New Aneros user here and reached the Super-O within a few days of getting it in the mail. Something crossed my mind today after seeing threads and conversations on the many months of practice it could take a guy to reach a prostate orgasm: daily bidet use in that amount of time prior to the Aneros might have helped me prep for use.
Nine months ago I bought a bidet, as I was moving into a new apartment by myself as well as finding toilet paper harder to find. Since then I've used it probably twice daily, and also sometimes to freshen up just because. Very quickly I found that if I lightly sprayed my hole or taint it would start to feel really good, and this became a part of my use whenever I actually had to use the bidet for its intended purpose.
Could this action be responsible for rewiring before even using the Aneros? (If anything in making me more comfortable with my body down there and giving more thought to it, keeping it clean, caring for it, etc.) Who else has experimented or experienced something even distantly related to this?
In my opinion any prior anal pleasure will help pave the road for the Aneros. I use a simple bottle bidet myself and while I find it pleasant to use and a lot better than toilet paper in every aspect, I never really made a connection to Aneros usage. You might be blessed with a high level of sensitivity in that region and using your bidet may have started the awakening process. For sure, everything is connected and it's hard to know how each piece of the puzzle fits together, but what you say makes a lot of sense to me. Hey if it works, it works!
Whoah, congrats on the quick success! Consider yourself doubly lucky, though. Since Orgasms are just one of many vantage points on the journey, you, like all of us, have a lot more to discover!!!
I can’t say if bidets are a key. I think there are many building blocks to pleasure, many pieces to the puzzle as @zentai says. If your experience with a bidet got you acquainted with your asshole, that is awesome. I can say that I am jealous of your setup. I have always wanted a bidet, and though I live in France, they seem to have gone out of fashion a generation ago. Thus they are rare around here.
Thanks @divine_o! Yeah I'm looking forward to delving deeper into the waters. Right now I'm giving myself a week to rest, as I've been having a lot of sessions on back to back days for the past week and don't want to desensitize or harm myself. Time for a good kegel routine and overall wellness revamp.
At least you got to have bidets in widespread use -- they've never been popular in the US, and I really enjoy the clean feeling of using them. Mines is an add-on to the toilet for $70, bought just in time as Americans were panicking over toilet paper.
@poseidon Well look at Mister Moneybag with his oligarch bidet setup. Haha just joking man, I checked those add-ons before and they're very neat, I'll probably get one at some point, right now I'm renting and don't want to mess with plumbing hot water to it from under the sink. Cold water only is just, well freakin' cold here. Do you have one were you just plug it in line with the toilet water inlet?
For now I use what they call a "hiker's bidet", pretty much an ordinary water bottle with a small hole in the cap, and I just fill it up with warm water from the bathroom sink before doing my business. Works really well for how basic it is, but you have to scoot forward a lot to get the, hum, optimal cleaning angle. @divine_o that could work for you, compared to my setup this is a super fancy one.
I switched to that method last year, and now feel like a dirty caveman when I'm outside my home and need to use paper only.
@zentai Hahaha duuude it was either the bidet or my bare right hand! To be honest though I've had only a 12-roll pack of toilet paper this whole pandemic and I think I'm down to 4 rolls from that, so the bidet really paid off. I'm also renting too so don't let that stop you if it's something you can benefit from.
To keep costs down I got the cheapest bidet I could from TUSHY, and it only uses the cold water tap. It took a weekend of acclimation, but now I love having a Shamu Splash-Zone experience back there lmao
Great thread!
Well look at Mister Moneybag with his oligarch bidet setup. Haha just joking man, I checked those add-ons before and they're very neat, I'll probably get one at some point, right now I'm renting and don't want to mess with plumbing hot water to it from under the sink.
This stuff is possible w/o serious plumbing and at stunningly low cost. I got me a sprayer for like 12€ and a Y-splitter with valves for my sink connection for another 10€. Ah that was wrong, it's the water supply for the washing machine which is located under the sink.
Since the head of the sprayer is rather small, I can seal it on the anus with little pressure and use it as a super quick enema. Never looked back.
For now I use what they call a "hiker's bidet", pretty much an ordinary water bottle with a small hole in the cap, and I just fill it up with warm water from the bathroom sink before doing my business. Works really well for how basic it is, but you have to scoot forward a lot to get the, hum, optimal cleaning angle.
You'll love to hear that there is a commercial solution for this application.
@unfug Haha I'm super cheap about anything I can make myself, I'll probably end up hot gluing a small piece of hose on the cap or something like that. A smal plastic 90 elbow would be perfect also... Not too worried about splashing some BPAs on my butt. As an aside, I thought the picture was showing a glass Coke bottle and was like, how does that even work? I can't squeeze THAT hard!
Thanks for all the ideas, the best is about how to embed images. I can only manage to upload one at a time, what's the trick?
I much prefer water to toilet paper and my preferred method is taking a liter wide mouth juice bottle, filling it with warm or cold water depending on the season and pouring it over the front end of business. I reach my hand around the front, between my legs, so it is cupped under my balls, ready to apply the water directly to where it needs to go after it rolls over my genitals. It means touching shit in the beginning, but by the end of the liter bottle I am squeaky clean... just gotta keep fingernails very short, and wash your hands very well.
I can only manage to upload one at a time, what's the trick?
You have to edit for every additional upload... yeah, that's some legit web 2.0 we have here!
At least we don't have to fax the pictures to the Aneros HQ, so I won't complain as long as any workaround is available. Btw, you can post the URLs of pictures directly too. I don't like that for important stuff though, since the original source may vanish and nothing is more frustrating than stumbling over a 10 year old goldmine of a thread with dead links...
I thought the picture was showing a glass Coke bottle and was like, how does that even work? I can't squeeze THAT hard!
Lol, same. The good thing about this little piece of plastic is, that it's perfectly sized for an everday carry item. You'll usually get your hands on a small plastic bottle anywhere anyway.
@divine_o That's basically the way they do it in a lot of places around the world. Years ago I saw a video from I think the Indian Ministry of Tourism or something like that, explaining how to navigate the standing toilets because foreigners kept plugging them up with paper they bring on their trip.
You're washing your hands after, so what's the problem, really? I have a container filled with small rags that I use to dry myself, I rinse them in the sink before washing my hands and they go in the washing machine later with the other cleaning rags. First few times you feel weird, but it's just cleaner that way.
@unfug Oh no that's just what I feared... guess I'll make some MsPaint photo montages instead. Real 21st century stuff! Like you said, better than sending the films to the lab, waiting for your prints back and sending the 2-3 pictures that don't suck by snail mail. I'm not that old and remember things being that way... OMG maybe I am getting old!