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Aneros and weed advice? (indica vs sativa)

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Hi all,

To start, this might be a controversial topic for some. Although weed has helped me alot in my sessions, I do not support the use of it.

I have been an Aneros user for almost 8 years now. Used to be active on the forum (1-2 years ago) but I lost my username... The first 5/6 years were limited in pleasure as I find it very hard to relax, in bed but also in everyday life. This is something that obviously has a big impact on the aneros sessions. The sessions always felt nice but never any breakthrough or orgasm.

Untill I started using weed (edibles) with the Aneros. Instantly the sessions became great and many prostate orgasms were achieved. Literally total body shaking screaming orgasms and sessions that lasted 2-4 hours! I have enjoyed these sessions for like 2 years maybe 1/2 times a month. But like 3-6 months ago everything turned silent. It still feels good but no more crazy orgasms. I think this has to do with the weed im currently on (made long time ago in the fridge). That it maybe is just a bad ‘batch’. Or that I need to use more of it for the effect. The main issue is that my mind drifts of. Work, stress and maybe even frustration that I do not feel much pleasure. In other words I find it hard to relax.

Therefore I started reading into weed (I honestly have very little knowledge on the topic) and the different types. That there is sativas (“cerebral,” “heady,”, “uplifting”, “energizing”) and indicas (“relaxing,” “sedating,” “full-bodied,” “couchlock,” “stoney”) for instance. There is very little information on the topic regarding combining this with weed. Therefore I would love to know if any of you have more knowledge on the topic. I would say that indica sounds more succesfull as it is focused on the relaxed state. But from the very limited information online this might not be true.

Im currently using white widow. Which is mainly a sativa with some indica if i’m correct. Any tips regarding the use of weed in conjunction with aneros is welcome. And mainly the types or strains that would be adviced.

Thanks in advance


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@Lennie, I don't know of many scientific studies of the effects different specific strains of cannabis have on individuals. Most of the evidence we have to date is anecdotal but that evidence dates back hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. The scientific studies which have been performed seem to indicate the non-psychotropic molecules (the various CBD variants) are the therapeutic agents within cannabis. My reading of some of these anecdotal reports confirms your findings the Cannabis indica varietal may be more effective as a relaxant due to its entourage of cannabinoids. More research is needed to verify the anecdotal reports.

There are numerous threads on this Forum which discuss use of various recreational drugs/substances to augment one's Anerosessions. Cannabis is frequently cited as a substance of choice. If you are interested in reading about them, a few such threads are "drugs with the Aneros...?, Would pot help a new user?, Weed, Marijuana + Aneros = 🙂 and Marijuana! and Aneros

Good Vibes to You!

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Question, if you indulge in some cannabis normally before sessions and it really did help your Os become much stronger,  what happens when you stop ? Do your sessions become weaker or less pleasurable again without the help of cannabis? My job forbids me to use it, but I can't help but be a little envious of the help it seems to give to people's sessions.  Going from good to mind blowingly spectacular sessions would be nice. Seems that weed seems to really help amplify everything when it comes to sex. 

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Thank you for the info @rumel !



I would not want to talk you into using weed. But I can give my experience. Before using any weed my best sessions would mostly lead to some very short p-waves. Often after minutes it would fade away. My best session was where I had p-waves for like 30 minutes. These ‘better’ sessions were very very rare, like 1/100.

My main issue is that I find it hard to relax as mentioned before. I have this in everyday live and also when i’m using the aneros toys. I find it hard to focus and everything is drawing my attention away.

  • Hard annoying beating of my hearth
  • Mind drifting away to more serious things
  • Often changing positions
  • Frustration that I do not feel alot yet
  • Forcing things to try to force pleasure (never works)
  • etc.

With the use of weed all these problems vanish. You do not care about anything and just lay there. One time I had a fly walking over me. Normally I would get annoyed. But when using weed I just do not care at all. Let it walk and enjoy the sensations. Nothing needs to be forced. My breathing gets extremely slow. Ive never experienced such a slow pace. And another benefit is that it can make you extremely horny.

The first session with weed was instantly the best session and I did not have an orgasm. It was also the first session where I had involuntary movements. Thereafter progress went extremely fast. I cannot remember but I think it was only a handfull (2-5) sessions before I had the super-0. Sessions started taking 2-4 hours as mentioned. I had to grab a towel to bite on so my neighbours couldnt hear me. It honestly is unbelieveable how it feels. Whole body shaking orgasms. The massagers going in and out by themselves without doing anything (this feels amazing). I even had a couple aless super-o’s. I also notice that i do not really need any preparation. When the weed hits and I insert the toy, i get almost instant p-waves which can turn into super-o’s within minutes.

As mentioned I did not have a super-o while not on weed. So i’m not sure if weed makes it feel better. But for me it makes it way easier to achieve. I also do not know if it has any negative effect on your sober sessions.

This is my experience in short. It helped me alot but it might not for everyone. I think the main reason it worked so good for me is that I find it hard to relax. Also note that it obviously has some drawbacks. After a session im still high which takes like 6-8 hours with edibles. Not really an issue, but it makes an Aneros sessions take 1/3rd of your day which is alot 😉


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Had a couple sessions with a higher THC dosage oil. My body is usually buzzing after I have a bit of that.

Usually don't need any kind of substances to enjoy my sessions, but it definitely helps getting it going right away.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Ry8517

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Posted by: @lennie

Hi all,

To start, this might be a controversial topic for some. Although weed has helped me alot in my sessions, I do not support the use of it.

I have been an Aneros user for almost 8 years now. Used to be active on the forum (1-2 years ago) but I lost my username... The first 5/6 years were limited in pleasure as I find it very hard to relax, in bed but also in everyday life. This is something that obviously has a big impact on the aneros sessions. The sessions always felt nice but never any breakthrough or orgasm.

Untill I started using weed (edibles) with the Aneros. Instantly the sessions became great and many prostate orgasms were achieved. Literally total body shaking screaming orgasms and sessions that lasted 2-4 hours! I have enjoyed these sessions for like 2 years maybe 1/2 times a month. But like 3-6 months ago everything turned silent. It still feels good but no more crazy orgasms. I think this has to do with the weed im currently on (made long time ago in the fridge). That it maybe is just a bad ‘batch’. Or that I need to use more of it for the effect. The main issue is that my mind drifts of. Work, stress and maybe even frustration that I do not feel much pleasure. In other words I find it hard to relax.

Therefore I started reading into weed (I honestly have very little knowledge on the topic) and the different types. That there is sativas (“cerebral,” “heady,”, “uplifting”, “energizing”) and indicas (“relaxing,” “sedating,” “full-bodied,” “couchlock,” “stoney”) for instance. There is very little information on the topic regarding combining this with weed. Therefore I would love to know if any of you have more knowledge on the topic. I would say that indica sounds more succesfull as it is focused on the relaxed state. But from the very limited information online this might not be true.

Im currently using white widow. Which is mainly a sativa with some indica if i’m correct. Any tips regarding the use of weed in conjunction with aneros is welcome. And mainly the types or strains that would be adviced.

Thanks in advance


Definitely prefer Indica, and so does my wife for the same reasons.  It seems to be more physical stimulation, where as Sativa seems to be more mental.  Just my two cents


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The only way you will know what is better is by trying different strains and seeing what works for you. Different strains of marijuana can be drastically different but what is also important is how you react to those strains. One person’s experience might be drastically different to another’s. This is true for any drug just as it is true for any experience in life. Also it is hard to say what a strain of marijuana means. Most people grow hybrids, and a lot of the naming of types is pretty BS, especially when it’s done in regions that don’t have any regulation. Because legalization is in its infancy, there is no way of having any sort of consistency. For example, the OP is using white widow. White widow might be what the person who grew it (or sold the seeds) thought it was closest to, so they named that. Or in a place without regulation, it is very possible that the dealer (or some dealer in a chain of dealers that brought it to you) has just decided to call the white widow because that is a common name and so it sells well. The only way to really know what weed one is buying is to buy it in a dispensary —or equivalent in your country or region—that has serious tracing of products and some sort of chemical control system to breakdown what is in the weed and sell it accordingly. 

Read this article, it explains very well how hard it is to get a consistent high:

In the meantime,  I recommend trying different weeds from a consistent dealer, and if you ever find one that you like more than any other you have tried, buy a lot of it. Buy enough of it that you won’t be disappointed when you can’t find it the next time you want it, because there is a good chance that it won’t be available the following year with the same consistency. The grower might stop growing it, or they might grow it as a hybrid the following year. This goes for small illegal dealers but also for dispensaries.

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I have also heard that indica varieties are more effective for Aneros sessions.
I use cannabis in almost all my sessions, in fact in 96% of my sessions. The 4 or 5 sessions I did without were disappointing.

Having said that, I have no idea which variety of cannabis I am using at the moment ... As it is still illegal in my country, I buy it from a friend who also doesn't know what kind of cannabis it is... For me, it's just a good quality, that's all. On the other hand, I use a vaporizer to consume the weed and I can change the temperature which changes the composition of the vapor. The THC vaporizes around 155 degrees Celsius. Then, the higher the temperature, the more cannabinoids will be vaporized. CBD is extracted at 165 degrees. At 185 degrees, CBN is vaporized, it has a calming effect. You have to stay below 205 degrees because at that temperature benzene is extracted and it is carcinogenic. Then, the higher the temperature rises, the more toxic substances are in the vapour, which is gradually transformed into ... smoke.
I use my vaporizer at temperatures between 182 and 185 degrees and I get good effects in my sessions, no matter what kind of cannabis I use.

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I've been using Girl Scout Cookies and GG4... both are hybrids I think. Unbelievable pleasure from both strains... total body ecstasy.  My go-to toy is tempo.  Hard to believe that such a little device gives so much pleasure, and THC really unlocks it potential!  The absolute peak experience I had was with a little LHA (morning glory seeds... 50-80 do the trick for me... wait for about an hour), THC, and an Njoy eleven... best full body orgasms of my life hands down.

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I did LSA some 40 years ago... 300 seeds. It was the best trip of my life. Real beautiful visuals in 3D flowing from a wall to the other wall... I was so far-sighted and smart! I (thought) I understood everything that was happening in the universe...

Today, apart from a bit of cannabis on weekends or for an Aneros session, I don't take any psychedelics anymore.

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Since weed is legal here, I tried a joint called "Girl Scout Cookies" touted as one of the best for solo masturbation. Because I never tried weed before and I had about four or five puffs of this joint, I got a much higher dose than I anticipated. The stuff now days is considerably stronger than years past. I  ended up having so many orgasms in a row with the aneros in that session that I felt crazy. I also think the effects of the weed were too strong and was actually a distraction from the experience. I basically sort of passed out after a while and went into no mans land, zoned out of my mind. I had weird visions of creatures like a dis-embodied hand running around and odd reptilian looking things. It started feeling like a bad trip. The THC was responsible for that and caused anxiety after a while. It would have been a lot better if maybe I had just one puff.  The effects this joint had lasted for two weeks afterwards. It was crazy. I would be just sitting at my computer and drink some water and I'd feel like I'm suddenly getting stoned again. This went on for several days where it seemed as if I was getting stoned repeatedly at random times. I ended up traveling to a conference in Tucson, AZ with the effects still not fully worn off and I had just the craziest experiences of sudden arousal while just relaxing in the tub of my hotel room. It got so intense at one moment, I suddenly felt like I was about to throw up and stopped. I don't know what would have happened if I kept going. After that experience, even though it seems as if it was "great", I don't know that I want to repeat it.

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Hello, been using cannabis for everything life-related for about 24 years now. Of course, masturbation (which started first) was augmented by about a billion degrees when I first had an O while on it. OMG, cumming and weed were like hand in hand after that! Had a thing for a number of years where I could not smoke at all and Os were still very good but I had to kind of train myself to cum as hard and as "spiritually" as I had when I could get high.

What's so wild is I could begin using cannabis again just as I got my first Aneros, the MGX. However, I was not having prostate-centered, hands-free Os at all and it took about 10 years to finally realize them and get them to happen. However, when I was high and using Aneros, I did know that the involuntary movements were better and made me feel more wonderful than when I wasn't high. The problem back then was that I had no way to control if I was getting indica, sativa or a hybrid.

Nowadays, we can control this much more easily. And that was when I really started to delve very deeply into the world of prostate stimulation and cannabis and all of its potentials. I found that smoking or vaping indica-dominant strains and hybrids made my body react very strongly, and best, to prostate play. It is kind of like "couch-lock" on the floor with a sex toy in me at the same time! However, and this is a big however, I need more mental stimulation from cannabis in order to reach a deeper mindfulness-meditative state so that I can just "be" myself, the toy, my breathing and the sensations. So I started either using hybrids or I'd make a salad bowl of an indica and sativa (which is never the most solid way to get a hybrid effect, but the mystery of how I'd feel was paired to the mystery of my nearing session: the unknown and the expectation of that "who knows wtf will happen?!" is what makes my sessions so amazing...but I digress, my bad!).

I guess its one thing to zone out completely from cannabis while in a prostate session, but with enough awareness to pay attention to the feelings and not let my thoughts and emotions start to creep in. But if you can get high enough and engage in a session, then sometimes you have no choice to be empty yourself into the cosmic ether, float and let your body react.

Its a balance between the headiness of sativas and the body-ness of indicas that I find work best for my sessions. I've had more sessions than I even know at this point and have experimented with an unknown amount of cannabis and extract mixes. Regardless of what the strain or its effect is, being high amplifies my sessions and I am extremely way more orgasmic when high.

But my caveat is this: edibles or ingesting cannabis induces effects that I cannot achieve from smoke/vape alone. I think ingesting makes my body more high, which changes the way my anus, canal and perineum feel and react. My anus and canal are more sexualized, eroticized and sensitized from ingesting versus just smoke/vape. I once ingested an unknown dosage of hash oil (it was probably enough to get at least 20 people high, maybe more...) and as the "trip" started I was already in my session and then I swear, and I don't like to swear, the universe told itself to me and I heard it through my prostate. The "universal glue" or "ether" or "waves" or whatever the fuck it is out there literally came through the room's ceiling, and poured into me through my anus, straight up my cosmic flute and it created a biofeedback loop that lasted at least 5 whole minutes. Electric pulsing, full body involuntary contractions that were completely tied into my prostate, and the most amazing, never ending orgasmic pulsations I've ever imagined possible. And it came really (and sadly) only from my accidental over indulgence of hash oil. I would never, ever take that much again, ever. I was high beyond belief for 12 full hours (noon to midnight) and this event I described happened around 2pm. But, when I eat just a little bit of brownie or something light nowadays, its just enough and that body high really, really gets me places that regular smoking does not.

Sorry for this long reply! In summary, any cannabis in moderation can help a session; sativas can make your brain bug out and get lost in other thoughts that are not "me" oriented; indicas are best for body highs and orgasmic increases; and, edibles in moderation are best for prostate sessions 🙂

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Hi all,

I tried the indica and somehow a lot of things went wrong. Did not feel to share my experience yet, but now is a good time. 

I do not know why, maybe this is a stronger type or I had to much (had 0.3g, almost never use) but I had quite a bad trip. Starting everything felt great as the weed started working. But after like 45 minutes I became a bit scared. I’m always a bit anxious while using weed but usually these nice sensations from aneros can grab my attention/focus that removes the anxiety.

This time however it was not the case. Everything felt to strong and I knew things would only get stronger because it only just started working. My vision became blurry and it felt like my vision was like 10 frames a second. So i went under a very cold shower which made me relax for a while. I started to try and focus on the prostate and feelings were extremely strong (and the prostate felt MASSIVE), I started to finger myself and had many instant prostate orgasms which were incredible. But then I had to relax from the sensations and the anxiety instantly started again. I had moments were I had the tought that I would Literally die or pass out, etc. This went on for like 3 hours. Switching from major orgasms towards panic attacks.

It was a crazy experience and extremely scary. The 4 days after using I still felt high and everything was surreal. I threw all the weed away and do not want to use it again, even tho I have not even come close to a prostate orgasm without using. 

I do however want to achieve these orgasms and my problem lies in the mental relaxation. If anyone knows calming methods/substances that arent as strong, please let me know, maybe a nice calming tea or anything 😉

This post was modified 4 years ago by Lennie

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Same thing basically happened to me the first time I tried some legal weed.  Did way too much, got way too high, had to lie down and close my eyes and ride out the anxiety/paranoia it was causing.  Once I calmed down, though, I started to have aless orgasms.  For hours.  It was blissful.

And I learned to start with just a couple hits (especially on any new strains).  Takes a bit of trial & error, but once you figure out a good baseline buzz/dose, you should be good to cum your brains out and then float back down to normal.


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Posted by: @lennie

I do not know why, maybe this is a stronger type or I had to much (had 0.3g, almost never use) but I had quite a bad trip.

If you ingested 0.3g (300 mg) of THC then you did indeed overdose for effective Aneros use. If the 0.3g was dried bud and assuming fairly strong bud of 25% THC content then you ingested about 75mg THC which is still about 7-8 times a therapeutic dosage. That much psychoactive substance is going to keep you flying for an extended period of time, distracting you from focusing on the pleasurable sensations your body is producing.

Posted by: @lennie

I do however want to achieve these orgasms and my problem lies in the mental relaxation. If anyone knows calming methods/substances that arent as strong, please let me know, maybe a nice calming tea or anything

I recommend you substantially reduce your dosage, start at around 10mg THC content, see what the effects are and titrate your dosage up or down from there. This may be particularly difficult to determine if you are smoking/vaping but it is fairly easy to determine with tested (THC & CBD content) cannabis in edibles. It should be noted the body metabolizes cannabis compounds differently when ingested versus inhalation, please see the article Cannabis Efficacy: Inhalation vs. Ingestion for more detail. Cannabis in low dosage can be very effective in assisting you into the optimal physical and psychological state of being for a wonderful Anerosession.

Good Vibes to You!

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@lennie Rumel got it right on. That is a huge amount of weed to smoke and an unbelievable amount to eat, for someone who doesn’t use often. THC can easily provoke anxiety even at low doses. At high doses it can provoke serious bad trips. Personally I have tried many drugs, and the almost all the bad trips I have had were from pot. Mainly from eating, but also smoking can cause paranoia and anxiousness for me, as well as serious self loathing. I am not surprised you oscillated between bliss and panic, because I imagine your brain was distracted during the orgasms. I imagine at much lower doses you will get high enough to help enhance your orgasms, but not too high so that in between orgasms you don’t freak out. The best way to use a new drug (or strain) is incrementally, starting at a low dose and working your way up.  With smoking pot you have the advantage of being able to take a puff, wait 20 minutes and puff again if you want more m. With edibles and it is more complicated given the wait time. That is why people often “overdose” with edibles. (It is psychological overdose, I have never heard of anyone going to the hospital.)


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Thank you all for the replies.

Yes it indeed seems that I had way to much. Before I had another type of weed, but I just could not get high from it. Probably from being a bad batch. So with this new weed I took the same amount because I wanted to have a nice session again. Which was a mistake in hindsight.

I’m still a bit scared but do not want to miss the sensations. So I’ll likely use again in a while. Would smoking be better than eating? I really dislike smoking and i need something discreet. Of if it reduces the risk of OD im fine with it.

And yes Divine, you are right, the great sensations distracted me from the panic.

I also looked into damiana, seems interesting, might try it 😉

This post was modified 4 years ago by Lennie

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@lennie  If you have a little money to spend, I would recommend looking into dry herb vaporizers...I have a Airizer Solo 2 which is doesn't combust the weed but uses a heating chamber to "bake" the weed to release the thc.  You end up inhaling more of a vapor than smoke hence why its called a vaporizer...You will also end up with some brown ABV (already been vaped) leftovers which I like to make edibles with...but you can also use it to make tea or put straight onto a pb+j sandwich.  Since its already been heated the thc has been activated and is good to go how ever you want.  If you decide you want to go this route I'll be more than happy to share how I use it.


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@logik is is absolutely right. I own a vaporizer, the Mighty, and it's perfect for consuming cannabis. You can adjust the temperature to get different types of high and since there is no combustion, it's really safer for your health.

 Edit: correct the autocorrect of @logik spelling...

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@logik & @morexp

Thank you for the info! At first I was a bit shocked by the prices. But if it works, then it is definitely worth it.

I do have a few questions though as do not know anything about the topic: 

  • How is the high compared to edibles regarding aneros. Edibles is the only thing that I have consumed and it works great with aneros. As you ingest the weed it seems likely that the effect is more effective in relaxing the body. But this is pure speculation.
  • What is the process. How much weed? do I grind it first? how much degrees? Best way to inhale, etc etc.

Thanks in advance! Also feel free to send a pm.


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I can't compare the sensations between vaporizing and edibles because the only times I used cannabis while eating it, the high was too strong to be really pleasant for me.
While vaporizing, the high is less aggressive for me because it lacks the effect of nicotine. I quit smoking tobacco 5 years ago and sometimes when I was smoking joints more than 5 years ago, the high was too strong for me. When you vaporize, the effect is softer. I find it more pleasant. The amount of weed is small... I don't know exactly how much... I fill the stove of my vaporizer and finish it.The advantage is that you can vaporize a little bit and wait to see how it feels and keep vaporizing the rest of the stove if the effect is too weak.
I think the price of the vaporizer pays for itself pretty quickly because this method is more effective than smoking so you need less cannabis to get the same effect.

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Posted by: @lennie

How is the high compared to edibles regarding aneros.

IMHO, ingesting cannabis results in more of a body 'high' than vaping. Ingesting is slower to take effect, but longer lasting and less variable in perceived effects. Vaping is a more complex and variable method as vape temperature affects the release of various chemical constituents contained in the differing strains of cannabis.

Posted by: @lennie

What is the process. How much weed? do I grind it first? how much degrees?

Yes you need to grind your cannabis to create maximum surface area so the heated air optimizes extraction of the volatile cannabinoids contained in your particular strain. As to temperature, there are numerous articles available on the internet which discuss this topic, here 's but one of them -> How to Customize Your Cannabis High With Temperature. It doesn't take much cannabis to be effectively vaped, probably less than 250 mg of dried bud. For more detailed instructions on vaping see -> How to Vape Weed and Get the Most Out of It.

Good Vibes to You!

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@lennie To answer the first part of your weed reacts to a person is very...personal.  Strains that work for me might not work for you and vice versa...that said...I find purchased edibles to be very hit or miss for me...I'd say 75% of the time I'd eat an edible bought from a dispensary and don't feel a thing even after a couple hours...For example, I'd buy a cookie and eat the recommended amount which is usually half...and feel I'd try the next day on an empty stomach and still nothing.  When I make my own edibles with the ABV I have left over...thats a whole different story...its usually much more potent.  I also feel like my homemade edibles give me more of a body high.  More of a sensation of stuck to the couch and very very relaxed.  That said, there are strains that will do the same thing when smoked/vaped but I feel like the high doesn't last as long as a really good potent edible.

As for the second part...yes you have to use a grinder...I have a Kozo Grinder that I bought on amazon for like $24 or great.  I measured it once and a full pack of the airizer stem that comes with the unit is ~.2 grams. I typically start at 180°C and then step the temp up 5° at a time after a couple rips until I'm at around 205° C...If I want a more "aggressive" high I'll start at a higher temp and go to like 220° C.  I don't know if it is allowed to link to videos on this forum but if you search youtube for Airizer Solo 2 review by Tools420 you can get a quick overview on how to use it.  There is an autotimer that is 10 minutes I think for each session after which the unit needs to be turned back on and allowed to reheat which takes ~a minute...I think the instructions say it heats up as fast as 45 seconds but I like giving it the extra 15 or so seconds.  


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Finally tried it with weed recently . Must have been 20x as good, every single sensation was just so strong.

The lull in a session which sober: can be slightly frustrating 

The lull in a weed session: thank God I have a chance to catch my breath 

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Has anyone tried CBD cannabis for a session?

I'm about to run out of THC cannabis and since it's still an illegal substance in my country, I don't want to go buy it on the black market. Especially now that there are problems with tampered cannabis, i.e. cannabis of bad quality on which synthetic cannabinoids have been sprayed.

So my only alternative is to buy CBD cannabis which is legal in my country.

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If you mean Delta 8,yes and I am very satisfied.

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THC is the molecule that has psychoactive properties, while CBD tends to relax the body and make you a bit sleepy.  If you are looking for something to help relax, then CBD is for you.  For me the main advantage of smoking weed with aneros is how it opens the mind, so THC is pretty essential.  If you feel the same about THC, worry not!

My experience is that CBD alone, as you find it in oils in shops (France has also legalized CBDs) has no effect on the mind, as the oil is pretty pure.  The bud, on the other hand, has a certain inevitable concentration of THC.  In France the legal concentration of THC in CBD is <0.2%.  I might be imagining things, but certain strains of french CBD have gotten me high in the way THC does.  Is it because I came across a particularly concentrated bud? Maybe... In any case your country allows up to 1% THC concentration.  I recommend going to a shop, asking for the CBD flowers with the highest concentrations of THC and smoking that, or trying several types until you find one that works (and then buying a bunch of it ASAP).  If you do, please let me know how it goes!

And if that doesn't work, find a dealer.  The risks associated with buying and possessing weed are so small (I just read your country's laws... under 10 grams=no penalty, and getting caught smoking gets you a small fine...) and the police are looking to take down dealers, not users...


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@divine_o Thank you for your answer !

I only tried vaporizing CBD cannabis flowers once, but it wasn't for a session, it was just to try CBD. And of course I was disappointed because there was no THC effect.

I'm not afraid of the legal penalties because, as you say, it's not a big deal for small amounts. I don't want to find a dealer, at least not on the street because there are now scams with CBD sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids that can be dangerously wrong. I had a friend who I trusted because I had been buying good quality weed from him for years, but he unfortunately passed away last year.

So I will try with good quality CBD flowers, bought in a specialized store once my weed stock is exhausted.

Obviously I will report my experiences in this thread.


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@evergreen No, Delta 8 is different from CBD, I think. And there is maybe some unknown effects on health due to the chemical process to convert CBD to Delta 8.


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@morexp oh I’m sorry to hear. Another option is growing your own weed. If you research it, it is possible to grow 1 50 centimeter plant indoors (which should be enough weed for a long time if you are a light smoker). Seeds are not too difficult to come by on the internet, and I don’t think the police can discern the difference between CBD and THC seeds. However I have heard that your countries customs are very hard to get through. If you do get caught though, I think it is just a fine, from what I have read on the psychoactif forum. 

I’m any case I feel your pain. It is such a damn hassle to procure safe drugs when one doesn’t know the right people. That is the story of my life.


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