pot. aneros.
For me every session I've ever had have been some of my best when eating MJ
Hey Guys,
I've yet to try this as I very rarely use weed, and therefor never have/own it. But am curious to try it as there have been a few other threads regarding fantastic experiences during Aneros sessions while high.
You can find the other threads by using the search function in the forum. I used the word "pot" to search and got a few results.
Love is Peace
i've done it a couple of times.
it was amazing.
see my post from long ago "my fucking poem" http://www.aneros.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1580
My experiences have been more intense and pleasurable as a result of being high. Whether it was the weed, a more relaxed state of body and mind, or a combination of both I'm not sure.
I look at it like I look at the Aneros. It can help move things along, though it may not work the same for everyone.
I agree with Justn_Otherguy, however for me I think it works better becasue It calms me down to a more meditative state and lets me concentrate on the feelings. Although I don't smoke weed every session, those that I do seem to be more special.
If I have the opportunity to plan a specail session, it will always include weed.
I'm very curious to hear of your results in eating rather than smoking grass. I've never tried eating weed but have tried eating hash and found that to be a real trip
Weed always enhances the whole experience for me!!!!!!!!!! Nood
It always works for me. I don't smoke often but I have to say my very best session ever happened after I smoked a bowl. It was the most intense, mind blowing orgasmic experience of my life!
What kind of work do you guys do that you can use illegal drugs and not get fired? I work around a police facility with a pass to the facility and i am subject to random drug test if i fail just once its termination for me.
I have never used any form of illegal drugs and i can only imagine what the effects are but i like my job far too much to loose it.
So, with the aneros inserted, eat and/or smoke MJ. So where are all the purists that worry about
what lube to put in their bum, or how to breath, or which fish oil to take.
Seems like a dicotomy to me. No, I don't think doing ANY illegal substance is what Aneros is all about! Good Golly, it's a piece of plastic you stick up your arse, and it feels good, WOW how simple.
What kind of work do you guys do that you can use illegal drugs and not get fired? I work around a police facility with a pass to the facility and i am subject to random drug test if i fail just once its termination for me.
I have never used any form of illegal drugs and i can only imagine what the effects are but i like my job far too much to loose it.
I know many people who have used dope at some point in their history. I know very few who used it frequently who amounted to much. It seems anathema to the process to alter your state of mind and then use an Aneros. If Darwin says it is amazing then I can only imagine that it is. I wonder sometimes if Darwin finds anything that ISN'T amazing. I'm jealous at times.
I know many people who have used dope at some point in their history. I know very few who used it frequently who amounted to much. .
I got my bachelors in business, now I'm in nursing school. When I graduate I'll do travel nursing, they work 3, 12 hour days so you have 4 days off a week so I will have time to invest in my other interests, and I'll get to do all sorts of activities! (Which is great cause I'm the guy that is dragging everyone to the mountain at 6am so we can be the first ones on the life, or paddling out at the break of dawn for glassy surf). Eventually I want to move into nursing administration and then get my masters in health care management and do hospital administration.
Along with that, I've smoked pot, to the best of my guestimates, 750 to 1000 times. I HATE tv when I smoke.
My best friend who has smoked just as much has his masters of accountancy.
Althought I can certainly understand the stereotype; there are a lot of successful people that smoke, they just don't go around wearing big pot leaf shirts and smoking spliffs.
I think we need to be careful in our judgments regarding the use of mood and consciousness altering substances. These naturally occurring compounds can have beneficial attributes when used in moderation and only occasionally. Making blanket condemnations or recommendations only raises the perceived level of threat of these compounds.
I think it is important to understand that a paradigm shift in thinking is needed to successfully obtain a Super-O. The change of focus away from penile centered orgasms to Aneros stimulated prostate centered orgasms requires one to alter their thought processes, this is not easy for many men to do, as evidenced by the requests for help on this very Forum. In many cases it is entirely necessary to alter one’s state of consciousness to effect this paradigm shift. Historically, one of the oldest methods of accomplishing that altered state is through the use of psychoactive compounds such as marijuana, peyote, certain mushrooms etc. In more recent times, powerful synthesized compounds such as LSD, Ecstasy, etc. have also been used. I am of the opinion there are healthy modern alternatives to these chemicals. The use of bio-feedback devices and self hypnosis techniques can accomplish similar altered states of consciousness with no detrimental effects to the body. Meditative practice can facilitate this change of focus, even the experience of orgasm itself can alter one’s state of consciousness. These are all valid (though some are illegal) methods one can use to get to the altered state. The method of choice is an individual one, just beware of the consequences.
I thought smoking had bad effects on your sex drive and prostate or something.... That's why i quit smoking cigs and I try not to smoke weed during aneros use, or does the good outweigh the bad in this situation?
I thought smoking had bad effects on your sex drive and prostate or something.... That's why i quit smoking cigs and I try not to smoke weed during aneros use, or does the good outweigh the bad in this situation?
I've known weed to do very good things to the sex drive.
One of my best masturbation sessions ever was when I was high as a kite.
That was long before I discovered the aneros though. I gave up drugs years ago.
The method of choice is an individual one, just beware of the consequences.
I think this statement hits the nail on the head. How true that what works for some will not work for others. I never have been much of a drinker, and a beer buzz would be a mood killer for me when using the aneros. Smoking weed however is another story.
To each his own. I think it would be quite irrisponsible of one to make a statement that pot (or whatever) will enhance a session, however keeping an open mind and trying new things is not a bad thing
Heads up Guys, While this is off topic re: Aneros usage, I know some of you use marijuana in your sessions, here is something to consider, there now appears to be an association between Marijuana & Testicular cancer. Being a prostate cancer survivor (now in remission) myself, I tend to be overly concerned with some of these health issues but I feel a necessity to pass along this information for the benefit of us all. At the very least, you have the right to make an informed decision about what goes into your body.
Good info to know Rumel.
interesting read Rumel, thanks
I wish I would have known that in college, Rumel. Thanks for the info.
I respectfully suggest you change your language around the event. You're a prostate cancer survivor, not a victim. It may sound silly, but reality exists in the words we use to describe it. Don't describe yourself as a victim, but the survivor that you are.
I highly recommend marijuana during your aneros sessions if you're experimental and want to broaden your horizons a bit. If you're scared or weary of trying this drug because you've never done it before, then don't do it. For me, I wouldn't have the pleasure I get these days without mj. It really helped me with the rewiring process. Still haven't had a super-o yet though, but all in due time- no worries. For me, mj gets me hornier than a dog in heat every single time. Maybe that's a little extreme- It puts me at just the right level of arousal where I can focus on what I'm doing and get results. I may not even be thinking about having an aneros session, or feel like it, but as soon as I smoke a little bit of dope, it seems to put me right in the mood. My prostate becomes alive, my entire body just feels incredible, relaxed, and at ease. My penis, nipples, and testicles are electrified, and those mini-dry o's can feel like a full ejaculatory orgasm. I become more aware of my body and senses, and I can feel the sexual energy moving throughout my body. I have never had a dud session with mj. This is just for me though, and may not be that way for everybody. If you're having trouble with your arousal and just relaxing during your sessions, try smoking some mj, and see if it helps. Just be smart and responsible about it, smoke until your as high as your comfortable with, otherwise it can make you a little paranoid if you over-due it. Don't smoke it if you're scheduled for random piss tests at your job. Just remember you're taking the risk. I keep myself in great shape by running and lifting weights, so I hardly have any body fat. The less body fat you have, the less time thc will stay in your system, which is what they are looking for in those tests. Its said that thc can stay in your system for 30 days depending on how often and how much you smoke, the quality of the weed, your body fat, metabolism rate, etc. it really varies from person to person how long it'll stay. Look it up on the internet if you want to know more. I'm 6'2 and 190lbs. Usually its out of my system in a week after use because of my exercise and fitness. Marijuana should be legalized, those tv commercials are a bit harsh in my eyes, good for kids to pay heed to, but we're all adults here and should be able to decide for ourselves. Sorry, I'm not gonna preach about that shit, who cares what I think. Dope is not for everybody. I only smoke dope occasionally now, and my sessions are just as good without it, but it was a great jump-start for my journey.
Weed works super for deep aneros sessions because it is a mild psycho active drug which allows you to forget about the normal things that keep your arousal ramp down. -- In other words, it let's you fully concentrate on your session.
Since weed is not legal (in the US) I cannot recommend it but, with that said, some of my best sessions have been fueled by weed. It really does work. Not a lot though --
For me, two/three hits will fuel a two hour session.
Also folks -- I know this sounds crazy but eating three cans of sardines per week makes your response cycle work much better. -- It really works wonders for me. -- I discovered this by accident
Interesting thread. I am going through something very interesting right now, so I have a unique perspective to share. For years (over 20+ give or take) I have been a regular pot smoker. That means at least a couple of one-hits a day, usually in the evening after work, more on the weekends. Due to being a victim of corporate cutbacks, I am now actively seeking a job. Due to the fact that 85% of employers in the US now do pre-employment drug testing, I have abstained to better my chances of getting a job in this horrible job market. During this time of abstention, I bought my first Aneros.
I can honestly say that my overall physical and mental acuteness has changed over the past few days that I have not smoked. My sleep patterns have changed, I am not as tired as I used to be, and I feel that I am more sexually attuned than before. I would be the first to say that I LOVE smoking pot, and hate admitting this to myself - but it's undeniable. It's been such a difference in several ways that I can't ignore the impact that not smoking it has had over just the past few days alone.
My experience with The Aneros has been great so far, and I feel that it probably would be a good feeling to be high and do it. However, I think it would actually dullen (rather than heighten) the subtle energies I have felt. For anyone who questions this, I would recommend abstaining for at least a week and see if it makes a difference. I would bet that it will, and not in a negative way.
beevee --
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this. I haven't been a regular weed smoker for 25+ years. I would estimate that I comsume approx 1/2oz per year in one-two hit increments. In fact, the only time a use is for Aneros sessions.
For me, it considerably hightens the experience. When I take a hit, I almost immediately experience "Aneros-Lust" -- Just gotta have it in me.
Take care.
TJ, I don't think BV is disagreeing with you.
He also said that he could imagine the session being good while high. But he's saying regularly smoking lessens the flow of energy, a 1/2 oz a year is nothing, he's talking about regular smoke.
I completely agree with BV about the overall dulling. You know when you're listening to a song and it hits you just right and you feel a wave of sensation flow up your body? I would NEVER get that when smoking everyday. Then when I quit, within a few days I was experiencing that.
Beevee, as a former everyday pothead(only a 4 year user), I can relate with you on your changes in sleeping habits after you quit. I almost forgot what it was like to have dreams, but as soon as I quit, I couldn't stop having them. They were all crazy and seemed so real- it was nice having them again. My energy levels also sky rocketed which was great, but it messed with my sleeping schedule for a week. My conscious mind had reawakened and I had a hard time turning it off before bed. I was in a different place in my life during my pothead years, and I smoked to help with my depression which was the wrong way to go about it for me. Word to the wise, never smoke pot if your mentally unstable or depressed, because nothing good will come out of it- no drug out there can fix that. After a while you build a tolerance to mj, like any drug, and you don't get the same pleasing effects. If anything, yeah, I think it dulled my senses, and it just made my depression worse. I find the best high you can get is from a good run and workout, no other substitute for that. Now, I'm so much happier in my life since I discovered this site and the aneros. It has helped me get my shit together and overcome my depression. When I smoke dope now, occasionally, it's so much better and its for the right reasons. Each time I feel like its the first time I got high all over again, and when I use it during my sessions its awesome. I will never go back to smoking dope on an everyday basis, because I don't need to, and the toll it takes on your body isn't worth it. Like any drug out there, best in moderation, and you won't experience the negative side effects. Also my sex drive is as good as its ever been, but I definitely think mj had a negative effect on my libido as an everyday user. Either way the effects were very minimal for me, and I made a full recovery in a short period of time. I'm 25 years old by the way.
I agree with alot wildturkey is saying. I smoked probably a half ounce every week for 2 years. Before then it was much less for about 2 years too... I have recently stopped smoking due to a new job, where I havent been drug tested yet. Ive also been hitting up the gym every other day, got to say I feel the best now than at any point of my life. When I first bought my helix I only had 2 sober sessions before trying it with weed. I used to smoke blunts to the face...so one hitters wont do it for me. I ended up smoking 1 or more bowls by myself, and noticed a big difference than being sober. Like someone said before, it helped put things out of my head so I could focus more on breathing and contractions, and just felt MUCH more pleasurable. I havent seen it brought up anywhere else but it also sorta seemed like the rectum was tighter this made it reallll easy to pull it in and hit the prostate for me.
As a (former) stoner and a new fan of aneros, I would DEFINATELY recommend that if you have the opportunity to smoke without getting canned from your job, to use your aneros when your high. I cannot wait to get tested so I can smoke and use the progasm thats in the mail as I type.