• Dry–O Joystick

    [edit – I start/do most of my sessions on my side, as it's hard to me to feel the prostate pleasure as easily on my back.] My prostate felt pretty full this morning and during the day, so figured I'd do a session this afternoon…

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  • "Satisfied…"

    Whoa! Interesting night. Last evening around 8pm, had a session with the Helix with very intense rolling DO's. Took 20 min to warm up the prostate before inserted. After maybe 15 min, had a series of very intense Solid FULL ON prostate DO's that just…

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  • Found Reliable way for me to get Dry-O's with Helix

    Had another intense session today with the Helix. Did the same as last session – warmed up the prostate without the helix till I could feel it itching occasionally, then when the prostate was more aroused to the point of feeling it swelled occasionally, I…

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  • Well, I guess the Helix does work!

    08/28/2015 8:44 AM WOW, had amazing session of Dry–Os las night with my Helix. I'd been staying away from the helix because I could just never get anywhere with it. Hard to feel it against the prostate, and even harder to find a Dry–O with…

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  • So Far Best way to Warm Up Prostate

    So far it looks like the best way for me to warm up and get my prostate hard is to lay on my left side and do a bunch of PC contractions and lower ab pushes until my prostate starts to feel electric shocks like…

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  • Reliable Quick A-Less Dry-O's & more

    Recent A–Less sessions with Dry–Os. So far it looks like the best way for me to warm up and get my prostate hard for lots of Dry–O’s is to lay on my left side and do a bunch of PC contractions and lower ab pushes…

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  • First Super-O !

    Had my first bona–fide Super–O last night! Felt warm floating feeling wash over my body and then started shaking all over and had orgasmic release. Previously, I'd done a session with as much non–aneros prostate stim as I could muster the evening before, with no…

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  • Had Penis corona Dry-O.

    Saw a post on the site about the area around the upper corona on the penis being somewhere you could play with to orgasm, so figured I'd try it. I'd started out playing with my nipples since found that really has a prostate pleasure connection….

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  • Corona Stim & Dry-O's

    Had a weird experience last night and this morning. I had a two hour session last night stimulating my penis topside corona. The position I use is two fingertips just under the edge of the glans. When my dick's hard, there's a little depression valley…

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  • Rolling Dry O's?

    Wore the Helix for like 3 hours last evening while doing yard work. Had to stifle desires to moan out loud while walking around the yard! This morning when I woke up in bed, I figured I'd get a little prostate massage time in before…

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