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Everything Changed.

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Greetings from a newbie. 

This past weekend my GF and I headed out of town for a couple of nights of fun.. No kids, no cats.. just us. 

I thought i'd pick up some new toys for the weekend and one of my purchases was the Prograsm. I ended up not pulling the Progasm out during out trip as I had no idea what to expect and thought I best familiarize myself with it on my own... so that's what I did last night. 

A shower and some indica gummies helped set the mood and about 30 minutes later the Prograsm was in place. I lit a candle and fired up a soothing and sexy playlist on Spotify. As my mind and body began to fully relax I could feel the benefits of my actions as i began to feel pleasure. I tried different rhythms, different intensities and finally found something that really worked for me.... starting totally relaxed and then slowing pulling the Progasm in a little bit at a time and holding it in areas where the pleasure was more noticeable. Good grief, the feeling just kept getting more pleasurable and I only wish I would have discovered the amazing feeling the prostate can provide years ago. Sadly, being new to all of this i'm sure I made some mistakes that kept me from experiencing even more pleasure but I was very happy with my first session and I'm sure with experience and research i'll learn some more tips to maximize the pleasure. 


I do have a question. I want to add another Aneros product to our goodie bag. I'd like something that may be better suited for extended wear and couples play. Something a bit smaller that may provide more movement. I've read that the Progasm is not a great option during PIV as it can have a tendency to slip out during thrusting. What would you all recommend for a 2nd Aneros product?  I'm tempted by the Syn V as that is something that I could use with or without vibration. The MGX also looks very interesting. 

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

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Welcome to the Aneros Forum, it sounds like you have already got some fundamentals established, I hope you'll read through the Introductory Message to New Members which has a few hints and tips to facilitate your learning journey with the Aneros.

I want to add another Aneros product to our goodie bag....What would you all recommend for a 2nd Aneros product?

IMHO, every man should have the new Helix Syn V in his stable, I think it is the best Aneros model yet. It is very comfortable for extended sessions and the added bonus of versatile vibrations puts it in a class by itself.

Good Vibes to You!

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You did pretty freakin’ great for a first go,you’ll be fine.

The smaller you go in models,the more freedom and movement they have. Progasm isn’t great for piv.

The helix syn trident is my favourite for piv. Plenty of movement and stays in great. The eupho is pretty good too,it’s even smaller and can really move,but usually you need to be somewhat advanced and have the know how for a eupho. I love my helix syn V but strangely,sometimes the vibes relax my muscles a little and it comes out a tad,not much,but enough to break the p tabs contact with the body. It depends on cash flow,if you can afford to build the collection over time,then buy a bunch of models and experiment. HST would be my initial buy but that’s me.

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Just bought a mgx syn trident. Hopefully this will be a good companion to the Progasm. I'm thinking this collection of aneros products will be growing quickly. 

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Good job.  Try not to think of anything you’ve done as a mistake, as another successful newbie was advised in 

Help me understand what happened?

; it’s all learning and exploration now.  Be excited for your incoming Syn.  I believe you’ll enjoy how that silicone layer feels.  I couldn’t imagine not trying a Syn variant at some point: a great companion model.  Let us know how you do.

Posted by: @alexxh

holding it in areas where the pleasure was more noticeable

A “natural”!  That was an intuitive thing to do.  I wasn’t clear whether you used hands or not, but try without, and thus yours would be an apt description of one way I grow pleasure.

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Last night was all hands free...That's what was amazing. I may have been a bit skeptical of the prostate, only hearing of its pleasure making ability... Now Ive experienced it first hand and I only caught a tiny, miniscule, glimpse of its orgasmic potential. 

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So.. Nearly a week ago I pursued prosate play for the very first time using the Progasm. Three sessions later i've been unable to attain anything remotely close to what happened that first night. During one session I was beginning to feel some pleasure ramping up, but I also felt as if I needed to pee really bad so I aborted that moment, emptied my bladder, and returned to bed only to find that pleasure was not going to return.  What a fickle thing prostate pleasure is. After that first night using the prograsm, I was so excited about this new discovered pleasure that I went out and bought the MGX Syn as another option. So far the Syn for me has been a bust. This week I've had 2 sessions with it and one with the Progasm and the pleasure I experienced the first night is nothing but a delicious memory. I'm not doing anything different from the first night.. relaxing, creating a good environment and trying my best to just let it come to me and not get in the way. Apparently, something is getting in the way.  I know that discovering this level of pleasure is a journey and i'm in this for the long haul, but that selfish part of me just wants to feel that intense, warm, other-worldly pleasure again. 

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Posted by: @alexxh

I know that discovering this level of pleasure is a journey and i'm in this for the long haul, but that selfish part of me just wants to feel that intense, warm, other-worldly pleasure again.

Yeah, I think most of us know that feeling of desire once we've tasted the pleasure to be had from prostate massage. Early success with an Aneros massager can be a curse because it establishes a certain level of pleasure expectation which almost inevitably falls short with subsequent sessions. Veteran member @B-Mayfield reported that his first use of an Aneros massager resulted in a Super-O but he was unable to duplicate that experience for more than 9 months. Learning all the elements which contribute to creating a Super-O takes time for most men so patience is required as you go through this 'rewiring' process. Despite your attempts to recreate that initial success there are subconscious factors at play which you may not be aware of nor can you necessarily control. Coming to terms with these subconscious aspects and allowing them to fully play out is essential, you can't make this process happen through force of will, you need to "Just Let Go !".

Good Vibes to You!


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Posted by: @alexxh

also felt as if I needed to pee

That's normal, it occurred in my 3rd session.  My interpretation was my body proccessing the new stimuli.  Try peeing before session to reassure yourself you won't need to interrupt your session partway.

Posted by: @alexxh

What a fickle thing prostate pleasure is.

Hang in there.  I have found it to be reliable, with experience.

Posted by: @alexxh

So far the Syn for me has been a bust.

Hang onto your goodies.  You may like sometime to try it again.


I'm adding my voice to others- be assured in your exploration and growth.



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I had the most incredible experience of my life shortly after my beginning, and have been chasing that ever since,nothing even close so far. But is getting better and better as time goes by. There really are know bad sessions, even when I can't feel much, my belief is that my prostate and brain are having a conversation. For instance just recently I was making great gains, added some vibration and everything went dead, vibes are a bad idea for me. Had 4or 5 really dead sessions, then last night I had the best session of all, although still not as good as the early one. I could feel something changing during the dead sessions.

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@tbob, rewiring in progress!  Give it time.


Good vibes


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Posted by: @tbob

I had the most incredible experience of my life shortly after my beginning, and have been chasing that ever since,nothing even close so far. But is getting better and better as time goes by. There really are know bad sessions, even when I can't feel much, my belief is that my prostate and brain are having a conversation. For instance just recently I was making great gains, added some vibration and everything went dead, vibes are a bad idea for me. Had 4or 5 really dead sessions, then last night I had the best session of all, although still not as good as the early one. I could feel something changing during the dead sessions.

I have found that I will have an experience I deem to be the best I have ever had, and then will be unable to replicate anything like it for a period of time. And then suddenly there it is and becomes a regular in my sessions. It is almost as if there needs to be a period of unconscious integration, before an experience can be summed up at will. As every experienced member will advise, keep going, keep relaxed and you will get there.

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Progress ramps up in stages usually because once something happens or learned,we spend time trying to recreate it or chase it,this is expectation lol It appears again later because the expectation has waned.

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Posted by: @helghast

Progress ramps up in stages usually because once something happens or learned,we spend time trying to recreate it or chase it,this is expectation lol It appears again later because the expectation has waned.

So brothers:  Should we treat every session as an excursion into the unknown world of pleasure?  Thats what I have been telling myself lately.  Any comment?

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Posted by: @turnrow

Should we treat every session as an excursion into the unknown world of pleasure?

Yes I think so. Patience + Perseverance + Perspicacity = Prostate Pleasure

Good Vibes to You!

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Yes bro,best way. Just be excited to see what each session bring and bin off the chasing and recreation of the past! 🙂


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