aneros PSY help
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aneros PSY help

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so lve got the aneros psy, been wondering how to increase the pressure on my prostate and how ld adjust it to do that, lm kinda stuck. do l put the back arm higher and the front arm lower or visa versa. lve just not seen any threads specifically explaining what each arm does.. l know where they go l just dont know the how and where part or the general how it affects the toy itself if that makes sense. because no matter how l edit it.. it always goes in straight to the base.

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The K-tab limits the arc of travel of Aneros devices. Swinging the K-tab away, towards the center line of the body of the PSY should allow the massager to travel more freely and it should produce more pressure. It worked for me and I found it wasn't necessary to touch the P-tab at all.  In the past some users removed the K-tab (and on older models the handle) for this very reason.  The cool thing about the PSY is it allows you to explore this option without disfiguring the product permanently.

Hope this helps.




This post was modified 2 months ago by MarkM

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