Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
After the success I had with an electrifying orgasm just from rubbing the pelvic ridge between my cock and belly button while the Progasm was in, I reflected on the fact that I most enjoy using the Progasm when lying face down. This must have... Read More....
11/15/2008 290
Well it's been a while since I've posted, 3 months to be exact. Well I have had many sessions with not much luck. I have enjoyed every bit I learn with each session but no orgasmic feelings yet. Just have to stick with it. Read More....
11/14/2008 291
Had another session a couple evenings ago. My technique to try that time was to flex my PC muscles for as long as I was able so that it pushed my prostrate right against the Helix. This was pretty successful. It was much easier to... Read More....
11/14/2008 297
Still averaging 3 to 4 times a week, still averaging 2 hours a session. Past months highlights. At the end of one session when I decided to ‘finish off’, I came twice in quick succession – maybe 3 or 4 minutes apart. I didn’t ever... Read More....
11/12/2008 294
Hey People, Had another session last night. Unfortunately I started too late, and lost some sleep because of it. I tried a suggestion I read from one of Rumel's posts about warming up the Aneros in a coffee cup with hot water in it. It... Read More....
11/11/2008 297
Hello People, After having used a forum thread of mine to relate my experiences over the past few weeks. I figured it would be more appropriate to continue in the blogs section, as that is pretty much what my thread in the forum section has... Read More....
11/11/2008 297
My MGX arrived 3 days ago. The Helix has had the most use because it arrived first. I feel that the MGX with its more pointed front hits the spot. The position that gives the most sensation is seated in a soft chair. While seated... Read More....
11/03/2008 293
Tuesday, Nothing much happened. Some mild leg shaking. Wednesday. Lying on my side listening to Hypnaerosession. Some lovely sensations in the anus, mild tickle on the prostate. Turned onto my back and all sensations dissapered. I had to get up to bring the washing in... Read More....
10/31/2008 293
I find it interesting at how my body reacts. Each session with these products produces different results. I have had days that I have really looked forward to using my Anero products but with less than spectacular results. My body just wasn't into it or... Read More....
10/29/2008 292
Well it is indeed a strange world. 4 weeks after ordering the Helix and 2 days after ordering the MGX the Helix arrives this morning. Also an e mail telling me the MGX has been dispatched. Upon opening the package i was pleased to see... Read More....
10/27/2008 293