Microdosing & Anero...
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Microdosing & Aneros ?

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Hi Guys,

There are numerous threads on this Forum which discuss use of various recreational drugs/substances to augment one's Anerosessions. Cannabis is frequently cited as a substance of choice. A few such threads are "drugs with the Aneros...?, Would pot help a new user?, Weed, Marijuana + Aneros = 🙂 and Marijuana! and Aneros.

The District of Columbia recently passed Initiative 81, the Entheogenic Plant and Fungus Policy Act of 2020, a decriminalization initiative for psychedelic substances. Additionally, Oregon passed ballot Measure 109 legalizing access to psilocybin, the main active ingredient in "magic mushrooms". I'm curious to hear from our membership about your experiences using any of the classic psychedelic substances in conjunction with your Aneros practice. In particular I'm wondering if the practice of microdosing may be beneficial to accelerating the 'rewiring' process. This might be a powerful breakthrough methodology for users to employ and progress in their Aneros practice.

Is this another step in actualizing Aldus Huxley's Brave New World ?

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I'm also curious to hear anyone's input on this topic!

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I don’t have experience with microdosing, period.

i do have plenty of experience with regular dosing. 

my one mushroom experience of late, with 3.5g dried mushrooms, resulted in... a really strong trip but nothing prostate related or even sexual. When I used to do mushrooms more regularly, pre-aneros, the few times I used them with a girlfriend involved sex that turned into very unerotic laughing fits.

I have taken lsd several times since rewiring, 100 μg every time. Most of the time it turbo charges my prostate and turns my entire skin into a vibrating and sensitive surface that is directly connected to my sexual essence. think butt buzz, but all over the body, and orgasms waiting to be beckoned at any time. I have had some pretty big break throughs on acid, but since life is linear, I can’t tell you if I would have had them anyways without it. And I’ve had the large majority of my break throughs completely sober. Basically I don’t want people to think that lsd is the key, because it isn’t.  It is one of many keys, for me personally. I guess what I want to say is, if you don’t already take it, please don’t decide to take it solely based on this post! And if you do take it, don’t have expectations because we are all different, and that could put a damper on a trip...

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@metalbunny, I've been experimenting with a hybrid protocol using James Fadiman's recommended frequency (1 day on, 2 days off) and Paul Stamet's recommended stack formula (dried p.cubensis, Lion's Mane extract & Niacin) as an alternative to any Nootropics usage. I've found there is definitely a subtle, positive effect on one's emotional stability. By upping the p.cubensis dose a bit to threshold level, a positive effect on the libido can also be detected. Since I've already been in the rewiring process for so many years, I can't really say it has aided my rewiring but I have noticed increased bodily response to Aneros use if I have an Anerosession on a increased dose day. This has led me to think such a protocol might also be advantageous for new Aneros users seeking an easier learning path by subtly increasing arousal, increasing focus and perception of subtle sensations while decreasing emotional frustration.

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@rumel This is something I'm looking to start in February after I finish a busy season at the end of January. I'm already starting to see p.cubensis here in DC.


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Alright! I'm familiar with the Fadiman and Stamets protocols (Paul Stamets is the man). Thank you for sharing your experience with microdosing.

I've microdosed about 15 times over the past year with psilocybin, with a dosage typically around 250 mg. So far, I've noticed a couple benefits including improved emotional regulation, and also a  welcomed reduction in my desire to smoke cigarettes (nicotine has been a part of my life on and off since I was 15).

I have yet to have the opportunity (or be turned on enough) to have an Aneros session while dosing. However, I have noted an improved somatic awareness to the residue energy left over from my Aneros sessions.

As of a couple weeks ago I replenished my supply of mushrooms and am planning on using it for one heroic dose, and using the rest for a long-term microdosing regimen using the Stamets protocol. And great idea! I will try dosing before one of my upcoming sessions.

Having been on the rewiring journey for over 10 years now, I'm quite interested in exploring more ideas on how I might incorporate microdosing as part of my journey.


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Here in Canada, they're extremely slowly approving psilocybin for end of life care for a tiny group of people, some studies are underway but it's very restricted. Legalization is still far away from what I can tell tell. Here's an article from 2020 about it. 

You can buy as many spores kits as you want for mycology use, but as soon as you grow anything, you're an evil drug trafficker that must be locked up. Very interesting to me but not something I'll be able to try without Breaking The Law(TM), so I'll be following this thread closely instead. This looks very promising. 

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@zentai yup I’m in the same place as you in a different country. But... unless there is a reason for cops to come to your house, you can’t get in trouble. And I imagine Canada is cooler about these things than other countries (i.e. where I am). Usually as long as you can prove you have no intention to sell or distribute, socially liberal governments are pretty forgiving, at least the first time...


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Actually there's a pretty big mail-order gray market, with lots of people acting like it's basically tolerated everywhere and no big deal, I'm betting on decriminalization happening a lot faster than actual legalization, I think I can wait it out.


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I have the means and the ability to start microdosing now, but I want to prepare myself in a manner of speaking to do so, including getting past this busy season for work as well as further acclimation to prostate pleasure and generating orgasms. In addition, it's learning how to safely microdose and everything around that, which I have no idea where to start. Anyone have any good books aside from Michael Pollan?

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Posted by: @poseidon

Anyone have any good books aside from Michael Pollan?

Yes, I highly recommend James Fadiman's book The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide.

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Right on schedule with how I wanted to plan out this endeavor, I've just acquired shrooms as well as found a reliable supplier within the area. Will be updating you all on a plan and everything soon.

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I started trying Delta-8 THC, and I see potential already. I'm still trying to figure out what's just the right amount to get all the pain relief and the aggression-negation effects without the buzzing. I want to be relaxed and feeling good, but not insensate. "Warm and fuzzy", like. 

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In my own personal journey, MDMA was a key component in helping me 'rewire'.  I believe I discussed it in another thread so I won't rehash the details of the trip other than to say MDMA helped me to visualize (and better understand) the flow and manipulation of energy in my body.  

Rewiring aside, using MDMA and riding any of my aneros toys is always an incredible experience.

I also enjoy using a legal substance called phenibut, which I believe is a fantastic pairing with a prostate massage.

However, please do research on phenibut before experimenting.  Some people seem to be lured into a toxic, addictive relationship with this compound.  



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Posted by: @metalbunny

I've microdosed about 15 times over the past year with psilocybin, with a dosage typically around 250 mg.

Just to be clear, I'm assuming that 250 mg is dried mushrooms, not pure psilocybin. Even heroic 'trips' dosage is only 50 mg of pure psilocybin, we don't want to have our readers shooting into outer space for their Anerosessions

Posted by: @kaygo

I'm still trying to figure out what's just the right amount to get all the pain relief and the aggression-negation effects without the buzzing.

Cannabis is a frequently referenced compound on this Forum and has shown to be effective at inducing the altered states of consciousness conducive to successful Anerosessions. However, I can't recall anyone being able to state an appropriate dosage level. What is your method of intake? Smoking, Vaping, oral (edibles or sub-lingual tinctures)? How are you able to measure dosage amounts for your chosen method? I hope you can give us some positive feedback to those questions so we can establish some guidelines for appropriate usage.

Posted by: @seekingpelican

In my own personal journey, MDMA was a key component in helping me 'rewire'.

I am aware MDMA is successfully being used in therapeutic treatment of PTSD but those are at higher dosages than microdosing. What do you think the dosage should be for microdosing purposes ?

Posted by: @seekingpelican

I also enjoy using a legal substance called phenibut, which I believe is a fantastic pairing with a prostate massage. However, please do research on phenibut before experimenting.

I'm unfamiliar with that compound but from what I've read it may have limited use for men who are overly anxious about their Aneros usage. I agree with you that one should do their due diligence in researching any compound they are about to take into their body. Safety should always be a priority !

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@rumel i believe the only way to get consistency through marijuana is through edibles (or suppositories), seeing as smoking has too many unknown variables (heat, smoke pulled in, time held in lungs, etc).  Hence people like me struggling to find the perfect balance of just enough marijuana to have a positive effect but not so much that it turns into a negative and paranoid experience.

@kaygo Has mentioned a cannibus molecule that has just recently come to the forefront, delta 8 THC, which is supposedly less psychoactive. Living in a country with stricter drug laws, this molecule has not yet become readily available to drug-curious folk like me. Please do update us with your experience with relation to aneros, perhaps in a thread dedicated to it.



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@divine_o Have you tried to vape? I find this method more safe for the lungs as there is no combustion. In my country the only legal cannabis is the CBD one. I will try it once, but for the moment I prefer to have also some nice effects from the THC also...


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Posted by: @divine_o

I believe the only way to get consistency through marijuana is through edibles (or suppositories), seeing as smoking has too many unknown variables (heat, smoke pulled in, time held in lungs, etc).

I agree, plus one of the major drawbacks to smoking is concern for lung damage and carcinogen uptake. An advantage of edibles is that the delta9-THC is broken down in the liver, a slower process, but the metabolized THC is actually more bio-available than the smoked/vaped delta9-THC. With this in mind it becomes an excellent way to microdose as you can easily determine dosage amount if you know the percentage of cannabinoids in the source cannabis, which is usually available in locales where cannabis sales are legally regulated.

It is my understanding that delta8-THC is primarily a refined extraction oil currently being used for vaping purposes and only exists as a small percentage of the available cannabinoids in whole flower cannabis. My personal preference is to utilize whole flower cannabis in edibles to take advantage of the entourage effects all the various cannabinoids may provide.

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@rumel both gummies and vape wax. It's Delta8, the apparently "weaker" THC molecule, but that's just marketing, I bet. Its strong enough for me.

Gummies I use sparingly just because they last a long time, and I really only want just enough to take the ache out of my neck and soothe yon savage breast, as it were. I have an indica-dominant cartridge for when the day take a really wrong turn and I need to tap the brakes. 

Which brings me to the next thing I need to figure out: Indi or Sati? All I have to go on is the old mnemonic, "Sunny Sativa for daytime, Indica for in-da-couch at night time". there's myriad blends and strains that do everything in between, and I'm assuming I want less of the body high if I'm aiming for a Super O. I found a strain that's great for edging and what someone who takes this stuff seriously calls "Tantric Mindfulness Exercises", because it takes all the stiffness from my body, if you know what I mean. But as fun as that is, I can't imagine numbing or tamping sensitivity in that area  is productive for my goals. 


The place I'm shopping from has a breakdown of strain cartridges and their reported effects. If you see one that stands out as the best choice, let me know about it

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Posted by: @kaygo

If you see one that stands out as the best choice, let me know about it.

A word of caution here. I don't know if you are purchasing these through the mail but if you are, Please read this article with regard to vape cartridges -> Vape pen lung injury: Here’s what you need to know. It is of paramount importance that your source is from a proven, tested, legal supplier, mail order businesses are notorious for providing counterfeit products containing toxic contaminants. Please don't become a victim of these charlatans.

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I have some initial reports from beginning my microdosing trial and exploration.

On my absolute first go two weekends ago, I decide to go for a full 1~2 gram max dose and see how that would go just for science. It was a pleasant and lovely trip, however as I was laying down all cleaned, lubed, and with my reliable Helix Trident in, I can positively say that not a single erotic and sexual button in me was pressed. Nothing. So I removed the Aneros and went about the rest of my trip. To put it out there for all the psychonauts or those that want to be one, I did not find "tripping" to increase efficacy or intensity of fast tracking to prostate orgasms.

That being said, a week later I decided to do a proper microdose and with extra protocols such as the avoidance of caffeine and an increased effort in mindfulness did I find the beginning of what could be an extra but not mandatory tool for sessions. In short, I'm finding that is it just little easier to focus during a session, but it doesn't seem to immediately serve as a key to giving oneself over to pleasure, if not yet.

There's a lot that the Aneros is positively affecting my life beyond the sexual realm, and it's making me look at what I'm putting in my life beyond putting a piece of plastic in my ass. From caffeine intake, to use of electronics outside my work life, to boundaries for how and where I'm investing my time and mental labor, to discipline in choosing a diet and physical/mental exercise (from calisthenics to meditation)... a lot of this is fuel and capacity for the body to do things including triggering and experiencing a sexual response, and there is a formula of things that accompany a healthy sexual function and augment its capacity though I don't want to be ableist about what a sexual health ideal can look like.

We're all going though this pandemic, and after 12 months of being in home isolation my health and fitness has absolutely declined and I'm feeling very damn grizzled and gross, and that's just *physically*. Invasive and anxious thought patterns will certainly have more power and control over a session than a microdose of psilocybin. If remaining pressures from a full workday/school/family matters/economic concerns are present along with a lack of physical exercise and a healthy plant-heavy diet, I think psilocybin will be even less effective in making progress even over the long term. I'm not a clean slate ready and prime for optimal anal pleasure, but hopefully you see some likeness and connection between myself and you as this experiment is ongoing.

I'm still trying to get a good plan and system going with this, so thank you for hearing out my experiences and keeping this project going. Any and all advice is so welcomed for me and readers in the future. And again, *PLEASE* be careful and safe about attempting anything in this forum especially things in this thread. Synthetics including Delta8 products should be viewed as being potentially very dangerous, and I along with @rumel advise you to stay away from them as well as THC vape carts and other unsafe items.

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No, they're real. Like I said I've tried them and they're fine. But I was asking if a sativa or indica strain would be better for this


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there is so much variety in indica and in satova that there is no way of generalizing either of them. Read this:






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Posted by: @kaygo

... I was asking if a sativa or indica strain would be better for this

The literature that I have read and my own experience seems to indicate that indica strains are better for their body effects of calming and relaxing due to their slightly higher CBD to THC content whilst the sativa strains are more renowned for their energizing 'head' effects. However, as @divine_o noted, with the plethora of hybrid strains now being grown it is an increasingly diverse cannabis universe and generalizing can be misleading. Owing to our individual biosynthesis of these psychoactive compounds it is really a matter of experimenting with a variety of strains to find which works "best" for you in the context of Aneros use. My own preference is toward the indica strains mainly because I want to avoid getting caught up in mind noise loops when I'm trying to enjoy a sensual Anerosession, thus low dose THC works better for me. Mind noise is probably the biggest factor which keeps me from getting into the Super-O zone.

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The term 'rewiring' is frequently used in this Forum and it is a real physiological phenomenon exploiting our brains natural neuroplasticity abilities. Recent scientific studies (neurogenesis with psilocybin and Lion's Mane mushrooms) have demonstrated their neurogenerative properties. These are the two primary compounds in famed mycologist Paul Stamets patent application known as the Stamets Stack, a proposed dietary supplement.

I believe this, as a microdosing regime, may be a gentle way forward for those men who are struggling to make progress in their Aneros journeys. It has numerous benefits beyond its neurogenerative enhancements. The microdosing regime has psychologically therapeutic effects which may help quiet fears & mind noise (anti-depressive), promote arousal (both physical & psychological) and quiet obsessive thinking. These were items #3, 4, 6 & 11 in the thread Identifying Obstacles to Progress.

While usage of magic mushrooms (psilocybin) remains illegal in much of the world, I believe individuals have a natural right to modify their consciousness as they see fit (please see Graham Hancock's short treatise The War on Consciousness on YouTube). I believe civil disobedience is a justifiable action against laws which violate natural human rights. Fortunately there are growing numbers of people world wide who are also desirous of exercising their natural human rights, I think many Aneros users are like minded as well.

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Whew this thread is awesome and its past time for me to contribute!

To start, I used to use mushrooms quite a lot in the mid to late '90s. Not like all the time but sometimes I tripped twice a month or maybe once a month. They were just always around. But I never did anything sexual while on them, I wasn't dating anyone and it was just fun with friends. I never had the chance to do anything solo on them.

Then more recently microdosing became all the fad and I started to get into that. I like it, a lot. 100mg capsules. So not a whole lot but enough to feel it. I took 5 once and it wasn't like whooooooaaaa but way more body buzz. Well my wife enjoys them too so we've made love a lot of times while on them; I've also used them for solo masturbation and also prostate massage sessions.

Since I've been rewired for the last almost 8 years now and been using Aneros and other anal/prostate stimulation since 2004 I've had a few pathways and journeys to becoming multiorgasmic through my prostate. I've learned a lot of things about a lot of things while on mushrooms.

First, and probably most importantly, I learned that I do NOT like pornography while I'm microdosing or macrodosing!!! I don't like it in any setting or activity I'm engaged in. It has taken over a year to figure this all out, but just last week I put 2 and 2 together and realized that I was suffering some porn-related ED issues and I solved those problems in March by quitting porn, but I had been using microdoses for all kinds of things and my consistent masturbation habit was sit in front of a screen with porn on and jerk off for a long time and after I couldn't edge anymore I'd fuck a fleshlight and explode all over the place. Without mushrooms this was easy. But on mushrooms it was...odd. Like I couldn't decide if I was or wanted to be turned on while the porn was on. I'd lose my erection while in a fleshlight, just seconds away from a massive O/ejaculation. Or I'd not be able to get hard while no porn was on. It was all confusing and horrible.

But last week I realized that almost all the times I lost my wood, or was somehow just not into anything sex and it could turn off and on like a light, I was on microdoses. Since I never ever watch porn or anything at all while in prostate sessions, I didn't realize why microdoses were making my prostate sessions so amazingly delicious and wonderful, while my standard masturbation sessions that involved my erection were so miserable and quite frankly depressing. Not like a "woe is me" or "I feel shame and guilt" depressing feeling, just like a physiological rejection/confusion over everything going on...and the porn was on while I felt like that.

I've sung the praises of benefits of no-porn Aneros/prostate sessions in a thread devoted to that so I won't get into it more here. So while I was starting to wonder what the hell was going on (and, what the hell IS going, when all this was happening in 2020, of course, the year of years) with my cock, my prostate sessions became exponentially more intense, more amazing, and wonderful each month that passed, and when on microdoses, the experiences were fortifying and enriching for my life and soul. That's why my microdose-influenced pegging session from a few months ago was so amazing, my wife and I both microdosed and it was love love love and sex full force because it was so natural and organic and mysterious and we were wrapped up in the "let's just let it all happen and see what happens" feeling of life together. My solo sessions were good, and getting better, but my penis issues were like in the back of my mind and on microdose while in a prostate session I'd reflect on it all. After March when I quit porn, everything got better and more intense. But my prostate sessions, well they have really become a whole new exciting beast of their own. And microdosing has played a pivotal part in it all.

So, microdosing made me realize how "not good" porn is and how more deeply sexual I am, and can be, with myself and how great it is to be unplugged and tuned into my own body and its place in the world.

The next major thing I realize from microdose-enhanced prostate sessions is how I'm able to slip into a flow state and let the world go away more easily. But, and this is where it gets weird and confusing, I'm also able to look into myself and focus and think about me and my body in more intense ways and that translates into a weird conscious connection with whatever toy is in me. My mind starts to wander more while on microdose but I can like snap it right back because another part of my mind is also thinking about the movement of the toy and sensations inside me. I find that if I'm way too horny then mushrooms make my session a bit more distracting because I'm really excited for my hard cock to explode and I know how much more powerful and strong it all is while on mushrooms. If the dose is less I can bring that excitement up when I'm ready to end it all with a Super T. If I do some mindfulness prior to my session, while on mushrooms, my session is more calm and not hampered by wandering mind. That's when I get into flow state. I have not yet been able to figure out if my current or past mood and mindstate, paired with different microdose amounts, is more or less distracting. I'm still working on dose amount, my status, and how both effect my prostate sessions. I'll be updating here regularly moving forward.

The last major thing I realized is this: if you haven't experienced a face melting, God seeing, wall falling mushroom trip, you might not really know how to connect the dots by not trying during prostate sessions if you only have experience with microdoses. I don't know if this is true or not. I've had some face melts in the past so any slight amount of microdose is something I can feel, I just know it inside of my body what it feels like even if its less than 5% of a full on peaked trip. So I have some prior knowledge as a past shroomhead lol. I've been wondering about this: if a person who eats mushrooms and later uses Aneros will be more inclined to get benefits easily from microdosing, or if microdosing in general can loosed an Aneros user up and make them aware of feelings, thoughts and sensations in ways they had not felt or experienced before.

I'd love to know more about this third point from y'all here on the forum! I think it will help those of us who are more experienced with mushrooms be better able to offer advice and/or answer questions about from Aneros users who are just dabbling in mushrooms through microdoses.

I guess an overall better frame of mind, a better awareness of self, and ability to focus any part of a mushroom trip into a prostate session is what I gain from using mushrooms and microdoses while expanding my sexuality through prostate stimulation.

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@techpump , thanks for your extended post.

Posted by: @techpump

First, and probably most importantly, I learned that I do NOT like pornography while I'm microdosing or macrodosing!!!

This is an interesting reaction and ties into the therapeutic use of psilocybin to treat addictions which viewing porn can be.

Posted by: @techpump

So, microdosing made me realize how "not good" porn is and how more deeply sexual I am, and can be, with myself and how great it is to be unplugged and tuned into my own body and its place in the world.

The next major thing I realize from microdose-enhanced prostate sessions is how I'm able to slip into a flow state and let the world go away more easily. But, and this is where it gets weird and confusing, I'm also able to look into myself and focus and think about me and my body in more intense ways and that translates into a weird conscious connection with whatever toy is in me. My mind starts to wander more while on microdose but I can like snap it right back because another part of my mind is also thinking about the movement of the toy and sensations inside me.

Yes, I have also noticed this enhanced ability to get into a 'flow state' and simultaneous internalized focusing of attention which helps diminish other 'mind noise' phenomena.

Posted by: @techpump

The last major thing I realized is this: if you haven't experienced a face melting, God seeing, wall falling mushroom trip, you might not really know how to connect the dots by not trying during prostate sessions if you only have experience with microdoses. I don't know if this is true or not.

I haven't experienced a full blown psychedelic trip yet but I do think microdosing does allow you to better "...connect the dots..." in a subtle, gentle manner.

Posted by: @techpump

I've been wondering about this: if a person who eats mushrooms and later uses Aneros will be more inclined to get benefits easily from microdosing, or if microdosing in general can loosen an Aneros user up and make them aware of feelings, thoughts and sensations in ways they had not felt or experienced before.

I think both scenarios are possible as psychedelics have been shown to increase intra-brain communications (mind expansion).

Posted by: @techpump

I guess an overall better frame of mind, a better awareness of self, and ability to focus any part of a mushroom trip into a prostate session is what I gain from using mushrooms and microdoses while expanding my sexuality through prostate stimulation.

I think Aneros use by itself helps create "...an overall better frame of mind, a better awareness of self..." but microdosing can certainly enhance that as well.

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New discoveries!

So yes, I have to say after a few trial and error (but its mushroom trips, so no trial or error involved hahahha) trips I can have prostate centered orgasms that are extremely expansive the stronger the dose I take. I was unaware that more would equal more cosmic-type prostate sensations, but the mild destruction of my ego catapulted me into a world of sexual bliss that I don't know I've ever experienced alone or with my wife.

What I can say is that if the dose is too high, I cannot have a traditional orgasmic ejaculation!?!? What a bummer! Strongest trip I had was almost a month ago, this was the most hard I've tripped since 1999, everything has been macrodose or really close to peaking since then. I had the most overwhelming feeling to have an orgasm, but with my wife. I was naked with her, she was dressed and kind of cold/hot/cold/hot like you can be from mushrooms. I was hard, it felt so amazing. And my ass was going crazy in a good way. I thought of doing a session but I was tripping too hard. After peaking with her for about an hour she left me to go explore something on her own and I explored my erection alone and felt like I would cum my brains out and I lubed up and stroked and it felt like I was cumming the entire time, maybe 10 minutes of playing, but when I finally "came" like a whole lot of super thin precum or clear prostate fluid sprayed out of me, I was on my back. I quit after that, it wasn't an orgasm, and I felt like it wasn't going to work.

Fast forward 3 weeks and I was alone for the night and ate a third of what I ate in the above scenario, but I Lemon Tek'd it and ate a few microdose capsules too. Almost as strong as what I said above, but not enough to be too far out to make things happen. I planned a prostate session for this more mild trip and started to get off while doing an enema clean out and get my toys and towels together. This made the prep very fun. I got a few Aneros toys together, some off brand ones, a gspot glass wand and my two perfect dual density realistic dildos, one is like ~5" insertable and kind of small girth, the other is ~8" insertable and 5" girth, but its big. OMG the pleasure! The whole time I was just wrapped in a blanket of sex and my orgasms were so expansive I just didn't ever want any of this to end. My body was totally energized and I was other-plane'ing it very intensely. I had a massive Super-O with the Maximus classic in me that gave me pause to the point where I thought the world stopped, like the birds and wind all stopped, and then when my orgasm started to pulsate it wasn't just a "calm seas" orgasm it was like the "calm whole-planet-is-the-ocean" orgasm. And that was just after like 5-10 minutes! When I moved to the dildos things got pretty fucking crazy to say the least, I lost myself with them, I actually felt a slight sense of bashfulness while bouncing on them like a pleasure fiend. Oh boy, yah I look forward to my next super macrodose and a prostate session!

HOWEVER, I wanted to finish strong, maybe stronger than ever, with a Super-T and if any Super-T was going to be maybe the biggest of my life, it was going to now. I had to do it! I had taken an erection aid much earlier and it was really doing its work (I had four erection-based orgasmic ejaculations between noon and 6pm and my trip started at 9pm) and I maybe had started to wear myself out with ejaculating so much. But, hard I was and ready to explode!! But I could barely make it happen. I used a warmed fleshlight and it was so silky it felt so amazing, my whole body was coursing with orgasmic inevitability, the toy in me (who knows what model Aneros was dancing like a fool inside me at this point!!) was pumping me in ways I've never ever felt before, and all I wanted was a peaceful explosive ending to this magical cosmic experience. I had to go with my hand and was stroking myself insanely fast and hard, my hips came up off the floor really high and every muscle in my body was like cord, and through sheer who knows what I came. Hard. Like so hard I don't want to repeat how hard it was. But honestly, it wasn't blissful or satisfying. I was exhausted, spent, and completely over it all. I couldn't move for about 10 minutes, but I missed how sexy I felt when I was playing with just anal and prostate toys.

What a completely delicious time it was! After this trip I realized that having a traditional orgasm when the dose is too high is almost impossible for me when I'm alone. I had stellar sex and a massive traditional orgasm/ejac with my wife on a mild mushroom dose this summer and it was a peak experience for me. But I won't try to cum for real on strong doses unless its with her.

All in all I learned a lot. Microdosing is still the best way to get past barriers and find levels of self-acceptance that can trigger strong, prostate-based orgasms and deeper feelings of self worth, pleasure and gratitude for our own sexual powers.

Stronger microdoses are good for this too, but one needs several experiences learning how to become orgasmic because of microdoses, or, learn how to use microdoses to expand an already rewired prostate and brain.

Macrodoses are amazing for expanded consciousness to pair with Aneros and prostate/anal play. If you feel any hint of sexiness and rapture when you are alone with Aneros and anal/prostate stimulation you well get off, hard!!! And have a very fun time! But I'd suggest being very extremely open to your prostate, ass, and sexuality. Things take over that are a bit out of your control and if you feel like you can control them you won't want to 😉

Strong macrodoses to the point where a little more would bring on full peaking is like above but even more wild and intense. This is what I did in the story I shared at the top with the Lemon Tek preparation. I'd suggest being familiar with stronger microdoses and macrodoses before venturing into an almost full on trip paired with Aneros and related fun things. If I was not familiar with all of these factors and well experienced in them I wouldn't have been able to go through with it all. Shit gets overwhelming extremely fast and while letting go is the 'Aneros way', you can't let go of too much or you're in the void and orgasms are not what you want.

Super-T'ing is easy on standard microdose (and wonderful), still easy and even more bombastic on stronger microdose, and even a little easier on a macrodose if you can really let go and try to not force your ejaculation through muscle clenching or anything too fast or hard, and near impossible on a strong macrodose or full on trip (per my experiences solo). I may succeed in better Super-T success in the future on strong trips, I'll let y'all know.

I haven't tried prostate play with anything over a strong macrodose. I probably will eventually; I kind of want to know what will happen. Is there such a person as a "Psyca-Prosta-naut" cuz I wanna be that person!! I'll report more here soon! I plan to have standard, single-capsule microdose prostate sessions for a while before deep diving again, although it is radically enticing...

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Posted by: @techpump

All in all I learned a lot. Microdosing is still the best way to get past barriers and find levels of self-acceptance that can trigger strong, prostate-based orgasms and deeper feelings of self worth, pleasure and gratitude for our own sexual powers.

Yes, I think this may be the best way for those struggling to get into a good mental state of mind to explore their prostate, perhaps even better than cannabis. I'm thinking microdoses in the 0.2 to 0.4 gram of a common p.cubensis strain.

Posted by: @techpump

Stronger microdoses are good for this too, but one needs several experiences learning how to become orgasmic because of microdoses, or, learn how to use microdoses to expand an already rewired prostate and brain.

OK but I think it would be helpful for us to delineate the dosage range and particular mushroom varietal being consumed. Stronger dosing here would be in the 0.5 to 0.75 gram range.

Posted by: @techpump

Macrodoses are amazing for expanded consciousness to pair with Aneros and prostate/anal play.

In terms of newbies starting their Aneros journeys I think macrodosing must be approached very cautiously, it could all become too overwhelming without having good familiarity with mushroom intoxication. Please indicate dosage & strain for this level of 'macrodosing'. To me 'macrodosing' is in the 1.0 to 3.5 gram range but that range may have profound sensory distortion and psychological effects. Set & Setting become very important at this dosing level.

Posted by: @techpump

Strong macrodoses to the point where a little more would bring on full peaking is like above but even more wild and intense. I'd suggest being familiar with stronger microdoses and macrodoses before venturing into an almost full on trip paired with Aneros and related fun things. Shit gets overwhelming extremely fast...

Yes, this is most assuredly good advice. Again we need to know what constitutes a 'strong macrodose' (anything above 3.5 grams?) so newbies don't overwhelm or frighten themselves out of an exquisite sensual experience.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @techpump

Macrodoses are amazing for expanded consciousness to pair with Aneros and prostate/anal play. If you feel any hint of sexiness and rapture when you are alone with Aneros and anal/prostate stimulation you well get off, hard!!! And have a very fun time! But I'd suggest being very extremely open to your prostate, ass, and sexuality. Things take over that are a bit out of your control and if you feel like you can control them you won't want to

Just to intervene with a classic drug-forum style warning, because y’all are now generalizing and giving advice, and high doses of drugs are being mentioned.  It is important to speak only for yourself when you speak about drug use and effects.  Otherwise not only is it incitation to use drugs, but also you risk generalizing what is only actually personal. It’s not a problem to say “prostate play is fun” because the associated risks are nil. But to say “mushrooms are fun,” you are creating the risk of inciting another person to try them, and the associated risks with mushrooms are actually very high (for certain people). Thus it is better to say “I find mushrooms to be fun.”


I don’t think anyone should use this forum as a place to decide whether or not to use psychedelics for a first time, nor to decide on dosage. Anyone considering doing so should thoroughly the Erowid page and psychonautwiki page on the particular psychedelic they are considering, as well as books on the subject if applicable. Read about HARM REDUCTION, dosage, drug interactions (for example, lithium is incompatible and possibly deadly with many psychedelics), set and setting; read trip reports good and bad... a bad trip can have lasting psychological consequences, can lead to problems with the law, can ruin your life, and can even kill you.  After you’ve done your research, then ask yourself if you want to really take the step into the nether regions of your mind.


Full blown psychedelic trips should not be for prostate pleasure alone. If that is the goal, a trip could become frustrating.  With any drug it is good to go in with no expectations.  I think drug use should be for the sake of expanding the mind, and sexual and prostate pleasure is just one of the many benefits. But that’s just my opinion 🙂


Here is the psychowiki mushroom page:




I agree that a macrodose is  starting at 1-1.5g (dry cubensis), because that is when psychedelia begins. 3.5 is very strong, too strong for a first psychedelic experience.  Even as a very experienced tripper, I have no desire to go past that mark.


In terms of dosing psychedelics in general with respect to sex, in my experience as dose rises, sexual pleasure does as well, to a point. Then when I pass a certain dose, sexual pleasure becomes impossible to concentrate on.  I can’t say what happens with lower doses of drugs, cuz have yet to microdose, and can’t really be bothered to at this point, because when I go through the trouble to procure illicit drugs, I want to jive with the macro.


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