• Help! Stalled and where the F$*K is my sweet spot???

    Wow, this is incredibly frustrating.
    Some moments of p-wave bliss… Hours of nada. Hours of spent time.
    And when you do that and dont eat or drink as much, an interesting by-product is weight loss! I've taken off 6lbs/2.4kg this week. Not entirely Aneros related but spending hours contorted in frustrating tension, you miss eating and drinking. The loss has been dramatic and I'm recovering from the dehydration now. Remember to eat and drink , 😊
    So, what else has been happening- picked up the MGX to try it. My thinking was my prostate isn't engorging )so I guess(, so maybe something larger than the Eupho? The Helix Syn never did much and the Progasm doesn't move so let's see what the MGX can do- nope! Conclusion: Eupho is my favorite, delivers more sensation consistently which I attribute to its thin/long design allowing it to move more.
    Where the F$^K is my sweet spot?
    I thought I had it, but after no increase, I decided to go hunting again. Seriously… Cant find it and I've tried all the suggestions in the Fourm and blogs. Anyone out there with more tips ???
    So other than becoming frustrated, not much progress beyond p-waves that are low to just below moderate. I can only judge level by comparing to a normal orgasm as being similar for a mini-O, so on a scale 1-10, am able to get to 4 and an occasional 6-7.
    There should be an Aneros Richter scale…

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