I've heard generally positive things about the combination. As someone who has never, EVER tried marijuana before (or any other altered state of mind for that matter), would this be something that might work for a new user? Specifically one who has trouble relaxing without falling asleep and focusing. I'm only around ten sessions in, but I still can't help but feel like I'm having problems.
This from an non-user:
No doubt that thc establishes a state of lassitude, opening a gateway that allows many gents to more easily fall into orgasm. (gets rid of the 'climb-the-mountain' mentality) It can erase or obscure wired barriers to orgasmic bliss.
Without getting more uptight about this, examine, "...has never, EVER tried " and, what underlies that statement. Sounds to me like you might be giving up your 'virginity' regarding mj use. Not good if this going to spawn some self-guilt down the road or bother your sense of self-worth.
Me thinks you're being a bit hard on yourself and perhaps a bit puritanical about going with the flow of Aneros and substance. Take a deep breath. And, perhaps that deep breath might be the relaxant in weed.
m2cw... rook
You've probably seen my posts about pot+aneros. Amazing every time.
But... that's me, and might not be you.
I would advise that you are trying to shortcut the process. Sure, it might work. But your reaction might be unpredictable. If you are prone to anxiety, and have never had your mind altered, it is possible you'll go in that direction instead of productive weed induced eroticism.
So how about trying a while longer and seek advice here first? There may be a bunch of things you can try that will get you going w/o pot.
On the other hand, if it did work... I'd love to be a fly on the wall (or in your brain)!
I agree with @darwin, using marijuana may or may not help. There are a number of members on this forum who enthusiastically endorse the use of cannabis. There are numerous threads on this Forum which discuss use of various recreational drugs/substances to augment one's Anerosessions. Marijuana is frequently cited as a substance of choice. One such thread is "drugs with the Aneros...?". You can use the SEARCH function to find many others (try using Keywords such as marijuana, cannabis sativa, pot or weed).
There can be a great temptation to take any apparent shortcut to the pastures of pleasure and drug usage may seem an alluring shortcut. However, introduction of such techniques may also introduce new complications which can also trigger negative consequences. I hope you will consider the possible negatives before making a decision to use or not to use. I would neither endorse or condemn anyone for using marijuana to augment their Anerosession, just be aware there is a price to be paid (financially, physically & psychically) to enter that toll road shortcut.
If you've never tried it, don't. Try it if YOU want to try it. Don't do it just to help your aneros journey. Doesn't make sense.
A famous quote from my Mama- "If all the other kids jump off a bridge are you going to do it too?"
You said you're only 10 sessions in...give it 100 sessions. Sure, there are reports of people achieving a super O on the 1st try, but they are anomalies. If I had to count I would estimate that I'm like 200 sessions in. (About twice a week for 2 years.) It was always pleasurable from the beginning, but it seems to just keep getting better. Still no super O, but I really feel that I'm close. I started getting involuntaries about 20 sessions in and have had several mini-O's.
I would suggest trying many other things before Pot. Like nipple stim. Or watching porn. Or doing a session in the dark. Or trying Rumel's Hypnaerosession CD.
The truth of the matter is that you just need time. Your journey has just begun.
you said you have never been in altered state of mind does that include booze? i am a big believer in aneros+weed but if you have never tried weed and especially if you have never been drunk smoking weed could be overwhelming i would say go for it but urge caution weed is very safe but for a very small percentage of people it can cause paranoia and a delusional state of mind "so can booze" so use a very small amount to guage your tolerance if you have a friend who smokes try some with him first to get an idea of what to expect and try with aneros use its not magic it just turns off your inhibitions and relaxes your muscles both of which are beneficial to aneros use good luck
It was always pleasurable from the beginning,
And herein lies the reason for my curiosity about pot+Aneros. I've yet to have any pleasurable sensations from either the MGX or the Helix, and I do mean any. None that I can detect, anyway.
I would suggest trying many other things before Pot. Like nipple stim. Or watching porn. Or doing a session in the dark. Or trying Rumel's Hypnaerosession CD.
I've had sessions where I do nothing but contraction exercises, sessions watching porn, sessions caressing various erogenous zones, and others where I spend about 90 minutes lying in a warm bed, in the dark, under the covers, with a playlist of soft, instrumental music, or gentle nature sounds. I guess you could say I'm at the end of my rope on techniques.
you said you have never been in altered state of mind does that include booze?
Sorry, I forgot to mention I've been drunk once. I'm not a big drinker, so it didn't take much. I didn't panic or have an anxiety attack or anything weird like that. But walking presented an interesting challenge, and it made me talk really loud (and vomit twice).
Thanks to everyone who replied. I'm not seriously considering pot just yet. Sometimes, you just need to know that the option is there.
Seems to me that you are still trying way too hard. You really have to stop putting pressure on yourself to succeed.
I have been on this Journey since June 2009 and have still to experience a Super-O. Frankly, I just don't care, I'm just enjoying the journey for all the smaller surprises and pleasures that come my way without trying to have them.
Having said that, I am almost certainly a good deal older than you so you have a huge advantage over me, but have also experimented with several of the Aneros models, and am beginning to feel that I should stick with just one or two.
Try having three sessions (up to a couple of hours each) every week, without any expectations of any results and keep going with this for a month or even two. I'll bet that during that time you too will have some pleasant surprises. Just accept them for what they are and move on. If you find yourself getting bored, do plenty of deep breathing exercises and use your imagination to think about enjoying whatever pleases you most.
Remember that rewiring can take some people years, but just bear in mind that every single session you have, provided that you don't overdo it, is contributing to that goal, and that is what your goal should be, just rewiring.
Good luck and enjoy!
you said you have never been in altered state of mind does that include booze?
Sorry, I forgot to mention I've been drunk once. I'm not a big drinker, so it didn't take much. I didn't panic or have an anxiety attack or anything weird like that. But walking presented an interesting challenge, and it made me talk really loud (and vomit twice).
If you find yourself getting bored, do plenty of deep breathing exercises and use your imagination to think about enjoying whatever pleases you most.
I've run into a different problem as well. Since I'm feeling nothing, I'm constantly bored during my sessions, and frequently fall asleep. Not for long. Just a microsleep here and there, but it's very frustrating. I can't lay a foundation for a good session if I keep losing consciousness.
and that is what your goal should be, just rewiring.
That's what I'm after. I just want to be sure I'm making some kind of progress (however small) and not wasting my time. It'll be a while before I seriously consider using pot. I just needed to know that the option was there.
I've run into a different problem as well. Since I'm feeling nothing, I'm constantly bored during my sessions, and frequently fall asleep. Not for long. Just a microsleep here and there, but it's very frustrating. I can't lay a foundation for a good session if I keep losing consciousness.
Don't worry about falling asleep. I do it all the time during sessions. I am often asleep within the first half hour and might sleep for anything up to an hour. It's somehow nice to wake up in the wee small hours to find your are already prepared with the device already on board and waiting for you to continue. That's when i have my best moments!
That's what I'm after. I just want to be sure I'm making some kind of progress (however small) and not wasting my time. It'll be a while before I seriously consider using pot. I just needed to know that the option was there.
Trust me, you will be making progress even if you are not conscious of having done so.
Pot is good for my sessions, but I regard it as a tool of sorts. Alcohol is bad for my sessions. Even a glass of wine dulls things. Porn is not good for me (at least not yet). Porn triggers the old wiring for me and bypasses the rewiring process. I mix straight and stoned sessions. I can sense what the pot is doing for me and bring that to my straight sessions.
Just my $0.02.
Hello Aksel,
You've got some really good advice from everyone here. Like Pommie said, you are indeed making progress whether you know it or not. Keep practicing as regularly as possible without hurting yourself. If it helps put your own experience into perspective, I'm just past four years of Aneros usage with no super-O. But I do have pleasurable sessions. But it took me the first 1.5 years of infrequent and intermittent use to get there and I've been progressing in small steps ever since. I tried weed with my Aneros sessions and have yet to find it helpful for me. But that is just my own experience. Everyone's Aneros journey can be quite different.
i agree dont use pot all the time and remember the feelings from pot sessions and try to replicate when strait
I'd be more specific, different methods have different effects, different types of pot have different effects. For me eating hash(polm) is best for Aneros re-wiring and Super O-ing, there's also a group the EZ O Cannabis Club for more information.
I agree don't use it too often. It's not addictive, so how often is best? For me best results are 2-3 weeks without while still using Aneros and then after fitnessing and cardio for this time, the substance should have mostly disappeared from my body, then a little bit can have huge impact.
I guess it's true for any substance, or even experience (like the Super O) do something too often you'll need more and more of it to get the same impact. Heroine users say it's much better than sex, the same goes for the combination of the Super O and hash. The difference of course is that because heroine is extremely addictive heroine users can't go about it in the same rational way coz they'll have to use it every day and more and more.
Ok, I admit, if I've got hash in the house(or alcohol for that matter) I have to finish it, I can't have it in the house and not use it. BUT if I buy a little for a day or two I can easily go without it (for my optimum period of time)
I find it funny how easily the community here accepts a variety of sexual differences that most of society would react sharply too, yet there is almost a latent lack of appreciation for cannabis. I find that a couple drinks or a couple tokes relaxes me in a very positive manner. I'm highly stressed day to day so relaxing is important. Some may say I'm shortcutting, but I don't have an hour or two to relax, prep and have a session. I find that with alcohol, I'm able to get better in and out motion, though the feelings are subdued from when I'm sober+relaxed. Not really any negatives with cannabis in my opinion, other than "wiring" and "orgasmic bliss" or what not. I get an appropriate range of motion, slightly heightened sensation overall and a tiny bit gets me incredibly relaxed.
If you've never smoked or vaped or consumed cannabis, this seems a strange reason to start or try. I encourage experimentation if you're an adult, are responsible, and don't have an addictive personality. It's a great, cheap way for me to relax. It helps me get a good nights sleep, it helps me unwind from work or friends' stress, I wake up with a clear head ready to tackle the day. The fact that it helps me not clench my Aneros into my prostate near-permanently is an added benefit for me.
edit: oop, there were a lot more good responses here than I noticed. I love all the information and insight here, very cool!
I would say that if you go on for some period more, and you don't make anymore progress, then go try some weed. The thing to remember about pot is that you might not even get high for the first several times that you smoke. If I were you, I would experiment with weed a little bit and get comfortable with it, and then try it with the Aneros. There is no question that the combination is extraordinary, and I for one rarely smoke pot unless I plan on using my Aneros or other plug/massager. All the advice given so far has been good, but I am happy to go a little bit further to say that if indeed nothing does end up happening, you should definitely give it a go if you are still curious about having a Pspot orgasm. Yes it is a shortcut. I for one am quite happy that I took it.
I find it funny how easily the community here accepts a variety of sexual differences that most of society would react sharply too, yet there is almost a latent lack of appreciation for cannabis
This is euphemistically put but very true. I think you'll also find that the ones that are most vehemently opposed are the ones that have never even tried it
Yes. I understand and respect *everyone's* right to have their own opinion and beliefs on things, but I think a lot of it comes from misconceptions. Marijuana doesn't dull your sense as alcohol does, it's entirely different and I don't think that people can possibly understand it unless they've tried. I know I believed a lot of stupid stuff about it before I tried it. It's like combining the relaxation of alcohol without the stupor, lack of concentration and general, well, "buzz". Plus I enjoy the full ability to experience all of the physical sensations, plus I'm all relaxed.
That brings up an interesting point. I have stumbled upon more amateur-ish porn recently which features (really super cute) gay couples doing uppers. It's not something that really interests me. I did a lot of research before trying marijuana and I trust it as it's natural and has been used by various cultures for thousands of years. I'm not excited about sniffing a man-made powder to loosen up my insides... but I am curious if anyone here has tried it with an Aneros? It seems that it may have an adverse affect... I can only assume it generally loosens everything up to the point where one might lose the ability to manipulate the Aneros proficiently... but I'm curious so I thought I'd ask to see if anyone had any first hand experience.
What do you mean with 'man-made powder'?
Drowsiness is the closest natural state to being stoned. Try having an Aneros session after wakening yourself up after about 4/5 hours. Your body will still be asleep while your mind is in transient dreamstate. If marijuana usage bothers this is probably the next best thing, this or downing a couple of paracetamols
Drowsiness is the closest natural state to being stoned. Try having an Aneros session after wakening yourself up after about 4/5 hours. Your body will still be asleep while your mind is in transient dreamstate. If marijuana usage bothers this is probably the next best thing, this or downing a couple of paracetamols
Kinda sounds unpleasant. I've been in that state before and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. I have enough difficulties staying awake without being drowsy. If that's all pot is like, it sounds like a big waste of time for me.
When you've just awoken, you're body is still fully relaxed, this relaxed-ness is what it's comparible to. Same with the paracetamols. I always am more aware of the heaviness of my body as my muscles relax after a paracetamol. Somehow relaxing equates to more atuned to your body
The difference with HIH & THC is that above doesn't lite a fire in your groin when it starts to kick in. When I used to smoke joints in my non-HIH days, being stoned was indeed comparible to being drowsy, or at least it would as the effect started to wear off. However if you use it to kickstart a Super O, you'll notice it actually gives you energy. The last few days of Super O-ing I've had maybe an average of 4 hours of sleep, now it's 4:37, and I can feel this ecstasy is gonna make sleep very hard
When you've just awoken, you're body is still fully relaxed, this relaxed-ness is what it's comparible to. Same with the paracetamols. I always am more aware of the heaviness of my body as my muscles relax after a paracetamol. Somehow relaxing equates to more atuned to your body
For the same reason as I avoid alcohol before having an Anerosession, I have avoided taking pain killers. I would have thought paracetamol would have dulled the senses and hence made it more difficult to achieve results from an Aneros. Am I wrong?
For the same reason as I avoid alcohol before having an Anerosession, I have avoided taking pain killers. I would have thought paracetamol would have dulled the senses and hence made it more difficult to achieve results from an Aneros. Am I wrong?
I've never actually tried it
It was just something I noticed when taking paracetemol, how I could feel my chi much better and found it easier when focussing on my prostate to have dry orgasms. I don't know if I could achieve a Super O using paracetemol but it definitely put my body in the proper relaxed receptive mode for a good Aneros session
Besides dulling the senses can be male (alcohol, speed, cocaine, etc) or it can be female(marijuana, morphine, paracetemol), whereas with the former you lose sensitivity to your body the latter actually increases sensitivity.
But hash provides a perfect fit coz it provides much more than just receptive relaxation.For combined use there is really nothing better!
Aksel - if you;ve never tried it and you're over 30 or 35 responsible, somewhat uptight, and tend at all toward any paranoia, don't try pot ...
if on the other hand you're younger, mentally comfortable with yourself and your surroundings, rested and horny, you will probably find that weed will help you find all forms of erotic arousal and sexual activity more highly pleasurable, and make it easier for you to "go with the flow" - which is the key to a fuller enjoyment of your sexuality
... this is true whether you are alone or with a known regular partner.
alcohol is more of a depressant and in my opinion not something that enhances sexual enjoyment and highly erotic states
- rip
Aksel - if you;ve never tried it and you're over 30 or 35 responsible, somewhat uptight, and tend at all toward any paranoia, don't try pot
So what proof do you have that ppl over 30-35 that haven't tried pot shouldn't try it? That's like saying if you've never tried the Aneros when youre> 30-35 you shouldn't try, absurd!
MJ increases body awareness& sensitivity, so it's perfect in aiding Aneros use, REGARDLESS of personality. Coz your focus should be on honing in to pleasure not on your thoughts. Once youre honed in to pleasure( and the effects of mj increase this manyfold) then it's impossible to feel negativity coz you're feeling too much pleasure
Before anyone considers to resorting to the use of Cannabis to assist in achieving responses to Aneros devices, they should read the report included in yesterday's Melbourne Age newspaper Cannabis triggers earlier mental illness.
This report was published just this Tuesday and was produced by the University of New South Wales Medical School, one of the most respected medical research institutes in the world. Its findings were considered of sufficient importance that it featured in the national headline news throughout this country yesterday.
So what proof do you have that ppl over 30-35 that haven't tried pot shouldn't try it? That's like saying if you've never tried the Aneros when youre> 30-35 you shouldn't try, absurd!
MJ increases body awareness& sensitivity, so it's perfect in aiding Aneros use, REGARDLESS of personality. Coz your focus should be on honing in to pleasure not on your thoughts. Once youre honed in to pleasure( and the effects of mj increase this manyfold) then it's impossible to feel negativity coz you're feeling too much pleasure
Helixer - of course i have no proof, yet experience has taught me that those over 35 who have NEVER smoked pot are more likely to have a less pleasant experience than others ... this likely is due to the fact that they may harbor some negative impressions of herb's use - something in their background may inhibit them in some way (why else would they be cannabis-naive?) ...
having said that i would reword my initial post to say that if Aksel is not mentally against cannabis use, he definitely should try it - it is a travesty that it is illegal in so many places
... if i were a counsellor i would suggest that patients strive to maximize their endorphins - the three most available and effective means are IMO cannabis, vigorous aerobic exercise and vigorous lengthy sessions of high erotic arousal and orgasm including partner sexual intercourse - not necessarily in the order i listed them.
i am wholeheartedly behind your message that MJ is absolutely one of the best and safest enhancer of bodily awareness and sensitivity and sensuality
- rip
Regarding the study that Pommie referred to earlier -- that study suggests that if you are going to get schizophrenia, that cannabis use might accelerate when that schizophrenia shows up (by a few years). Now, the global prevalence of schizophrenia is about 0.5%, or 1 in 200. So, there's roughly a 99.5% chance that this study does not apply to you or me!
It was more than 50 years before I tried cannabis (or Aneros, for that matter). Knowing what I know now, I'm sorry
I waited so long. In the hands of a responsible adult, with controlled doses, my experience is that the risk of cannabis use is pretty minimal.
IMHO, if you have known mental illness or addiction problems, or suspect you might, I would not recommend trying cannabis (ever). For the rest of the population (esp. who live in MMJ states), I think the risk is worth it. At least, it was for me!
It made a major difference in achieving involuntaries, and it greatly amplified my Aneros response. For me, the
benefits have far outweighed the risks, and Aneros use even without cannabis is now far better, too.
Moderation is the key, I think...
I for one wouldn't label psychiatry/psychology as an exact science. Especially when you see the trend to see someone's mental problems not as caused by thoughts/circumstances but as caused by genes.
IMO there's a big difference between the mind and the body, so treating as you would the other is just going to lead to fallacy. For example a genetic mistake can lead to heart illness; this is a specific problem, that can be observed and hopefully treated.
Now, for example skizofrenia, how would you define that? Where exactly is the problem to be located, can it even be found in the body?Besides society doesn't really care, it's all about masking the symptomes.
What society calls treating patients is basically turning patients into zombies. Yes; their symptomes aren't so bad after medication, but unfortunately the medication affects a lot more than just the symptomes. So basically their cure for mental disease is as follows:
-mind is diseased>kill the mind and you kill the problem
Mental disease is very complex, as thoughts and culmination of thoughts are. To blame cannabis for causing mental disease is just vilification or ignorance and best.
I would however agree with |Freud that most mental problems have some roots in sex. So I'd say sexual frustration can lead to all kinds of mental problems. Obviously if you use cannabis that increases your sexdrive so if this powerful energy can't be channelled then it might increase the severity of your mental problems.But that's using cannabis WITHOUT the Aneros.
The euphoric feelings produced by the combination of the Aneros and cannabis I'd say would be helpful rather than detrimental to your mental wellbeing