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What are your thoughts on my frequency Poll is created on Jul 30, 2020

Poll results: What are your thoughts on my frequency
Voter(s): 4
Poll is created on Jul 30, 2020
Too much, you're going to hurt yourself.  -  votes: 1 / 25%
Too much, but you won't hurt yourself.  -  votes: 2 / 50%
Not too much, I'd do it that often if I could.  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Not too much, but I wouldn't do it.  -  votes: 1 / 25%
You're going to destroy your body if you keep it up.  -  votes: 0 / 0%

Requesting a review of my technique and help with a couple of problems.

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Wanted to share my daily routine and get any advice I can. Every day or just about every day, I get out my helix syn trident, eupho syn regular, my progasm, my tempo, and my big peridise.

I have a small syringe that I fill with astroglide gel. I put some gel on a toy, usually the eupho, and use it to lube my anal opening so the syringe will go in easier. Then I squirt 2 syringes full of gel, one deep, one about half as deep. Then I consume a supplement, insert one of the syn toys, put a pillow under my lower back and upper butt, and comfortably lie on my back.

I have a heavy pillow I can brace my feet against, and another one I can push up under my upper legs, which can keep the p tab in place gently if I need. I put porn on the tv in front of me. I always pee before I start, but end up needing to pee just about once an hour.

I generally use whatever toy I start with for a while, then switch to the other syn, and after a couple hours sometimes I switch to the progasm. Occasionally after another couple hours I switch to the peridise or tempo. I do this from 4 to 5 hours just about every day.

Sometimes when it gets good my heart races, and that scares me and can snap me out of a good session. I'm a panicky person and I think, "OMG I'm gonna have a heart attack!" Also when my pelvis is really engaged, and I have an erection, and my penis kind of spasms and I feel liquid slowly creeping up and out, it feels really really good, but usually startles me and throws me off.

I can't get myself to let go. What do you think about my frequency, my technique, and my issues? Thanks everyone for your time.

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It sounds like you have ritualized your sessions, and that they are too long and frequent for where you are at. I recommend trying things differently. Different times of day, shorter sessions (2 hours max with toys), taking breaks from day to day, different types of stimulus (try aless every other day if you want to have a session every day), try dildos as well, have days where you just touch your body with fingers and objects (feathers, brushes, etc) for an hour, try meditation, try hypnosis... and turn off the porn, or just keep the volume on but put on videos with high quality music free sounds, real orgasms, ASMR vids. Close your eyes. Visual stimulus is reality grounding. You want to tap into your fantasy realm, into hidden aspects of your sensorial being.

do you have a heart condition, are you unhealthy? Chances are you won’t have a heart attack, and if you did you would probably have one anyways the next time you heard a balloon pop. After very strong orgasms I have checked my pulse, and it was relatively normal, even though I thought my heart was racing. That’s an effect of the hormones and chemicals that are released in the blood, I imagine. I stress my body more from running to catch a train. 

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How are we supposed to help? You provided so little information about yourself. Sport coaches or doctors usually consider age, weight, fitness level, diet etc. I don't think '69' is your age and in any case it would be silly to make a new forum account every year.

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@airbag I only have the one account lol. Don't understand what you mean. The 69 is just random sex-related numbers. I am in my mid-40s and have no health problems. I weigh roughly 210 and have a fair fitness level. Don't do much extra exercise. My diet is as poor as most fast food eating Americans lol.


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In my opinion you are wasting a lot of lube and a lot of your time.Im not saying you are a troll but I have my suspicions.If you had spent an hour reading B. Mayfield's posts you would have a lot of your questions answered.

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Posted by: @spanishguy69

Every day or just about every day...

While there are no real 'rules' as to recommended frequency of use, IMHO, daily use may have some drawbacks. First, there is the issue of possible desensitization of the prostate which has been discussed in other threads on this forum. Second, too frequent use, despite copious lubrication, may lead to irritation/inflammation of the of the anal membranes.

Posted by: @spanishguy69

I have a small syringe that I fill with astroglide gel. Then I squirt 2 syringes full of gel, one deep, one about half as deep.

Have you considered the possible long term health effects of absorbing the various chemicals in Astroglide Gel? (Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Glucono delta-lactone, Glycerin, Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Methylparaben, Sodium Hydroxide) In effect you are low dosing yourself with these chemicals on a daily basis, is that something you really want to be doing? You might find these threads about lubrication enlightening -> Bestlube..., Need Help with lube choice, coconut oil, Coconut Oil and Unrefined shea butter....

Posted by: @spanishguy69

Then I consume a supplement, insert one of the syn toys, put a pillow under my lower back and upper butt, and comfortably lie on my back.

I can't comment on the supplement as you didn't state what it is but your use of pillows is perfectly fine. Urinating prior to a session is a good idea. Viewing pornography during a session is an individual choice, some men find it helpful in maintaining arousal while others find it distracting, this is a personal choice. If you find it working well for you then OK.

Likewise, switching out massagers during an Anerosession is a personal choice, I see nothing wrong in doing so, if that regime works well for you then OK.

Posted by: @spanishguy69

Sometimes when it gets good my heart races, and that scares me and can snap me out of a good session. I'm a panicky person and I think, "OMG I'm gonna have a heart attack!"

Yes, orgasmic sensations can be quite intense. This is normal and not anything you need be concerned about unless you have a known heart condition. As long as you are healthy you can mentally train yourself to relax through those intense pleasure waves, affirming to yourself that everything is 'A-OK'.

Posted by: @spanishguy69

I can't get myself to let go.

Please see the thread "Just Let Go !" for a discussion of one aspect of this issue. This is a psychological issue and it may be tied to other psychological issues as noted in the thread Identifying Obstacles to Progress.

Good Vibes to You!

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I think you're too complicated and too analytical in your sessions. I also tend to want to analyze, measure and compare everything during my sessions. But this is really not the right method. I sometimes use two different stimulators during a session, but this is very rare.
I think you should lower the frequency of your sessions a bit and use only one massager for one session for a while, just to see what happens. And above all, you should let yourself go, abandon yourself and drown in pleasure without thinking about what change of toy might improve the sensations.

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@Spanishguy69, not intending to value or label your frequency, I myself mostly see it as a step into addiction when I continuously spend four to five hours a day to anything and do mostly regret it later. Isn‘t variety the spice of life? One day I decided for 40 days of semen retention. The benefits are long lasting. After two weeks of daily Aless sessions of half an hour at working days or up to two hours at the weekend, I extremely enjoyed riding my Eupho Syn for an hour yesterday. That‘s been my frequency of Aneros use for a while now and as I see it, one fuels the other, meaning my Aless sessions make my Aneros session better and an Aneros session once in a while makes my Aless sessions more enjoyable. Just wavering about my next words I brought my hands together with all fingers touching each counterpart as slightly as possible and focusing on all the different sensations, @rumel‘s mentioning of desensitization crossed my mind, making clear that your poll doesn‘t provide my answer why I can‘t vote. I‘d vote for „much too much for a healthy balance“. Only my two cents here. We all are absolutely unique why you must find your individual appropriate dose, but as you already asked this question, I‘d recommend to meditate about the reasons of your - from my personal point of view - apparently obsessive frequency. Are you perhaps procrastinating any other activities? Sadly I‘m a master of procrastination myself, why this question just crossed my mind. If so, I can actually recommend a book I am just reading: Mini Habits For Weight Loss. This book isn‘t limited to the topic weight loss at all. It‘s more an anthropo-philosophical discussion of human behaviour focusing on habits and discussing mini habits for any changes for the better, if at all wanted or seen so:

(Take this only as an example:) Shame Is the Obstacle, Not the Solution

When you feel ashamed about doing something, you are much more likely to do that same thing again. Shame cycles are devastating and persistent, because shame weakens the self. When you’re weak, you’re vulnerable to making decisions you’ll feel shameful about later. It’s the opposite of the prototypical commander, captain, king, or queen, who makes firm, confident decisions from their position of strength. When I’m feeling shameful about playing video games and let it fester, [...] it makes me feel [...] bad. Then I’ll want to do something fun to make me feel better and distract me from my feelings, something like playing video games. So, by feeling shame about playing video games too much, I’m more likely to play them more. Ouch. (Mini Habits For Weight Loss)

Never mind! I only want to give you some insights in my results of exploring my own behavior. 

This leads me to the question whether your actual frequency too might be your obstacle instead of whatever you might see or wish as your solution. From your original post it seems like you do wish nothing more than what you presently can‘t: „I can't get myself to let go.“ Please consider whether it‘s perhaps because you can‘t let go your lengthy daily sessions. Good vibes and best wishes, Mart

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@rumel I got some of the unrefined shea butter and it seems to work pretty well. Would it be ok to put some olive oil in it to make it just a smidge more mobile, as the butter is rather thick? Or is thick what is preferred? I always like to try and go with the way most people have found to be effective, and adjust for my personal preference from there. Thanks for all the help. I bought an external massager that works like gangbusters, so I've been using it and the Aneros, alternating days, as I know I need to get my usage down. Take care and thanks again. 


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Posted by: @spanishguy69

@rumel I got some of the unrefined shea butter and it seems to work pretty well. Would it be ok to put some olive oil in it to make it just a smidge more mobile, as the butter is rather thick? Or is thick what is preferred?

IMHO, yes, it would be OK to mix olive oil and shea butter. Being able to mix those two oils gives you a lot of flexibility in adjusting the viscosity of the mix to suit your personal preferences.

Good Vibes to You!

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You received some great advice and IMO it's a good thing that you decided to reduce your usage. Let me offer you some perspective as someone who has been where you are and who is still trying to find a balance.

First I'll say that I have an addictive personality. My normal cycle when I get into something new is to go all in, get as much info as possible and put other hobbies aside. This will last weeks or sometimes months, then the new thing gets integrated in a more normal routine and the cycle will start again at some point with something else. That is just how I am. Maybe you're a little like me. Normally this stays healthy and manageable and is more a personality quirk. I've been using the Aneros for more than a decade and it was mostly very positive with very few drawbacks.

Now this year (before COVID) the stars aligned and I was having very intense sessions, no obligations, and a very positive outlook on the future and life in general. Things were better than ever. I had around 2 months of daily sessions lasting several hours and at some point started to believe that I had found my life's calling. I went into a feedback loop where more sessions = more pleasure = more sessions. This was both amazing and not healthy at all. Now I'm past that point, mostly because I burned out on MMOs and HAD to stop, and things are getting more balanced but I was really not fun for a while and my journal entries from that period are pretty unsettling. 

I'm almost certain that for 99% of men there is no risk of a real addiction but for some of us, we just need to be more vigilant and honest with ourselves and our intensity. 

Sorry for the long winded post, I hope it will help you or other people that may find themselves in a similar situation. Take care.

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