Jezzus H Christ. I am in the middle of a session right now where the orgasm was soooooo intense I literally started to cry. Like tears flowing down. It was amazing.
Posted on August 29th, 2019.Session Length: Happening Right Now Models Used: Eupho Trident
Jezzus H Christ. I am in the middle of a session right now where the orgasm was soooooo intense I literally started to cry. Like tears flowing down. It was amazing.
Posted on January 20th, 2019.Session Length: Varied Models Used: Eupho Trident, Helix Syn and Tempo
So last Saturday I treated myself to basically an all day session off and on. I started the morning with the Eupho Trident and the Helix Syn and those gave me just what I wanted from them. Very intense super-Os…kind of the norm. I took…
Posted on January 6th, 2019.Session Length: 2 hours plus 1 hour Models Used: Aless, Eupho Trident
So…I’m a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. We won our first playoff game in like forever. I was so stressed. After the wife retired for the evening I decided to decompress. The session started with some Aless. My ramp up time is literally less than 5…
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Posted on January 4th, 2019.Session Length: 30 mins Models Used: Eupho Trident
@SOwithoutAneros…I just dont know what to say about this “noisy cricket”. There are simply no words to describe what I just experienced. Ever since last night I’ve been kind of buzzing. Even though last night’s session was rather pleasing…the level of intensity and unrelenting ecstasy…
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Posted on December 22nd, 2018.Session Length: 1 hour 30 mins Models Used: Eupho Trident, Maximus Trident, Progasm Ice
I’ve been having so much fun and super-Os with Aless I started to feel like money was wasted with all the Aneros models I have. I decided I was prime for a really nice session. It was delayed because my wife who was scheduled to…
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Posted on December 9th, 2018.Session Length: Models Used: Eupho Trident and Aless
So I am now on day 11 of my SR journey. I am out of my mind horny and my prostate beats like a second heart for the past 3 days. My previous SR record was 8 days so I now know that after 8…
Posted on December 5th, 2018.Session Length: Models Used: Aless and Eupho Trident
Over the past 48 hours I have completed 1000 kegels. 500 per day specifically. Those sessions have led to some awesome PWaves. My Eupho Trident arrived yesterday and I was very eager to take it for a spin. I woke up this morning, lubed up…
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