I love the Aneros but I never really got any orgasms pre toking. But when im flying, I have the most amazing orgasms.
it's like my bodys been incomplete and the aneros is the last puzzle piece to make me feel whole.
Yeahhhhhh now that I'm sobered up i'll branch off a little!
This is by no means my first time. Anytime I get high and use the Aneros, IT WORKS, no effort, nothing. It is completely controlled unaware to me.
Anyways. Any potheads out there, definitely try your Aneros next time. I had more orgasms than I can count and my dick was absolutely covered in cum. Glad I went into detail, aren't ya?
I followed up with a monstrous masturbating with at least 2x normal the load. Okay, now that I'm done being entirely more graphic than needed..! Goodluck Hopefully I can reach this stage when I'm not high, but I really don't mind. Amazing product, glad I bought it. It was just an MGX too and I hear those aren't the best either.
When I get some money I'll definitely be buying another (:
The Eupho is unbelievable, and I bet especially for those in our altered state.
I don't toke that often myself, just for special occasions. But every night has been a special occasion since my Aneros arrived!
At age 55 my best O's are when I wake and bake. Over the top and over the edge!!!!! Hummmm...maybe I should add some Jerry and Phish to the mix!!
The Eupho is unbelievable, and I bet especially for those in our altered state.
I don't toke that often myself, just for special occasions. But every night has been a special occasion since my Aneros arrived!
Ok, I'll tell you something, there is NOTHING ON THIS EARTH like smoking a little weed, (ok perhaps a lot of weed) till you are really high as $hit, then strip nude and start using the Progasm...
I have done this several times and the result is nothing short of MIND BLOWING beyond description.
I have NEVER IN MY LIFE experienced such sexual pleasure as being high on weed while using my Progasm. Even now thinking back on the last time I did this.. Several months ago alone up in the mountains at my remote cabin the feelings were SO INTENSE and AMAZING it was like I was transported to another demension of sexual pleasure.
If your a male and you want to feel the ULTIMATE SEXUAL PLEASURE... I'll let you in on something... It has NOTHING to do with a woman or porn or anyone other than yourself because your own body in a room by yourself has the ability to blow your mind when you use this amazing tool called the Progasm. It hits this special spot of your body and puts pressure right on your prostate gland...
From what I can figure out... When we men CUM... It's the feeling of the Prostate Contracting and Spasmming inside of us... This Spasm of the prostate gland is the "FEELING" of cumming. You know that feeling right when you blow your load... Well when I use the Progasm and it rubs against my prostate gland from inside of me I FEEL the same feeling I get when I CUM but I dont blow my load... I just feel this AMAZING feeling of sexual pleasure that blows my mind...
Adding weed to this is just indescribable... I need to go out and find a new supplier of weed so I can feel this again!! Thanks for the idea!!!
Hey dude you got my belly laughing!!! But your RIGHT!!!
Hey dude you got my belly laughing!!! But your RIGHT!!!
I agree! It is odd is that is the only post from Mark after such an successful experience.
I think I should chime in here because my experience is similar.
Got a helix a few weeks ago. My first session essentially did not work but I had a feeling where this was heading. Next day I tried it in combination with the hypnaerosession recording and it clicked to an extent and I could hit with several pleasant "wave orgasms" (wish I could describe it better).
Next day I tried it in combination with smoking a little MJ (hypnaerosession too) and holy holes in swiss cheese, batman! I am lucky nobody was in the house. Nearly 2 hours of pure hedonism, I was squirming like when my wife hits the high notes. In fact, I'm wondering if this is essentially a female orgasm. If so, we have been fooled for years!
Essentially it (MJ) helped me calm my nerves and stop contracting too much. I'm still an amateur, but I've noticed sessions with a little MJ in my system are much easier to settle into, and controlling my breathing/tension much much easier.
I think I should chime in here because my experience is similar.
Got a helix a few weeks ago. My first session essentially did not work but I had a feeling where this was heading. Next day I tried it in combination with the hypnaerosession recording and it clicked to an extent and I could hit with several pleasant "wave orgasms" (wish I could describe it better).
Next day I tried it in combination with smoking a little MJ (hypnaerosession too) and holy holes in swiss cheese, batman! I am lucky nobody was in the house. Nearly 2 hours of pure hedonism, I was squirming like when my wife hits the high notes. In fact, I'm wondering if this is essentially a female orgasm. If so, we have been fooled for years!
Essentially it (MJ) helped me calm my nerves and stop contracting too much. I'm still an amateur, but I've noticed sessions with a little MJ in my system are much easier to settle into, and controlling my breathing/tension much much easier.
Completely agree with you Count! MJ and Aneros are like PB&J!
I have been using the Aneros for almost 3 years, I have tried various models and own 4 different types. I have read these forums periodically to get some advice on what has worked for people out there. I have had Super-O's for the past year and it has been amazing. This is without the use of any Marijuana. In fact I do not smoke pot and haven't since I was in Grade 11, which is more than 15 years ago... However, after reading a variety of posts about peoples success with trying it, I became curious and then more curious. Well last week I finally caved and called up some old friends that I haven't talked to in a long time and got some. I went outside smoked a decent amount and returned back to my room where I inserted the Eupho. The next 2 hours were nothing less than mind blowing. I was able to achieve a super-O in record time and maintain the state for the entire time! It was nothing less than mindblowing and I am excited to try it again. Thanks for the idea!!!
Hey community, first post and a novice here.
I had used some anal toys before I got my aneros the other day, and kept reading spectacular reviews about the progasm and even though it was bigger I decided to get that as my first aneros model.
I have used it twice in the two days I have had it (already want to use it again! but I feel like I should let my body recoup.) and both times I have vaporized before hand and I think this made the "relaxation" I have read about easier. Today I used it for about 45 minutes after some gentle easing in (I have it fully inserted in a few minutes, no need to rush!) and deffinitely was dripping with a lot of precum and my body was really shaking hard and already having involuntary contractions (At least I think so cause I sure wasn't doing them!) I have found it really enjoyable so far and just thought this would be a good place for my first post.
Any tips/tricks anyone wants to share about their progasm for a newbie?:)