is to mentally work myself up to enjoy things.


Edit: I also think the reason HFWO is so difficult for me is that from age 19+ (i'm in my 30's now) for years I used fleshlights almost exclusively in a "slow build" manner to build stamina and actually savor my sessions and i'm guessing this is why it's difficult for me to reach my goal.

Edit#2: This progress is inspiring. despite slipping up and yielding to temptation of hand on cock on day 4 I am now able to jump straight into those so-called dry-O's or whatever the term is for *felt like I came for about 3 seconds but it was just another jet of pre*. It only takes about 2 minutes or so but I am also super horny so I doubt this will be the norm when I decide I want to feel less backed up. However I am starting to feel relief after a few prostate orgasms in a row. I'm still hyper sensitive with a hair trigger dick and my prostate now undulates on its own with surprising intensity with nothing inside but I didn't feel that backed up, bloated, cramped, super desperate to cum feeling in my groin today and that was really nice to not feel. I think this will make it substantially easier to avoid jerking it. Hopefully it'll make my goal a reality too.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Potatocannon

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