Hey all. I haven't found that much info on this site about this so was wondering how many people here have experimented with different types of drugs with the aneros and what kind of results you've had.
Last night I ate some weed cake and for those that have eaten weed food you know just how high you get. It's more of a body high and much more intense than when smoking it. Anyways I had no intentions of using the aneros and then "got the whisper" so jumped in the shower and prepared for a session. Won't go into details but it was the best session so far to date with the aneros (Over an hour of almost non-stop waves of medium size O's). The one thing that was good was I seemed to find a really good technique that was working for me well. Being in a different state of perception gave me the ability to go "at it " differently than I have previously.
Anyways stories people...
There have been many discussions on this issue before. There seem to be two camps on the issue. There are people who say that recreational drugs enhance their aneros sessions and help them reach orgasm faster and easier. There are people (and I am in this group) who believe that using mind-altering substances detracts from the session, because the pleasure you feel should be based entirely upon your body's natural chemistry. I personally have never used recreational drugs, so the pleasure I get from aneros use is one of the best natural highs I could imagine. I'm sure your milage may vary.
i have only smoked pot once in the last 4 or 5 years, and i did it specifically to see how it would mix with the aneros.
it was over the top amazing.
see the thread "this is my fucking poem"
This question goes to the overall value of lucidity. If the expeience of evermore intense sensations is your primary aim, over and above your overall health and well-being, I know from expeience that you are likely to go places you can't get to naturally. I was an 8 year drug user and, from music, to sex, to food and drink - all sensations were altered and often hieghtened when I was high. My two cents is that the clarity which comes only through abstaining from mind altering drugs is worth the trade-off from whatever I don't experience in their absence. The me I was born with is much better than the me I was while I was using. grateful
I hope the D.E.A. is not reading these Forum postings (I'm still a little paranoid from my 10+ years of smoking dope back in the 70's), but I must confess that I had some of my most intense sexual encounters while stoned. I gave up smoking pot totally about 20 years ago because I became aware of the damaging effects it was having on my short term memory capabilities, but I haven't forgotten about the wonderful sex I had back then.
The recent acquisition and use of the Aneros has brought back some memories of those times. I have experienced only a couple of super-O's, but I can relate that they were every bit as intense (perhaps more so) than any of my previous drug influenced orgasms. I concur with 'grateful', ones perceptions of sensory stimuli do become intensified while under the influence of cannabis sativa, but there can be a loss of lucidity later. I can certainly see that it could be a particularly effective method to achieve a breakthrough to super-O territory as 'darwin' so eloquently described in his poem, and if used in that context, I see it as tool to aid the "re-wiring" process. There is a real danger, however, that one can become dependent on the usage of that tool to arrive at the gates of the super-O (which is already a pretty addictive experience).
The human body is capable of some pretty amazing things, including detoxifying a myriad of naturally occurring substances, but there are limits to how many repeated assaults those organs can tolerate before they break down and fail to function properly. My advice for Forum members is to be cautious in your use of any drug, learn as much as you can about its effects (especially damaging ones) on the body, before you begin your experimenting. I believe we each have the right to control what goes into our bodies but we also have the responsibility to be held accountable for those decisions.
One of the real beauties of this Forum is the community of caring people who are sharing their knowledge with an attitude of promoting healthy ways to living in the super-Ozone, as such, In my opinion you are better off avoiding the drug route (it could be a detour through Hell). The super-O is such a natural high, I don't know if I could survive a more intense drug induced experience!
I think it is lucidity versus relaxation/openess if you know what I mean. If you are constantly tense, I would guess the "O" would never come. Smoke a Chesterfield and await the first inklings of an "O". Know what to expect and feel then skip the Chesterfield on the next round.
Could someone send me some Chesterfields?
The DEA reading this forum... lol now that's just too much.
I feel there's a big difference between drug abuse and controlled use of drugs. There's a difference between smoking or eating weed once in a while and doing it everyday (and the goes for other drugs as well). I have great clarity of mind and lucidness. So much that my lucidness/awareness expands far beyond this physical body/mind awake realm (without the use of drugs). In my time I've experimented with many drugs and have found that certain ones have had really great results with arousal and sensitivity (ever had sex on mushrooms or LSD? out of this world!). But regardless of my experiments with drugs and sex or masterbation, it doesn't take away from what I experience when sober. I feel this is because I don't abuse drugs (don't take them all the time, only sparingly).
I see no harm in experimenting with different drugs occasionally and why not while using the aneros. I'm sure it will not take away from my sober sessions but instead mix it up a bit and provide a bit more creativity to add to the flow.
I realize that many users on this site are a bit older so are passed they're experimenting days so can't (well can but not in the same since of when they're younger) really see where I'm coming from since what I'm talking about is just a thing from there past. I realize also that some users don't or have never partaken of "illegal" drugs (though I bet many hit up that wicked "legal" bottle) so I sort of expect negative feedback in that case.
I'm not looking for a jump start by using a drug with the aneros to "quickly" and "easily" get me to super-O's. I've have great sessions without drugs (this was my first experiment being on a drug with the aneros and it went well). Doesn't mean I'm going to need to smoke or eat pot to be able to have good sessions. Again sparingly is the key. Since my first post here I've had many sessions and have had much success.
I'm actually more against alcohol and nicotine (in my opinion two of the worst drugs). I do drink a bit but only because it's more of a social thing (and somebody needs to fuck those fat chicks lol joking) and nicotine... well I can't see doing something that you have to do many times a day that is that bad for you just to feel good (again, against abusing any drug).
I've always been an explorer in many senses. I'm most interested in awareness/consciousness.
actually I did read your poem awhile back. Sounds like you had a pretty good experience/experiment.
Maybe I should had put my experience in poem form lol. Probably wouldn't had gotten so much concern.
Not sure how you can say that you're part of the group that believes that using mind altering drugs detracts from the aneros session since you stated you've never used recreational drugs. Not sure how you could know this without having ever used recreational drugs or experimented with them while using the aneros. You did write that the pleasure you feel should be based entirely upon your body's natural chemistry and yes I've felt exactly that during 95% of my aneros sessions. But being an explorer like I am, I can't see why not a little experimenting would hurt anything.
Thanks for the replies everyone. It's time for a "sober" aneros session. BTW who thinks that using the aneros daily is abuse? Seems a lot of people on this forum spend several hours a day using it and that seems like abuse/addicted to me. Seems like aneros use is a way to release "natural" drugs into the brain and makes one want it more and more. I wonder what the long term effects from daily aneros sessions are? We can only hope it's good...
Not sure how you can say that you're part of the group that believes that using mind altering drugs detracts from the aneros session since you stated you've never used recreational drugs. Not sure how you could know this without having ever used recreational drugs or experimented with them while using the aneros. You did write that the pleasure you feel should be based entirely upon your body's natural chemistry and yes I've felt exactly that during 95% of my aneros sessions. But being an explorer like I am, I can't see why not a little experimenting would hurt anything.
You're right--I don't know that first hand. The whole idea of using drugs doesn't appeal to me. I'm just not in favor of it, for any reason. I don't like the idea of putting a chemical into my body that messes with the way my brain works. So I have no experience in this area, but I do have my convictions. As far as the aneros is concerned, I get plenty of pleasure from its use without anything else. That's all I need.
Oh, by the way...I don't hit the 'wicked bottle' (as you put it), either.
Fair enough Gravel.
Very interesting thread. I've had much experience, specifically with Mary Jane and use of the aneros device. It forces your entire body to relax and heightens tactile sensation to the point where it's nearly impossible for me NOT to have many P-Waves and much more likely to have a Super-O. Similarly "other worldly" yet even more alien, is using the aneros after a Salvia Divinorum experience. Salvia Space is like an entirely different dimensional reality, and when smoked only lasts about 10 or so minutes. But the fog you're in for the next half hour is very ripe for sexual experimentation. People ask if it's dangerous. I like to quote Terrence McKenna in answer: "Only if you fear death by astonishment".
The aneros really seems to work on the level of meditation, trance induction and hypnotism. It makes sense that these substances which induce these states of mind would only aid in the experience.
I still enjoy my sober aneros sessions, but there's really no comparison. It's funny..I used to be entirely against the use of foreign substances, didn't even smoke until 32. I'm still personally against using anything that is chemically addictive. But I've come to understand that there is absolutely NO substitute for Direct Felt Experience. Don't knock it till you try it.
As i get older and hopefuly a little wiser i agree that maybe getting used to the aneros without drugs could be the way forward , however, for complete relaxation where i know that i can completly "let go" being stoned helps. Im new to using this but from what ive gathered so far is that once you stop trying to achieve this super o state and instead let it happen, well you seem to get results alot quicker. Ive always smoked pot and enjoyed sex together since i can remember, be it with some one or on my own. Ive managed to blow my own head of with nothing more than a little penile stimulation and complete relaxtion. Not wanting to get anywhere but going with the flow...I dont smoke so much anymore but for this i actualy bought a little and its working treat so far
It's a double edged sword. Guess I feel like I'm cheating when I use marijuana. It would be great to have a Super O without weed...but somehow weed does 2 things: a) it gets me in the mood b)it totally relaxes me. The state I achieve naturally in say 2 hours time...that's the state I'm in right from the get go with dope.Within a minute of insertion I'm already experiencing mini O's and then giga O's.
But still, its just a crutch, though a fairly mild drug I'd prefer not taking it to experience a Super O without getting fucked up in order to do so.
On a similiar subject, does alchohol affect the performance?
On a similiar subject, does alchohol affect the performance?
This I think can be easily demonstrated
I'll let you know in the morrow....
Very interesting thread. I've had much experience, specifically with Mary Jane and use of the aneros device. It forces your entire body to relax and heightens tactile sensation to the point where it's nearly impossible for me NOT to have many P-Waves and much more likely to have a Super-O. Similarly "other worldly" yet even more alien, is using the aneros after a Salvia Divinorum experience. Salvia Space is like an entirely different dimensional reality, and when smoked only lasts about 10 or so minutes. But the fog you're in for the next half hour is very ripe for sexual experimentation. People ask if it's dangerous. I like to quote Terrence McKenna in answer: "Only if you fear death by astonishment".
I have read up on Salvia Divinorum, sounds very interesting. From what I have read about it it is non-addictive, non-toxic, no negative long-term effects and is legal in most places. And when chewed (or tincture) the experience can be meditative and long lasting at low doses.
Any thoughts on Salvia use with aneros?
2-year necro in this thread.
I've used Salvia before (although not the Aneros still!) - from the feeling I got, I can't see it having any real feedback on your Aneros - you won't even notice it. I had either a level 1 or a level 2 trip only and I still couldn't feel anything in my body except a tugging sensation turning me clockwise. All the pretty fractals were too engrossing anyway.
Worth a try, I guess, but know what you're getting into with Salvia. If you get up to a high level trip, you won't remember where you are or that you've just taken the drug. A sitter is normally recommended to stop you from interacting with the real world in such a way that may harm you. Use caution.
What about good old amyl...i come like a train with that
I had never heard of salvia before reading this post. I did a bit of research and found there is quite a bit of info about it out there.
sounds very interesting - I am planning on getting a live plant and trying it out
anyone with experience that can post some info?
Yeah - the smoke is as acrid as the sulphuous fumes of hell - Salvia vaporises at a very high temperature. I'd use a bong if you plan on smoking it.
You need to take the hit pretty quickly, I've used 6x extract (6 times the potency of an equivilent amount of raw leaf), and because it was my first time smoking anything I couldn't take it at the speed needed to launch into the other world - but what I did get was that all the geometry around me became non-euclidean in a really big way. Seeing angles between parallel lines, etc. The brick wall ahead of me was made up of fractals. The only discrete hallucinations I was able to actually produce, though, was a strange pulling sensation, which was accompanied with the visual hallucination of seeing hooks (not painful - just there) in my face attached to yellow and black striped rope being pulled by little 8-bit men just out of the corner of my eye.
It wasn't scary at any point, I might add. This is only a very mild trip though - it was gone after about 2-3 minutes, and in any case I didn't see or feel anything that I was aiming for. I've upped my extract to 17x now (to compensate for my difficulty smoking it), but I'll take around half the quantity I did last time.
My advice, which I didn't follow at the time but will for certain next, is to close your eyes when it hits, if you're still aware. It can bring the hallucinations on stronger even if you don't ascend to the highest level of trip, and can actually push you over.
Good luck with it.
I had never heard of salvia before reading this post. I did a bit of research and found there is quite a bit of info about it out there.
sounds very interesting - I am planning on getting a live plant and trying it out
anyone with experience that can post some info?
I am not an expert, nor have I used salvia, but I have read that you can have a much more mellow and longer experience chewing the leaves or the ultra-concentrated tincture. The most interesting information I found online was a project that evaluated Salvia divinorum as a tool for enhancing meditation work. http://www.maps.org/research/salvia/sdmeditation.html
Hey Bishop - thanks for that link but I don't see any info there other than what they planned on doing. Are the results of the testing there someplace?
Believe it or not, what interests me in this drug is exactly that - a supplement to meditation. My intrests aren't really how this could help an aneros session, but that certainly could be a side benefit
I am ordering a couple of live plants asap
Hey Bishop - thanks for that link but I don't see any info there other than what they planned on doing. Are the results of the testing there someplace?
Believe it or not, what interests me in this drug is exactly that - a supplement to meditation. My intrests aren't really how this could help an aneros session, but that certainly could be a side benefit
I am ordering a couple of live plants asap
I sent you a PM. I am interested about the same thing, meditation aid.
The results are in posting for November 3. Please keep in touch about your results.
"1.0 grams...everyone noticed it when they were in a quiet room with no distractions. Mind is clear and meditation is unusually easy with few distracting thoughts. This dose was only detected by anyone when they were trying to meditate. The effect made it easier tc oncentrate without thoughts... a definite plus for meditation.
We have a legal drug option here in NZ. It used to be called spice, but now is called space and I think comes as a few other names too. Its made by a company called London Underground so is probably available some places other than NZ. Its very very similar to cannabis. I have no idea why its legal, but it is for over 18s.
I've tried this a few times with the aneros and have been really impressed. Within a couple of minutes of smoking it I am writhing on the bed having a lot of fun. Unable to control it sometimes I just lie there in pure bliss.
I don't have it very often because I use my brain for work and don't want to stuff it up, but have been really impressed with it. As well, it seems to take me to a higher level for sessions not using it - although its always better using it I must say.
I have a bit of experience with salvia, but I defiantly wouldn't use it with the aneros or any type of sexual pleasure really. I guess in very small does it could be alright, but it has some pretty strong dissociative effects (your mind is separated from your body) so it will probably be less of an intense orgasm.
Salvia is more of a drug to explore your mind & reality. I can say it is defiantly not a fun drug, I would classify every experience I had with it as unpleasant for the duration, but afterword I'm glad I did it. If anyone is planning to try this stuff, I would strongly recommend you read as much as you can about it before you do though, as not realy anything can properly prepare you for it, even other drugs. I suggest erowid.org as a starting point.
But to add to the discussion of fun things to try with the aneros, I will suggest you look into Nitrous Oxide, also know as laughing gas. This is the stuff they give you at the dentist, and is probably one of the safest drugs you can take, and is quite similar to amyl nitrate but I find nitrous give a "cleaner" feeling than amyl and it's probably safer.
Nitrous is lots of fun because it's very fast acting, and only lasts about a minute. It's not really addictive, while you may consume more than you planned in one sitting you wont be craving more the next day. It basically gives you a euphoric rush, and in larger quantity's can be pretty intense. But for use with the aneros, or sex in general, the best way to do it in my opinion is to take a quick hit about 30s before you climax, so you will be peaking as you climax. It's really something else...
If your interested in this or really any other substance out there, I strongly suggest you check out erowid.org, they seem to stick to just the facts and arn't a pro/anti drug site, and can provide a wealth of information of how to use these things safely.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Im sure some of you have heard of people huffing inhalants (glue/paint/etc), that type stuff is nothing like nitrous oxide. Inhalants are incredibly dangerous drug and can cause permanent brain damage. To my knowledge there is no way to use that type of stuff safely. So don't try that junk thinking it will be good times like nitrous or amyl.
i am a regular cannabis smoker and find that the relaxed state i get from smoking is very helpfull almost essential in having super-o's and just enhances all the sensations.
someone mentioned salvia' salvia is horible it has an incredibly potent but short term effect i compare to a major stroke or brain hemmorage for about 5 mins not plesurable at all and doubt you could use with aneros might be dangerous if you fall on it