Aneros Blogs

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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.


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ed's journey

All Posts from ede_1943

well my mgx arrived and i've been using it instead of the progasm–it's been very tough going with not much to show–i've tried the breathing with the anal contractions–the held pc contraction–the do nothing and relax for an hour–the try to sleep with it in–i... Read More....

by ede_1943

02/13/2008 280

ed's journey

All Posts from ede_1943

today i thought that i would relax entirely and try to go to sleep to see if anything would happen like some other posts have said has happened to them–in other words, don't try to force anything but just let it happen–well i think that... Read More....

by ede_1943

01/30/2008 280

ed's journey

All Posts from ede_1943

this is the fourth day–it's easier to insert the progasm now and feels less invasive but moving it is still a problem–now i really know why i should not have bought it on impulse and should have waited for my mgx to arrive–just noodling around... Read More....

by ede_1943

01/30/2008 280

ed's journey

All Posts from ede_1943

tried again next day–now know how to do an anal contraction, a rectal contraction and a pc contraction–when i do the pc contraction it feels like i am tapping my prostate with the progasm–so now i know how to move the progasm up and down... Read More....

by ede_1943

01/30/2008 280

ed's journey

All Posts from ede_1943

well the next day i gave it another try–spent most of my time relaxing with nothing happening and then contracting and holding it and waiting for something to happen–nothing happened–decided i was contracting too much so tried holding a lesser contraction –spent most of my... Read More....

by ede_1943

01/30/2008 280

ed's journey

All Posts from ede_1943

i am a 64 year old male with everything in working order–i was reading the web about the male g spot when i came across the name of aneros–well, all i can say is that reading the posts and threads, etc i ordered the mgx–while... Read More....

by ede_1943

01/30/2008 280


All Posts from artform

I use my MGX for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia) therapy when I need relief from the narrowing and urgency as baseline Aneros use. Rewiring and exploring the sensations and orgasm levels through Aneros use have been quite a ride through 2007. I added KSMO (Key... Read More....

by artform

01/15/2008 282


All Posts from jimp1947

I had two sessions this morning. Prior to the first session, I took some Avena Sativa, L-Theanine, and ate a small piece of dark chocolate, which one of the forum members recommended to increase the intensity of the experience. The first, shorter session, was so-so.... Read More....

by jimp1947

12/21/2007 1567

Morning Session

All Posts from jimp1947

Spent a lovely hour and a half with mistress Aneros. I started out with the Progasm. It was easier to insert today and less painful. I started out with it to try to avoid any more tenderness the MGX might contribute. Again, my impression of... Read More....

by jimp1947

12/20/2007 1567

Reports from an Asstronaut

All Posts from jimp1947

A cautionary entry: don’t push it too hard. This entry is for yesterday as I had not had an opportunity to update the blog before now. As I recounted in my last post, I had received the Progasm that day. As they say, “boys with... Read More....

by jimp1947

12/19/2007 1567
