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How Do You Know if You're Having a "Super-O"?

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Long story short, I got an Aneros and on my third session I had a lot of shaking, amazing feeling "orgasms," I think, and then after about thirty or so minutes of that I actually ejaculated. Today, I was able to get to the shaking waves of pleasure in 10-15 minutes. Hard to say how long, I wasn't exactly keeping track of time and was more than a little out of it. Again, the session ended with me ejaculating after a particularly crazy one.

Like the topic says, are those Super-O's or is there something more I can strive for? I already feel extremely lucky that I was able to get such intense, consistent results after only 3 sessions, but part of why I wanted one of these is because I like the idea of "rewiring" and focusing your mind and body.

So, how will I "know" if those are Super-O's or just the Prostate Flutters I hear some people describe? And, if they aren't Super-O's, is there anything I should try to get to the next level with my Aneros? 

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Posted by: @sensei

Long story short, I got an Aneros and on my third session I had a lot of shaking, amazing feeling "orgasms," I think, and then after about thirty or so minutes of that I actually ejaculated.
Like the topic says, are those Super-O's or is there something more I can strive for?

It sounds like you are one of the lucky few to experience easy early success obtaining a Super-O which then transitioned into a Super-T so congratulations .

Posted by: @sensei

So, how will I "know" if those are Super-O's ...? And, if they aren't Super-O's, is there anything I should try to get to the next level with my Aneros? 

If you read the definition of a Super-O there are two distinct characteristics, it is "... an orgasm that steps out of the normal frame of reference." and it is a "...non-ejaculatory orgasm...". As far as a next level goes, I don't know where you would go beyond a blissful Nirvana like state of consciousness, de-materializing into the astral realm perhaps. I've gotten to the Nirvana state on only two occasions in my 14+ years of use though I have had many Super-O's of varying intensity. Perhaps you'll discover a higher state of ecstasy in your journey, who knows? I hope you find out.

Good Vibes to You!


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Posted by: @sensei

Long story short, I got an Aneros and on my third session I had a lot of shaking, amazing feeling "orgasms," I think, and then after about thirty or so minutes of that I actually ejaculated.

This is how you know. Tell me when,ever in your life when you had a orgasm from jacking off or intercourse did you have shaking amazing orgasms for 30 mins.

Posted by: @sensei

Like the topic says, are those Super-O's or is there something more I can strive for? I already feel extremely lucky that I was able to get such intense, consistent results after only 3 sessions, but part of why I wanted one of these is because I like the idea of "rewiring" and focusing your mind and body.

So, how will I "know" if those are Super-O's or just the Prostate Flutters I hear some people describe? And, if they aren't Super-O's, is there anything I should try to get to the next level with my Aneros? 

Yes they are. They grow with experience and being able to relax into them more without the mind noise and questions. 

Maybe stop questioning the orgasms and start enjoying them 😉

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Posted by: @helghast

This is how you know. Tell me when,ever in your life when you had a orgasm from jacking off or intercourse did you have shaking amazing orgasms for 30 mins.

In my opinion this is the right answer. All things being relative, there is no way this was not a Super-O.

Now the idea is to take a step back and internalize that while this was maybe not the Super-O you expected, it was indeed Super-O and the next one could be completely different and feel more (or less) like what you believe it should be like. It's important to enjoy what you get to the fullest, and to give your mind and body some time to process everything you experienced. 

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@zentai I think I have when my prostate up change up a few things after reading about waking up your prostate when it happened it scared the shit out of me I don't know if it was super or just mini but I can tell you it's better than sex and very addictive.I slso feel my prostate spasm after I done.As I write it's still purring.For shit and giggles I can actually bring it on without the massager.I did it today And what I noticed it was different without the a build up haven't go the legs jumping yet but I'm ok with that.anything is possible after this.

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