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A bigger picture journey... Scares, thrills, questions, decisions... What a mess!

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Also I read about mirror neurons :

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Reading Mentak Chia's "Multi-Orgasmic Male" got me on track anew. I think i finally understand staying energized, dealing with excessive energy and at last miniOs (i call them tinyO cause they are so subtle for now). I was suspecting it but it's confirmed now: ... I was very wrong on my orgasm chase and on what to expect.

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One of my subjects of fascination : anatomical representation or imaging of male and female genitals during coitus

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From a few days ago, documenting the first glimpse of tinyO (mini miniO) :

[10:55:30] Canacan: This is a little awkward... I am in the impression i am on the right path now... But the sensations are so tiny it ressembles neither my intense beginings in this journey nor people's descriptions... Yet i feel this will lead somewhere... Hopefully
[10:57:32] Canacan: The description that feels more relevant i think is falling backwards
[10:58:52] Canacan: like it was going somewhere up and i was giving up mid way
[11:01:00] Canacan: Sometimes produces zero effect, sometimes produces more or less intense sensations (nothing like really intense)... It doesnt feel like i am reaching for the climax anymore, but more like i was making myself available
[11:03:20] Canacan: from the very description of it and comparison with the advices of the experts I think this should be a good direction... But the effect is so light and short lived it is hard to convince myself this is it
[11:06:41] Canacan: in a sense i feel i could have had this before (and probably had actually) but was holding back... And in a sense it still feels like I do
[11:08:42] Canacan: also the part i am missing is the connection with the buildup... It kind of feels like two totally separate things... Almost like if the buildup wasnt necessary... By the way not even sure i actually do a suitable buildup
[11:12:05] Canacan: Even as limited as it is i find this moment rewarding (which is part of what convinced me this was an orgasm)... But it is so light i cant even bring myself to call it a miniO... So i call it tinyO
[11:13:21] Canacan: its particularity though is to be full body (though having next to no intensity... Weird no?)

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Bought an Eupho Classic yesterday.
Strange beast...

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It happened today.

I don't know if it was Chain reaction Dry-Os or a Super O... But it was a damn breakthrough and it felt amazing!

Eupho Alleluia and thanks!

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It happened today.
I don't know if it was Chain reaction Dry-Os or a Super O... But it was a damn breakthrough and it felt amazing!IMHO, too many men over-think the Super-O, imagining it to be something more than it is and in so doing misread their own experience to the point of denial. Some men say "You'll know it when you experience it." but I don't think that is universally true, especially that first extraordinary event outside your normal perception of what an orgasm is or can be. When you can honestly make the statement " was a damn breakthrough and it felt amazing!", then you've met the prime condition for determining if it was a Super-O - from the Aneros WIKI : "Super-O is an ...orgasm that steps out of the normal frame of reference."

Congratulations, on your Super-O.

Good Vibes to You !

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@Rumel Thanks! 🙂

My first reaction during it happening was "holy fuck, I am having a goddamn SuperO!!!".

But afterwards I wondered if I was wrong cause the jump in progress was so sudden and it fitted the description of chain reaction of dry Os... Well... Whatever... I just hope i can have it again soon. lol

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Rethinking my journey so far I gave beginner member @ssharkss the following advices.
I don't mean to sound like I am an expert. Maybe this helps others. Maybe you can comment and correct me. Maybe next time i want to explain the exact same thing I will link the person here... But it will also serve later on as a reminder of what I was thinking at this point.

So, without further ado here is the chat transcript:

[00:05:25] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› i'll try and give you a good headstart
[00:05:56] Canacan: you want to learn something new
[00:06:34] Canacan: your prostate and muscle must learn something new... This will only come with repeated experience and time... So just be patient
[00:07:23] Canacan: and your brain must learn something new... There you have to be careful... cause you can do it wrong or take very long roads
[00:15:15] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› ok then understand this: the way you have orgasms and what you call orgasms IS NOT what we are trying to do... You will have to do nearly the contrary and the orgasm wont feel like what you think... This is why help is welcomed
[00:16:20] Guest1: So relax is the way?
[00:16:46] Canacan: yes
[00:16:52] Canacan: more than relax
[00:17:34] Canacan: i will tell you what helped me... Maybe it helps you maybe not (everybody is different) but it will give you ideas
[00:18:46] Guest1: ok
[00:19:29] Canacan: But before, the common mantras here are :
"penis not", "relax, relax, relax MORE", "let go", "desire & arousal"... Keep them in mind, they are important keys (you will find great subjects discussing each of these on the forum, follow Rumel)
[00:20:00] Guest1: Watching. Porn ok or not?
[00:20:21] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› usually pretty bad (for me)
[00:21:20] Canacan: for two reasons at least : forces you to keep open eyes and prevents you from relaxing your neck
[00:22:00] Canacan: also distracts you from what is happening inside... And THIS is what you should be focusing on
[00:22:13] Guest1: and best position?
[00:23:13] Canacan: position is trial and error... Everyone has his favorite and best... It has to let you relax, be aroused and let the aneros move freely... Whatever does it is good enough
[00:25:50] Canacan: like many people, I do on my back with pillow under butt (so that aneros doesnt kick the bed), knees up and no pillow (or a small one) under the head... The common suggestion is on the side (experienced users say its the best... But you don't need to adopt it now it can wait... Choose something you like)... On belly exist too... Butt up... Whatever
[00:27:07] Guest1: And standing?
[00:27:50] Canacan: whatever you usually do to get an orgasm you don't want to do here.... This is important... And if you want a traditional orgasm... Pull your aneros out... You dont want to mix things for your brain
[00:28:04] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› standing doesnt permit you to relax enough
[00:29:08] Canacan: Now, you want two things : get the right sensations and react to them the right way
[00:30:58] Canacan: to get the sensations you dont want to be in frenzy, you want to be slow and relaxed... What you have to learn is to be mentally aroused but relaxed and pay attention to the very small sensations in your body wherever they are... And appreciate them
[00:32:11] Canacan: contrarily to what you usually think you are feeling, there is actually always pleasure even when nothing is going on
[00:32:38] Guest1: Mmm, getting a tingling feeling now
[00:32:42] Canacan: this is what you try to tune in to
[00:33:06] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› good... They are there all the time actually
[00:33:57] Canacan: what you want is to learn to amplify them with your mind, NOT your muscles... I mean not by tension...
[00:36:49] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› you amplify with more mental stimulation (focus on pleasure zone, fantasies, erotic thoughts, feelings of love, deeper relaxation up to near sleep state)
[00:37:58] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› now this is where i have been wrong and you can do better: pleasure gets up, how do you react? ... You most probably will think "Oh, it's good" and involuntarily tense
[00:39:27] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› you need to teach to your mind to react by involuntarily relaxing at that very moment... "Oh its good... I let it in"
[00:40:46] Canacan: to do that i think one key is to not expose yourself to situations you wont be ready to handle for now
[00:42:03] Canacan: ‹@Guest1› i mean, if pleasure gets too intense, you will never be able to force your body to relax (it is like it is scared shitless)
[00:42:44] ssharkss: User entered the chat room.
[00:43:05] ssharkss: Guest1 back as ssharkss
[00:44:12] Canacan: so keep pleasure at a comfortable level... And slowly learn to be comfortable with higher and higher pleasure... Always by relaxing (kegel muscles most of all) in front of rising pleasure
[00:44:22] Canacan: ‹@ssharkss› welcome back lol
[00:47:07] Canacan: the department in which you want to be intense is relaxation and arousal (i personally add emotions to that, mostly love, desire, but could be sadness too)... The rest is not up to you... Depends on the aneros and the progressive adaptation of your body to this new stuff
[00:50:24] Canacan: i have a mental image of falling backwards in pleasure... And later on in orgasm... As opposed to the usual climbing the ladder of orgasm and jump forward past the point of no return... Here everything is different... Be patient and appreciative... Things are subtle and slow... But if you pay attention and let them grow they become quite something
[00:51:52] Canacan: Final piece of advice: ... DONT TOUCH YOUR PENIS!
[00:58:48] Canacan: ‹@ssharkss› oops forgot to explain : the deeper relaxation reaction at sudden pleasure is actually what kicks pleasure higher (even though it is not always immediately felt... There might be a delay)... Your first miniOs might happen just like that without you seeing them come
[01:02:05] Canacan: ‹@ssharkss› if you know meditation or self-hypnosis this will come in handy here
[01:02:36] Canacan: ‹@ssharkss› now good ride to you
[01:10:31] ssharkss: Mmm, feel the deepest thrust when standing up
[01:10:42] ssharkss: not very relaxing though
[01:12:10] Canacan: ‹@ssharkss› aim slower, more relax, less intense... You want sweet sensations, not strong sensations (not now at least... They will come later by themselves doing that)
[01:14:16] ssharkss: I know... But it feels good
[01:17:51] rumel: ‹@ssharkss› The basic rule of thumb is "Follow the Pleasure" if you get pleasure using while standing then go for it that way, I too often get pleasure while standing , I've even gotten dry-O's while standing though I've not gotten a Super-O while standing.
[01:19:41] Canacan: ‹@ssharkss› i give you the infos so you get ideas... What works for you might differ from what works for me... Try to adapt
[01:22:39] Canacan: ‹@ssharkss› but the general idea stays the same... If you are stuck, think of what I told you... The most important, I think, is your reflex reaction to pleasure... Lot of room for improvisation with the rest

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@Canacan --- You did a wonderful job of explaining to @ssharkss! I wouldn't second guess anything you said!


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@Theme_Gasm Thank you! I am flattered.

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One aditional piece of idea, I have for quite some time but didn't write not add to the confusion:

There seems to be one exception to the "relax" and "do nothing" mantras, it is position and movement of the spine. Generally an elongated or arched-back spine is very good. The general reaction to penile pleasure seems to include arching pelvis forward and crunching the spine, we want here the exact contrary. So sometimes it is even better (if not just as good) to tense your muscles a little so as to arch back (but it might be good to be able to do it as passively as possible, hence the interest of certain positions).
Key points (all usually involve some muscles): arched neck, eyes rolling back, mouth opening, shoulders getting lower and slightly back, arched upper spine, arched lower spine (lower belly stretched and relaxed), ... and, maybe most importantly, pelvis arching back (even excessively... be sexy)... This last one may help stretch and relax the kegel muscles... Or you may try and relax once arched.

I don't mean I want to do this all the time. But it might sometimes be the best reaction to pleasure (or at least a good one) and can also be used (often unconsciously) to increase pleasure or add to arousal. Notice this is contrary to the "relax more" mantra, but shouldn't stop you from applying it... I mean, I don't want to stay fixed in that state, it is a lively thing (lively spine might be a good term) and soon enough I need to let it all relax again.

My idea is, this helps elongate the spine, which is important for full body relaxation and free flowing of tensions or energies (call it what you want). Sometimes, to do that, you add some extra tension to the spine... Well, better tense to arch back and consequently elongate the spine than tense forward or stay locked. Maybe it would be better to have the same result passively but better tensing the right muscle than the wrong. Hint: If it makes you sexy and girly, it's good. (also reminds of yoga and helps deep breathing)... If it is your typical penile masturbating position/reaction or feels macho, it's all wrong.

--Probably goes with reaction to pleasure during intercourse: the penetrator reacts to pleasure by thrusting deeper and harder (arching pelvis forward and tensing pelvic floor muscles for stronger erection), the penetratee (does that word even exist?) does the opposite to welcome the penis deeper. (do I make you guys feel gay? ... Relax!... LOL)--

Whatever, the ideal arching mouvement better be slow, uncountious and not using excessive tension (no use of antagonist muscle, so no vibration).

What do you think?

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Sounds good to me!


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Exquisite Directions, Canacan.

I have printed them out and will read them several times. I really like your descriptive words and imagery. Thanks man. Congratulations to you on the Dry Os and the Super Os. What was the aneros doing when you hit that breakthru????

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This led to a discussion on the chat i want to keep and others might find interesting, developing on the all too famous "plateau effect" :
(once again i am no expert, don't take my word for anything, i am just experimenting and ruminating hoping to make better sense with time)

[18:09:06] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› Congrats on your super O and for documenting it so articulately
[18:11:03] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› Please continue to document your journey so detailed and descriptively
[18:12:02] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› thank you... I didn't document it though (was so confusing and was so relaxed i can't even remember how it happened)... But i wanted to document how i passed the all too frequent "plateau effect"... And for me at least i nailed the subject : keep pleasure low
[18:12:41] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› How long was your session when you had that breakthru?
[18:13:29] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› i'll try to continue... But this depends on my compulsive need to do it ... If i have too much on my mind or lose interest don't be surprised I stop
[18:14:00] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› Looooooong
[18:14:02] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› Keep Pleasure low.............that is a new that what you did........kinda restrained the pleasure????
[18:14:31] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› no not restraining... "Not pushing it"
[18:14:51] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› Thanks...........
[18:14:53] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› i wrote it all already i think
[18:15:21] chuckjo2000: ‹@euphemistic› cool.......VERY nice here also
[18:15:26] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› When you say long..........over an hour? Two hours? any idea?
[18:16:25] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› seems like youbdidnt get it (not a surprise cause i tried to keep it short so i didnt hammer the point)
[18:17:00] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› i dont remember... Was much more than that... But you shouldnt care... This is not the point
[18:17:32] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› do you want me to explain my problem and my solution with plateau effect ?
[18:17:55] Canacan: (this i think is of more interest)
[18:17:58] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› Please do and I are alot alike.....
[18:18:21] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› maybe, maybe not
[18:18:33] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› shoot
[18:18:58] Canacan: i was tensing too much when pleasure got high... I knew that... It was obvious
[18:19:56] Canacan: i was also told (and this i didnt realise) my mind was "tensing" too (and they were damn right about that)
[18:20:19] Turnrow: I think you at least implied that in your post...........but good to see you say it explicitly.................what were you doing to "tense up?"
[18:20:44] Canacan: then I wondered: how do i get so high if i am not doing it right?
[18:21:55] Canacan: And how come if I try to relax then, everything almost dies back to zero?
[18:22:19] Canacan: it is then it struck me: i was not high... I was faking it (yes, you read right!)
[18:22:42] Canacan: i was pushing high... I was forcing high
[18:22:50] Canacan: i was aiming too high
[18:22:52] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› Been there.......
[18:23:21] Turnrow: Just this morning............there is a push time in my what did you do?
[18:24:04] Turnrow: As you said, relaxing sometimes makes things die back to what was your key?
[18:24:54] Canacan: this was aiming too high for two reasons : 1- you need sustained high pleasure, means there is a lot of accumulated energy, so that when you relax you stay high... and 2- i was not yet able to handle such heights the right way
[18:25:43] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› the key is understanding how wrong you are and restart from zero... Which actually is where you are when on plateau
[18:26:02] Canacan: this is why i said "stay low"
[18:26:17] Turnrow: and quit pushing???? Yes???
[18:26:33] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› of course
[18:26:39] Canacan: quit everything
[18:27:02] Turnrow: Gotcah
[18:27:06] Canacan: you want pleasure to get higher by relaxing... It goes step by step
[18:27:08] Turnrow: Gotcha
[18:30:29] Turnrow: You mean the intensity of the pleasure builds step by step when you quit everything and quiet your mind???
[18:30:35] Canacan: step zero you arouse yourself (through methods I mentioned in post and you find in the usual subjects --insert Rumel's links-- ) and you relax... Deep relaxation... Then you FALL to step 1... Sometimes falling lets you at step zero, sometimes not... Let it be... Falling to step 1 will means energy boost... Welcome it and LET it grow (you can encourage with arousal, thoughts and relaxation but NOT push it) until that energy is enough that you feel tension
[18:31:15] Turnrow: You mean the intensity builds step by step when you quit everything and quiet your mind.......????
[18:31:50] Canacan: by tension i mean pleasure building (more or less suddenly)... And to do that you learn to react by relaxing and falling back on step 2
[18:31:58] Canacan: then again to step 3 (you need to learn to relax at every new step, because it can be harder with more tension or simply feel different)
[18:33:09] Canacan: and you will get to super O depending on your capacity to relax in higher states... Which is obviously harder... Which is why you want to practice on the lower steps... Hence "stay low"
[18:34:04] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› i mean when you fall... You might fall on a higher step (or deeper step actually, depends on the way you see it)
[18:34:18] Canacan: or sometimes it does nothing
[18:34:54] Turnrow: I have felt this build up in pleasure ........I maybe stopped too soon. If we see it in steps, then we have a subconcious plan at least............
[18:34:57] Canacan: falling is like letting yourself faint for example
[18:35:16] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› soon the steps become miniOs
[18:35:38] Turnrow: Have had a couple of mini Os........
[18:36:40] Canacan: See you were trying to climb up and finally reached the plateau effect... What you want is to fall down... See how far the plateau is from super O... its the opposite direction... The impression "i was almost there" we get on the plateau is as wrong as can be... You are just raping yourself and hoping the raped person will get pleasure
[18:38:35] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› you need to learn to react the "letting go" way to the higher and higher tension (high pleasure is tension)... You are limited by how strong sensations you can handle without tensing (and even better have it trigger the sudden relax effect)
[18:41:14] Canacan: With this, i think you have the right mindset... And you can SLOWLY get better at this... Up to falling in superO all by surprise... See the ancients (our experts here) were right, they said it all but we didnt pay attention... And on many other subjects too (did you use candles and flowers ? I am sure not)
[18:41:59] Turnrow: No candles and flowers for me..........thats a new one....
[18:42:36] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› Read Rumel's links... He keep posting the jewels and the gold
[18:43:12] Turnrow: I am a big fan of Rumel.........
[18:43:36] Turnrow: He hit this pretty much the first that makes me vastly different from Him
[18:44:10] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› does what i told you make sense? (If you read back, it was already in my post, but shorter... And shorter is easier to carry)
[18:44:57] Turnrow: I am saving all this to my computer...... Yes, it makes lots of sense. And I am doing some of it. I just never thought of it in steps that build to the super O
[18:45:18] Turnrow: ‹@Canacan› Thanks.
[18:46:07] Canacan: ‹@Turnrow› practice on the lower steps, this is my advice whenever things dont go naturally (as they normaly should)
[18:46:38] RayMitchell: reading the posts, sounds like excellent advice, @canacan
[18:47:53] Canacan: ‹@RayMitchell› thanks... I hope it helps others... Or me if I get lost again (as i usually do)
[18:52:40] Turnrow: Gotta Run..........keep posting Canacun and Thanks again

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And a final word and joke about the flowers and candles:

[2014-05-20 18:55:16] Canacan: Give a girl candles and rose petals she might use them to make a nice setting for a her session, olfactive stimulation and a sense of caring or even loving herself... Give a boy the candles and rose petals for his aneros session, he will try to stroke his glans with the petals and see if there texture is good for squirting and for sure will stick the candles up his ass... Long story short, the girl will get the superO the boy will get the plateau effect then masturbate and jack off in frustration then come on the forum say he had a blast
[2014-05-20 18:56:11] Canacan: Am I right?
[2014-05-20 18:58:01] Canacan: well ok Deva will come and say the girl will ruin it too because she will not have time enough for this, get the vibrator and jack herself off quickly then forget it all
[2014-05-20 18:58:35] Canacan: human race is doomed to stressful and unpleasant life

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Sorry for the reposting, but I need to keep trace of something I thought (and posted) earlier.
This was April 2 (in this subject :
Title: Not possible to be relaxed AND aroused at the same time?

By the way, hi hakuna1 !
To answer your message : no, not German. Thanks for the nice comment.

If that might help, try to concentrate on the small pleasurable reactions, I mean almost subliminal reactions... They are ramp for a P wave to kick in. First thing is being able to notice them (which might not be easy if they don't have time to build up), second you need to learn to react to them properly (I.e. not with brutal tension). It is like a fire, sometimes you need to blow on it to make it grow, sometimes you need to let it burn naturally otherwise it'll die from the excess. In short the right reaction is the right at that time, so go slow with your reaction see if it benefits or deter to the sensation and adapt.

Here is what I'd suggest :
first do whatever you want that helps getting a good sensation, then try to push very slowly like you we're at the toilet and relax to ease it, then relax totally, do not authorize yourself the antagonist muscle to rebalance, jus be fully relaxed, like fully asleep, then notice sensations, if you don't notice anything you can focus your mind on one body part examining sensations then switching to whatever other body part (don't use always the same parts) until you find whatever positive reaction you can find, it may be extremely light and tiny, doesn't matter, stop searching, do nothing, relax, let your body react in whatever way as long is it is light and slow and involuntary, you might get a small build up or not at all, -if it is the small build up then by all means don't rush it, do nothing and savour whatever small amount of pleasure that is, it might get even bigger as you stay relaxed and patient -if it is no reaction at all, examine how long the sensation stays before it dies when you do nothing, hopefully you'll be surprised it lasts longer that you'd thought, let it die anyway and redo from start, the second time you'll be better and more confident at this all, also you will have more confidence in the lasting of the sensation when unsustained, so this time if the sensation doesn't build up by doing nothing for a moment, try to encourage it before it dies, one in many ways to do that make a slow but powerful inhale and slowly and progressively lengthen your spine, very slow, very little movement and not repetitive, the sensation probably builds up weither you notice it or not, now the strange part : let this sensation command a full body reaction (some help ? The idea is that this sensation wants to get bigger and wants you to react but it's voice is almost subliminal, let yourself be guided by your intuition it might trigger eyes closing, eye opening, opening mouth, a smile, increased breathing, or what else, the key is that this reaction be not forced, and not fully voluntary if at all), practicing only this for some time should make you better at it and enjoy it more.

The two things you want to learn from this is : 1-being better at noticing the slightest pleasure sensation and 2-getting more aware of your reaction and learn to go with the flow instead of having the typical excessive muscular reaction that'll numb and kill the sensation.

Once you find the way to create and build up on 3 or 4 P Waves in a row (sensations die in between let them, never force sustain them) there might come a time when the next P Wave will come without any stimulation at all and then you are in for the ride. Be patient to get there, and also be patient when you are there, every wave has its ramping rate, its intensity and its duration, not much you can do to it other than kill it. If you are to encourage it, do it in the least rushed, the most gentle and close to involuntary way.

Enjoy !

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And another repost:
From April 22 (
Title: Are you aroused by Porn?

@isvara I think OP included erotic art in the definition of pornography for this poll... and if it is, I'd say rightfully so. I say this because I think the question is the one of arousal by the use of image. It doesn't really matter what image turns you on, it is the use or not of this medium of stimulation that is revealing of different mental wirings.

For myself, and apparently i'm not alone, pornography IS arousing BUT NOT for a session. It is kind of strange. Here is how I explain it:
My male side NEEDS a visual stimulation (a proper one but that is another subject) in order to become erect, build up and reach a penile orgasm (well, when masturbating at least). Conversely my female side NEEDS internal focusing (and hence can absolutely not watch anything) to buildup and (hopefully someday) climax.

These are two very different ways. The porn-less is very new to me and I find it rejuvenating to explore. It is a rewiring process and I am more than happy that it diminishes my previous addiction to porn. All the more because most porn was not doing it for me and the constant hunt for really arousing material was... simply wasting my time.

Keeping all my thoughts in one place. I hope it's okay for everybody.
Will in time probably add the priceless links Rumel keeps posting too.

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I think you have been providing some excellent counsel of late and I would like to add a little clarifying notation. On a couple of occasions in your discussion with @Turnrow you made statements which could be misinterpreted and I know that is not your intent. You said "... keep pleasure low" but you also attenuated those statements with "... no not restraining... "Not pushing it". I don't think one should take the "... keep pleasure low" statement literally because we don't want to suppress pleasure at all in this process. I think your point is well taken that in the traditional build up toward orgasm, pleasure and bodily tension generally increase in tandem. If this process is allowed to continue it may lead to triggering the ejaculatory reflex which, in turn, triggers the refractory period and the orgasm cycle is shut down. IMHO, it is this inner tension which also triggers the twitching, shaking and quaking effects we've all read about and seen in various videos. However, the twitching, shaking & quaking are not pleasurable in and of themselves, they are merely the by-product of the muscular tension being released during the orgasmic phase.
I agree 100% with your statement " want pleasure to get higher by relaxing...", this does not mean one cease's with gentle muscular contractions to move your Aneros but it does mean being perceptive of the muscular tension which builds subtly throughout the body and allow that tension to be released through your 'intent'. This is not about forcing your muscles to hold still (that just adds more tension) nor is it about repressing subconscious body movements (involuntaries). It is very much about learning to Make love to yourself, where you are both the seducer and the one being seduced. It is about the paradigm shift in thinking from assertive, controlling behavior to receptive, accepting behavior within the context of your own body.
Good Vibes to You !

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@Rumel Thank you for your comments and clarification!
It feels good to have confirmation I am not too wrong.

I probably didn't make the meaning of my advice clear. Partly because this was a chat discussion first and the advice was aimed at a particular person.

When I said "keep pleasure low" I didn't mean it as a statement but as a mental tip only meant for people stuck with the plateau effect syndrome. This advice is merely "if your stuck, take a step backward before you try anything else". This is a temporary set of mind to get out of a trap some of us got (more or less deeply) by ourselves. I don't mean to influence people to think this is the right way to do it. I only mean if, like I was, you are stuck with this plateau effect (of which we see clear examples on the forum) you might find it helpful for now to get down from the plateau and back to working on small pleasures. In short: back to basics and get sure the basics are right. "Stay low" as in "stay to the basics". Its a paradox meant as a kick in an all to well established behavior. I hope some people find in it a trigger to get out of a dead end.

For general advice I'd be more cautious and rather not be so directive as different things work for different people and even differently at different times (as we all noticed). And, obviously, I only know some of what works for me until the point I am at, which is far behind the most advanced users we can read here.

I hope I didn't confuse people with my ramblings and experiments.

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One of the subject that helped me the most:
Just Let Go !

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Maybe sometimes it is good to document the less good experience.

First session since the SuperO. Much less success. But it is good to recognize the cues. Now I have the impression I know where (and sometimes why) it went wrong.

Start works better than ever. I started aless in a flash but couldn't get to actual O (maybe minis, can't remember but definitely not dryOs though pleasure was very good). Apparently need a little help of my training wheels so I went to the Eupho for some assistance and amplification. Which it reliably did...But I quickly became too eager, too nervous, too systematic, faking arousal for a few bonus points... In a word : reaching.

Result is the usual plateau effect. But during the session I still could enjoy some tinyOs and miniOs (they are more or less the same except the tinys are so mild and half baked I would not recognize them for orgasms if I didn't knew the minis). Also had a few dryOs but mild and half baked. Funny I never had them before actually. In the previous session (the surprisingly super successful one) i directly went from good miniOs (without involuntaries, this is how I differentiate them from dryOs) to non stop chain reaction of dryOs (I am told I can call a super but my guess is I may revise that with later experience). This time I could recognize the much shorter (and less full) isolated dryOs (I think they were half baked as dryOs go). Though I tried hard (stubborn and stupid) and consequently ended up kind of frustrated (double stupid) it's good that I had some consistent experience with the past one. Things seems to be progressively falling in place. Need more practice. And I end up glad I wrote that advice to "stay (as) low (as you need to practice in comfort)".

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Additional pieces of advice for myself and whoever it might help:

- Your session is as good as your preparation allows... No more
Why am I not doing better? What am I doing wrong? Well... This is missing the big picture. If the preparation is wrong, no matter the knowledge and effort... I will fail.

- What is good preparation ?
Many things. But to make the concept clear the most wanted element of preparation would be "full rewiring". With full rewiring everything would happen easily and naturally, without any rewiring at all good luck on getting anywhere. Most of us are inbetween. Ok now the more helpful answer (i will certainly miss some keys, sorry).

-- For no particular reason, I think of muscle awareness and strength first.
The most efficient training for me is all variations of the "stop flow of urine". With different positions and situations, different strength and duration of hold and release (until my favorite "drop by drop"). This was pivotal in my progress as it is what taught me to control my reaction to strong urges. At first it was barely bearable. The bonus of these exercices is they are intensly pleasurable. Kegel exercices on the other hand bore me to death and don't do so much to me. Another great and pleasurable training seems to be aneros sessions themselves (or even a-less)... well, at least when you get the Pwaves and significant involutaries. One more good reason to have a session. Final word: no muscle no physical orgasm.

-- Previous experience.
Yeah, great! How do you do the first time? Well, prepare with remotely comparable experiences. The "stop flow exercise" mentioned above is a good start. I found very helpful the advice of Mentak Chia of trying edging closer and closer and slower and slower until you can separate and differentiate orgasm from ejaculation. This is how I discovered orgasm and was consequently able to recognize, welcome and encourage miniOs. And from miniOs the same further on. For Pwaves it was the same, first I had two superTs in a day, then my prostate was so excited it gave me ghost Pwave. And knowing Pwaves I could recognize, welcome and encourage them. Final point: go step by step don't rush to the end cause you wouldn't know what to expect and do there. The occasional experimental rush can give useful glimpses so it might be good to do it occasionally but keep it rare and mostly work slowly. Don't hope for too good, your success can only be as good as your previous experience allow.

-- General state.
It is been said time enough, but once more can never harm: if health, lack of rest, state of mind, level of stress, things on your mind, medication, comfort or environment is in the way... then success will range from poor to zero. Let's not be surprised. Either give up, take session merely for relaxing or solve the goddamn problems before.

-- Energy.
The more you have the more potential. If you have too much the potential might be wasted by your incapacity to relax in the hurricane. If you have too little... Well little potential, little results. Many ways to be energized, healthy and happy life is one, some often advertise the "no ejac" method (which I think is great only on the condition you have tons of sexual practices during the same time). Must be many others. Can't think of it right now.

-- Capacity to deal with energy.
This can mean many things and taking tantra or taoist sexuality lessons might be richer and all as relevant as what I am about to say, but I prefer to keep it simple now. Energy as mentioned just above (or sexual energy, or orgasmic energy, etc) can sometimes be more than you can handle without tensing or even panicking. But if you can learn to handle higher and higher levels of desire, arousal and sexual tension in the right way (in short: the welcoming way) you can enjoy more and in turn kick more energy in, thus pushing back the limits further and further. On the other hand if you are poor at this any energy will be too much (think premature ejaculation). So you need to train in this (be it in your sessions or outside... once again the "stop flow of urine" exercise comes to mind... also yoga... not to mention the energetic arts)

-- Capacity for relaxation.
It's more or less a brand of the above. But it is so important it is worth mentioning on its own. Your sessions are as good as your capacity for relaxation is. So work on this. Learn what relax is. Learn to identify how relaxed you are. Learn how to relax. Learn how to relax more. These things most people have completely wrong. So be humble, take time and learn. Once again yoga can help. So does meditation. I'll try and give a few tips of my own later (have at least one in mind named "this is not relaxing"). No relaxation capacity no good session. This wont change overnight by saying "ok I relax".

-- Capacity to focus.
Mental work, visualization, self hypnosis, meditation, mental stimulation. All you can do will be helpful. If you can't focus you will be left only with muscle frenzy to take you to a mechanical orgasm... A penile one... And not even the best... Good bye superO, no need of aneros. So work on this. Learn to focus on one thing only. Learn to not get lost in the mental noise. Learn to make sense from the sensory noise. Learn to isolate sensation or even create/shape it from sensory noise. Learn to deepen the focus (suppress awareness of the rest). Learn to lengthen focus. Learn to pin point focus on two things at the same time. Learn to focus on multiple things. Etc... There is a minimum of focus capacity without which anerosing is just a dream. Sure your capacity varies, but your general level at it determines how good a session can be. So train... Good thing is sessions can be a great way to train... And training can be a great way to session.

-- The setting.
Now this is the one that's easier to enhance I think. And there is no need for months of practice except some little trial and error. Think comfortable, dim light, calm, no interruption, romantic, good smell, calming audio sensorial cues or arousing ones (or both?). Cleopatra is your role model for choosing and enjoying great intimate setting. (Sorry a little out of ideas on this one, typing for too long)

-- Love.
Go figure by yourself.

Phew, I'm done now... !

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You didnt confuse me, Canacan. But I am glad to see you clarify "keep pleasure low" as an avenue to getting past the plateau and working to get out of a dead end. Those are common traps for us guys seeking the rewiring.

Thanks for trying to help me and all the "seekers" of the rewiring.

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@Turnow You are welcome.

I believe by sharing ideas intended at helping ourselves first, we might find resonnances, different points of view, corrections, and more... It then is beneficial to all.

Trying to word it so others can understand it too also helps me make better sense of it... And gives better chance I remember and understand again reading back later on when things have changed (as they seemingly always do).

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Keeping store of the good stuff: a breathing exercise in Euphemistic's blog and reminder to do some archives of the Society for Sacred Sexuality website before some of its precious insights goes offline again (yes I already posted a link before, but saw it dead yesterday).

- Breathing meditation - revised (by @euphemistic)
(If I may, I would even copy-paste, but wouldn't it be against the rules?)

- The Society for Sacred Sexuality (website and forum by Gary Joseph)
(set of links to be later on modified and enhanced to keep mainly the most relevant infos to me)
(The site as a whole is a bit repetitive and long to read as some informations are hammered again and again... But it makes it that you can read any subject without previous understanding and still make sense of it)
.Main page:
.Forum (aka Learning Center) (where most of the stuff is):

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- Your session is as good as your preparation allows... No more
Why am I not doing better? What am I doing wrong? Well... This is missing the big picture. If the preparation is wrong, no matter the knowledge and effort... It will fail.

I finaly came to understand how there actually are apparent exceptions to that rule.

The idea is still right and useful indeed. But it is missing elements explaining the isolated exceptionnaly good sessions that take you by surprise. And ackowledging them is important, because they would make you believe you have reached a higher level than you actually have, consequently missing the point of the "session only as good as preparation allows" and ending up frustrated by the incapacity to reproduce the success (not realising it's normal). So for now lets just say there are accidental abnormally good sessions.

There was a discussion about that in chat. Though I think I faced disagreement with the term, I like to call it "the panic arousal effect". (I like the drama flair of it)... More on that as I find time to edit the chat transcript.

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-- For no particular reason, I think of muscle awareness and strength first.
The most efficient training for me is all variations of the "stop flow of urine". With different positions and situations, different strength and duration of hold and release (until my favorite "drop by drop"). This was pivotal in my progress as it is what taught me to control my reaction to strong urges. At first it was barely bearable. The bonus of these exercices is they are intensly pleasurable. Kegel exercices on the other hand bore me to death and don't do so much to me.I know Mantak Chia recommends this technique in his book and @Buster called it An absolute MUST read! in his thread but I'd like to point out @nervetweak 's cautionary post and @darwin 's followup posts in that thread. Starting and stopping urine flow is not a recommended practice for maintaining healthy urinary function and I would urge you to cease that practice immediately. Kegel exercises may seem boring but they do benefit you without causing potential damage (actually I think they are very nice adjuncts for creating Anerosless sessions).

You may find @darwin 's thread Kegel aerobics helpful in this respect.
Good Vibes to You !

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@Rumel Thank you so much!Everything in one place, all the links I'd want.
You don't disappoint.

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@rumel,surely, "starting and stopping urine flow" is simply a method for identifying the PC muscle group - nothing more and nothing less!

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