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Aless, relaxation, need advice.

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Hey, there. Since I started my Aneros practice I've developed anxiety towards aless which I'm trying to resolve.

I'm quite tense person, and when I try to fully relax before sleep or during the day I have a fear that I will tune into aless sensations and will start to experience P waves, which prevent me from rest. It happen once, I felt sexual arousal and I reacted by panic.

I can detect when my parasympathetic nervous system switches to rest state, and I can feel it within my belly and chest. During the day I can ignore it because I'm focused on other things, work, etc. but when I'm resting with my eyes closed it quite hard to do, especially when you have trained pelvic muscles, and increased awareness of your prostate.

How to tune into the rest state without triggering aless? Is there any practice I can follow?

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Hmmm, you might have to change your relation with those feelings. Firstly, you should not be panicking if you are laying down in your bed and you get sudden sexual arousal. That's the safest setting for this to happen, and also the best place to learn how to deal with it. Maybe go to bed an hour early and try some experiments ? You'll have to figure out what triggers Aless for you and how you can work around it. 

The main issue when such a question is asked is that almost everyone else is trying to make these feelings grow, not suppress them... so few people have experience in avoiding Aless manifestations.

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@zentai solid advice, it is better to look into the eyes of fear. Instead of suppressing

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There's a lot at play here. You can't be stressed out all the time because some prostate feelings might manifest themselves.  This is absolutely something you will have to deal with, yet it's still difficult to find info on this particular subject.

If you are a generally stressed out person like you said, then I would start by looking at the possibility that you have a tense pelvic floor, and I would consider this more likely if you spend a lot of time sitting down and if you don't exercise a lot. Then when you lay down and allow your muscles to relax, it would make sense that involuntaries would start from spasming etc. 

Obviously I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice, but I don't think you need to involve a doctor anyway. This would be more like back pain form bad posture or something similar. Looking at pelvic floor health in general and seeing if there are things you can do to improve this would seems like it's worth exploring. 

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@zentai yes, I think it was hundred percent anxiety issue and has nothing to do with Aneros. Sure prostate is might be active for a while after long session. But my sensations I described have nothing to do with it. Once I let them go, they no longer bother me and I don't even notice them anymore.

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I just discovered I can do Aless.


I can turn on my body anytime I want.


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Quite late to the topic, but I went through a phase of having unwanted a-less at night, and I did two things:

1.) Masturbate in response to arousal episodes. This may mean jacking off several times, but eventually I was too exhausted for the unwanted feelings to amount to anything.

2.) Find a light-hearted podcast to leave running while I go to sleep, to keep the mind from wandering.

I pretty much stopped trying to a-less because of these unwanted and uncontrolled feelings. I keep things physical now, so my body has positive and negative anchors to these feelings. If I'm not "doing anything", then I shouldn't be feeling anything. It has been working well to control it.

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